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Subliminal question based on sexual orientation

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 3:24 pm
by KBhypno
I got my hands on a subliminal recording program to make my own subliminals, recorded under some files I found here.

My question is: I am a straight man. I want to include subliminals of sex sounds. To increase lust, is it better to use a womans vocalizations or a mans?

I don't know if using a mans vocalizations would equate subconsciously to my lust, or would using a womans increase my lust because I'm straight and enjoy hearing women in ecstasy? Or does it matter which I use?

My intention is to keep it focused by using only one voice, either male or female.


Re: Subliminal question based on sexual orientation

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2011, 7:31 pm
by sarnoga
KBhypno wrote:
My question is: I am a straight man. I want to include subliminals of sex sounds. To increase lust, is it better to use a womans vocalizations or a mans?

I suggest you experiment, and when you find out what works best let the rest of us know.


Re: Subliminal question based on sexual orientation

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2011, 6:44 am
by KBhypno
sarnoga wrote:
I suggest you experiment, and when you find out what works best let the rest of us know.


I asked because the description of this forum is "This is a place to discuss Files you want to create, script writing, and hypnosis technique." It doesn't say "Dont post here. You must create and experiment first"

I wish to discuss, with people who know, and not experiment.
There was nothing on this forum that I found that addressed this topic. Nothing on google either.

So I asked the question, both for my benefit and for others that might have the same question.

And now I know whose "suggestions" to avoid.

Anyone else know?

Re: Subliminal question based on sexual orientation

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2011, 10:05 am
by sarnoga
KBhypno wrote:
sarnoga wrote:
I suggest you experiment, and when you find out what works best let the rest of us know.


I asked because the description of this forum is "This is a place to discuss Files you want to create, script writing, and hypnosis technique." It doesn't say "Dont post here. You must create and experiment first"

I wish to discuss, with people who know, and not experiment.
There was nothing on this forum that I found that addressed this topic. Nothing on google either.

So I asked the question, both for my benefit and for others that might have the same question.

And now I know whose "suggestions" to avoid.

Anyone else know?

Hello KBhypno,

I appolgize if the tone of my reply or its brevity conveyed the wrong message. It was not intended to offend or even to be sarcastic. Nor was it intended to imply you should not post here or ask questions. Perhaps something a bit longer might have better conveyed what I was trying to say. If you will indulge me I will try again.

KBhypno wrote:
My question is: I am a straight man. I want to include subliminals of sex sounds. To increase lust, is it better to use a womans vocalizations or a mans?

That is an interesting question. Unfortunately I have no idea what the answer is and have not seen anything that would further elucidate the subject. If I knew where to find the answer to your question I would gladly point you in the right direction.

Perhaps there is someone here than can be more helpful. However, it may be that your question is one of those where there is no "right" answer. It may depend too much on the psyche of the individual listening for there to be a general answer that would apply to everyone.

If you cannot find an answer to this question, you might discover the answer by experimentation. Simply put, try different things and see what works. Should you do any experimentation in this area, I would be interested in reading about what you learn. I am sure there are others here that would also be interested in reading about it if you care to share your discoveries and the results of your efforts. What works for you may not have the same result for others, but it still might provide useful and helpful information to someone interested in the question.

Again, I apologize for the brevity of my previous response. It was not intended to be curt or offensive.



PostPosted: January 3rd, 2011, 10:42 am
by KBhypno
Again, I apologize for the brevity of my previous response. It was not intended to be curt or offensive.

No apology necessary, but I appreciated it. That is the main weakness of boards. We only read the words, and not the intent. I've fallen into that trap myself many times.

Thanks for the reply. It's possible that it will require experimentation. Not that I like the idea of experimenting on my mind, but this sounds safe, to my newbie mind.

I'm just hoping that someone that does this professionally can answer it.

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2011, 10:53 am
by HypnoCactus
Sarnoga is correct in the idea of experimentation. The two choices you have are male and female. The male voice bringing the idea of using the indentifier "I" in suggestions instead of "you" which can be a very useful technique. On the flipside the female voice bringing greater familiarity to your experience of sexual gratification. During sex, you don't listen to your vocalization, you listen to your partner's. So you have most likely linked female sounds of ecstasy with sex in your mind. So I would look at the wording of your script, and go with that which is most in line with it.

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2011, 4:47 pm
by KBhypno
That is exactly the conflict I am facing.

I'll add the subliminal to a file I found here that had some effect, but could maybe be improved with the added track. I'll post the results when I get them, for good or bad.

I'll go with the female. Thank "god" for free porn movie sites and Audio Extractor. That makes it so easy.

It's just that as a newbie, I wasn't sure how far I could take experimentation without fucking up my own mind. From what I read, that is very hard to do.


