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Other additions to recordings.

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2010, 11:53 am
by Deemreo
Okay, so I've created quite a few hypnosis files for personal use; if they turn out to have any grain of success in them, I will release them here.

However, I would like to know what I can do to add a little more to the file than just my voice. It has a reasonably high quality recording, due to some high end equipment and low noise environment.

I would like to know if I should and how I should add things such as subliminal, binaural or isochronic tones, music, left right alterations in the sides of the playback, white noise, or anything else.

What do some of the more popular and masterful creators such as EMG and Calimore do? (Perhaps answers from the creators themselves?)

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2010, 8:49 pm
by Jacoburline
From my experience (more as a subject than as a hypnotist,) I find that for the purpose of really getting suggestions down deep, what seems to work best is using music, binaurals, and other such effects in the induction section of a file. When you're actually giving the suggestions, it seems to be most effective to leave those effects out.

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2010, 10:13 pm
by Jeshi
What Jacoburline said. Although it does depend on the suggestion.

If you want a general behavioral change then what can work is binaural during the induction which switches to a repeating mantra playing quietly in the background for the rest of the file. What I've found is the mantra gets stuck in your head like a catchy song and it really does affect every day thoughts.

I remember Flanelbear did something in a file that was really confusing where he had his voice move slowly from left to right audio channels in a way that made it seem like his voice was circling my head. It was so confusing I can't remember anything that was in the file and every time I try to remember what was in the file I just think of a rotating disk.

If the file worked or not I can't tell.

PostPosted: October 30th, 2010, 1:16 am
by Deemreo
Any particular binaurals or effects that work well?

I'm writing some scripts for personal use, do you think it would be wise to use my name in it? What about first or third person?(I.e. You and Your, or Me and I, etc)

While I'm sure these won't make or break the files, anything to help, eh?

PostPosted: October 30th, 2010, 5:21 am
by Calimore
I released a set of binaurals partially as a response to this thread. They are loaded as binaurals so Premium access is required, but most file authors have little trouble with Premium access so long as they keep making and posting files.

As for personal files for one's own use, I always seem to make second and third person references, even if I make a file for myself. NLP allows for more use of third party references while a traditional, authoritarian approach relies on telling the "second person" what is transpiring during trance. When one is just starting out, it is probably best to stick with a more traditional style at first, especially if you respond to other peoples files fairly well.

And good luck with those files! Making audio files for hypnosis can be rewarding AND a lot of fun but, most importantly, custom files almost always work better than generic ones made for just anyone. While you may not want to use your own name in the file, the other little details that you put in your own files help to guarantee that the suggestions you give yourself will take.

I look forward to seeing any files you deem worthy of sharing with us. Have fun!