Make a hypnosis file silent through subliminal means

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Make a hypnosis file silent through subliminal means

Postby warpeme » April 26th, 2023, 5:05 am

Hello everyone !
My wife wishes to become a bimbo when she is triggered to.
I found Cardigan's "Bimboslut" file where the script contains exactly how my wife wants to be...

But my wife doesn't like listening to hypnosis files, so I thought of making this Cardigan audio file silent using Audacity, by following this tutorial: comments/z5r7iu/how_to_create_a_subliminal_audio_requires_pc/

The file is very quiet, I listen to it twice a day/night using the loudspeaker of my smartphone at half the volume.
She's been listening to the file for 4 times, but when I tell her the trigger that's supposed to make her bimbo, she doesn't react at all.
Does she have to listen to the file for 21 days to be able to react to the trigger?
Or do you have another method to make this file silent and efficient?
Thank you for your answers and advice.
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Re: Make a hypnosis file silent through subliminal means

Postby grover27 » April 26th, 2023, 6:47 am

I firmly believe that subluminals do not do shit. Hypnosis is real and it can work but you have to be in trance and you have to hear what is being said. Subliminals put almost a supernatural expectation on our hearing and minds and I don't believe they can truly do anything. Now a background audible whisper in an audio track can be considered a subliminal and I believe that can have some effect, but audio that appears to be silent but that is at a higher frequency or inaudible volume is the stuff of fantasy. If your wife really wants to be hypnotized, she needs to trance and listen to audible files.
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Re: Make a hypnosis file silent through subliminal means

Postby zapnosis » April 26th, 2023, 5:26 pm


I used to believe that subliminals did nothing, but I have since had some success with a subliminal file. However, this was under certain conditions as I created a file with subliminal suggestions that was still a hypnosis file. My advice is not to make the subliminals silent as such, but to place them very low in the mix with some constant noise (music etc) to cover them. I'm still fairly convinced that going into a state of hypnosis will help, but if she's not open to that then I'm afraid I don't know what else to suggest. To me hypnosis is the the most fundamental tool in mind control - it opens the doors to everything else.

Hope that helps,
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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