PostPosted: January 3rd, 2011, 5:19 pm
by uw_onsterfelijk
I might be off with this response but here is my thoughts.

While the techniques of hypnosis and NLP can be complex, merely to get through/past the conscious thinking mind, the subconscious mind is not!

This is how I would look at it.

Since you are heterosexual and you are trying to make a file that increases your lust, you do not want to create an "anchor" between your lust and the sound of a man's voice!

So I believe your choice of a female voice is the correct one.

- uw_

Re: Subliminal question based on sexual orientation

PostPosted: March 5th, 2011, 4:54 pm
by PhantomDog
KBhypno wrote:
My question is: I am a straight man. I want to include subliminals of sex sounds. To increase lust, is it better to use a womans vocalizations or a mans?

Obviously, strait women would usually get aroused over men sounds.
Strangely (and in my opinion sadly), most men are gay at least on some mild level.

Some are fully gay and outward about it, some are gay and don't want to express it. Then there are many who are in denial of it. From what I understand, at least here in America, not too many men are "fully" strait.
I feel the answer you want lies in part of the last category: many are in denial on some level".

Look at it this way: some men will become aroused by seeing their own cock hard. Others will become aroused by seeing their own body. While some of these will become others will see themselves naked, others (and from what I understand, fewer) will be turned off seeing theirselves naked.

So if you limit being gay to simple "being aroused by male anatomy", then most are gay.
Why is that? My conclusion is because arousal is usually connected with a positive experience. Not supporting Freudism saying everything is linked to something sexual, but usually sexual things are linked to sexual things.

Most men link seeing themselves naked to some sort of sexual pleasure, and become aroused. Others, usually fewer, just have it hard-coded into them to not be aroused by anything male.

So, if you haven't figured out an answer from that yet, the answer would be: differs by the individual guy overall if a man having an orgasm would turn them on. In example, it's practically the same as a child who doesn't know moaning should turn them on.

On the other hand, most guys get turned on by women, unless they are -Completely- gay, with no attraction to women whatsoever. Most men WILL be aroused by hearing a woman having pleasure. Also, many (and I would predict more % than the other way) women WILL be aroused, too.

This is because women are more self-reflective creatures by nature.
That means, by playing the female sounds, they would associate it with their own sexual experience, even more commonly than men. That will make them feel aroused, thinking about their encounters, of course.

Since you kind of see why each could work, I would personally recommend using female, because even if some men are in denial about being gay, and are somewhere deep down, the file will make man feel dirty, and turn them off as well. That may be a good idea for a male humiliation file, but not for a pure sexual bliss one.

PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 8:28 pm
by sirSmiles
My suggestion in this would be to go with the simplest solution to your problem as possible, and let your mind do the rest. Easiest way for me to explain it would be to make a "math like" problem out of it. E.G. Male voice = sexual pleasure... or ... Female voice = sexual pleasure... Go with the most correct statement.
In theory, the only way to foil that logic pattern is either by lying to yourself, or not FULLY knowing the subject that you are attempting to put under.


PostPosted: March 10th, 2011, 1:00 am
by CharredSoul
or maybe look at it from a different angle how about create a file that accesses the state of lust and magnify that feeling? and since it is coming within it wouldn't matter what the voice would be

PostPosted: April 1st, 2011, 1:22 am
by bandler
KBhypno wrote:

I'll go with the female. Thank "god" for free porn movie sites and Audio Extractor. That makes it so easy.


I have added my favorite female sounds to several of my files here. And on two (so far) there is the sound of two guys pounding away. That drew a complaint from one listener. But no one else has complained, yet.

The key, I believe, is the sound of honest ecstasy. It must be real. Too many porn movies have such poor 'acting' they are better when muted.

PostPosted: April 2nd, 2011, 8:56 am
by juniper
This may or may not be useful, but I've seen files meant for women often use female pleasure sounds. And having listened to them, after a while the sounds the listener makes seem to sync up with the sounds being made on the file. So, it may work for you to try male pleasure sounds.

One thing that may let you know is if you watch a straight pornographic film, and see if by the end the sounds the male actor makes affect your arousal level in a sympathetic manner(aka hearing it causes you to identify with it because it feels good).

Good luck either way.

Re: Subliminal question based on sexual orientation

PostPosted: April 23rd, 2011, 12:44 pm
by bandler
KBhypno wrote:

I don't know if using a mans vocalizations would equate subconsciously to my lust, or would using a womans increase my lust because I'm straight and enjoy hearing women in ecstasy? Or does it matter which I use?

How did it work out for you?

PostPosted: June 5th, 2011, 11:30 pm
by kitsukat
Why don't you just use both? Or neither?

On the one hand, it might help to use both sides of the spectrum, especially if you're creating a generic file for both genders. On the other, I sometimes get taken out of the immersion if the sex sounds sound weird.