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File suggestion: Superhuman thang....

PostPosted: December 17th, 2008, 2:35 am
by rawk
So, my friend was watching the show Bleach, and I just happened to come in on this scene right here: and the concept described by that guy with the black and white make-up on his face was getting me ridiculously intrigued in my pants. The scene I'm talking about comes up at around 3:16, and what happens is earlier in the fight between these two characters one guy (we'll call him creepydewd) gave the other (we'll call him girlypants) a drug which turns the person's senses into that of a superhuman, without changing their body into that of such. The affect is that, while something may be happening at normal speed, the superhuman drug makes you process the information being sent to your brain ridiculously fast, and makes everything seem to slow down. Much like when someone is in a life-threatening situation. Now, I was thinking how this could be replicated in real life, and figured if there was one way- it was hypnosis! So, uh, yeah. It wouldn't necessarily be to the extreme that Creepydude talks about (with a second being a century and such), but, a trigger that halves the speed of everything could be very... Interesting in the bedroom... So, yeah, I was wondering if there's anyone out there who agrees and would maybe make a file like this? That would be awesomes! :3

Sorry for the crazy-long post! Thanks for reading it though! ^_^

PostPosted: December 17th, 2008, 4:22 am
by unheard
it's sounds like you want the Swordsman's Sense file from

Description: A file I suggested on a different site, but I think it would be better served here. This file increases your perception of the world around you- you can notice everything better, and it allows you to "see" things as they occur. The idea is that the world will "slow down" in a sense, allowing you to respond to things quicker, from comebacks to fistfights.

PostPosted: December 17th, 2008, 4:36 am
by summerrain
Bandler used to spread around a story how he hypnotised a subject into such a state, and according to him she was subsequently able to humiliate a martial artist despite her being untrained. Bandler though is known to be a blatant lia... ehrm... to employ a lot of therapeutic storytelling, so it should be taken with a shovel of salt.

Erickson did some successfull research in this direction, but as far as i know his subjects were all in deep trance, motionless and completely focused internally during it.

Please tell how it works for you, if you do it. :)