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Subliminal - Male or Female voice ?

PostPosted: February 24th, 2010, 7:23 am
by wanttolearn
Hi all,

Apart from the 'I' or 'you' consideration in the statements (or none !), Do you think that the gender of the voice is important ?, female voice for a female subject and male voice for a male subject ?.

I'm having a go at writing my first subliminal script for my wife to use in the background, possibly merged with music so that she can listen on her ipod whilst exercising etc...

I would appreciate any and all comments and opinions.


PostPosted: February 24th, 2010, 11:50 am
by veezee
The best voice to use, in my opinion, would be a voice of the same gender, and as close in pitch as you can get. Alternatively, a voice similar to that of someone she admires or respects could work very well, it's worth exploring.

PostPosted: February 24th, 2010, 1:22 pm
by darkenedav

In my opinion the most sucessfull is always the opposite gender.

Ie Female tists always get more success trancing men
Visa vie Male tists always get more success trancing women

Or least that's been my experience.

If you think about it this also makes logical sense. If the subject was male but homosexual he is going to find a male tist more relaxing to listen to then a woman (ignoring personal tastes etc and being a little stereotypical).

Hearing a voice and relaxing to it is why when they advertise products for men (eg, lynx) they have a female voice (typically) do the voice over.

Typically attraction = relaxation so this is why :)

Hope I've not thrown chaos into the bag but hopefully my msg will be clear :D

PostPosted: February 24th, 2010, 2:24 pm
by Inanenoble
From what little I can deduce from comments and things other people have said.

Female is the safe bet.

PostPosted: February 24th, 2010, 4:59 pm
by veezee
Well, from my experience, I have always found a male voice as deep in pitch as my own to be the most effective on myself. I tend to find female voices entertaining, rather than particularly relaxing - i.e. I like listening to female voices, but I can't get into trance from one, and as such would deduce a female voice would have a lesser effect in subliminals as well.
I'm hetero, so we're clear. Perhaps it's just me :)

All this said, the best induction I have heard had a male voice in the foreground, with a softer, female voice repeating everything in the background. It puts me under in under a minute, without fail.

I'm not trained in this area at all, so my opinion is purely from experience. As such, I wouldn't know if the preferences would be the same in induction and subliminally. If that made any sense. lol.

PostPosted: February 25th, 2010, 9:34 am
by wanttolearn
Thanks for your comments and opinions.

I agree that an opposite sex voice is probably better for actual hypnosis, but I think that a same sex voice would maybe be better for subliminal messages (even better if you could use the subjects own voice ?)

The script that I have started writing has a lot of 'I' statements in it and I’m reluctant to record my own voice saying them for my wife to listen to, if that makes sense. (I'm going to revisit the script and try and remove as many of the 'I' statements as i can.)

It might not even matter, after all, if a subliminal message is picked up and registered by the brain, does it really matter what the voice saying it sounds like ?

I've tried playing around with some 'text-to-voice' applications but they can sound a bit robotic and the pronunciation isn't always correct.

PostPosted: February 27th, 2010, 10:06 am
by veezee
If it's any help, I use Cepstral voices running through Swifttalker as my text-to-wav of choice, I've tried many and they're either overly complicated or faulty. Swifttalker is the best I've used. My favourite voices are William and Amy from Cepstral, with William being the smoothest in pronunciation.

PostPosted: February 27th, 2010, 6:40 pm
by Thrideye
I'd say it could depend, but on a subliminal level not sure. I lean toward male hypnotists only because I get to aroused when I listen to the opposite sex while listening to a male hypnotist its easier to concentrate on the file and less on arousal, or its the fact that EMG is just has a relax voice lol.