I've been messing around with trying to make my own files. The one problem I am having is with subliminals. Well current one problem probable a lot more ill discover down the road into this attempt to make a file. I read that subliminals are best not using I or you, instead just a statement "it feels good to be Happy". How does this work with trigger files? The purpose of a trigger file is for something to happen once a statement is said, and to cease acting one another statement is said, at least in the file I am working on. So i guess the problem I believe i am having is how to put a subliminal in that works while the trigger is said. Is it as simple as just having it say, "When I say happy time, I will be happy" or "When hearing the words happy time, I will be happy". I am just confused i guess, probable easy to tell from this post. Any help is appreciated, I hope I made my dilemma clear enough.