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Musical accompaniment?

PostPosted: June 6th, 2009, 8:47 am
by davelowe1977
I was wondering if anyone had ever considered trying to bypass the 'critical factor' when trying to plant subliminal triggers using dark sounding music. Occasionally I write short snippets of stuff and was wondering whether anyone wanted to try and collaborate to produce a file.

The theory behind it is that if the music sounds 'alternative' then subjects might be more inclined to associate and agree with the slightly 'unusual' aspects of some of the suggestions given. It might also serve to distract the conscious mind whilst listening.

Here are two examples (short but could be reworked)

Feedback welcome!

PostPosted: June 6th, 2009, 10:42 am
by EMG
Music can definitely be a powerfull tool when connected to hypnosis or subliminals.

The trick is music selection. For any given recording you would want to select a type of music that elevates the listeners feelings in a way that is sympathetic to the hypnosis.

If I wanted to create a motivational file that pumped someone up and made them want to workout and be a muscle beast the pumped up music would complement well.

Dark music would probably work better with themes of subjegation, forced submission and control(although it could be VERY hit or miss since music, like hypnosis is very personal).

I guess what I'm saying is that you have a good idea, I'll probably even give it a listen and see if there's something that can be done with it as my biggest problem with music has always been finding something appropriate that's in the public domain because I couldn't write music to save my life.

PostPosted: June 6th, 2009, 4:23 pm
by davelowe1977
Well I have written for just about everything from garage rock, electro-punk, right through to opera, and chorales.

I'm a classical musician by training (and not a hypnotist sadly).

If anyone would like some examples, they need only provide A VERY EXACT DESCRIPTION OF WHAT THEY WANT.

Good to hear your input EMG. I like it when the boss makes a personal reply!