Difference between a file and in-person?

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Difference between a file and in-person?

Postby taldiira » January 31st, 2012, 4:05 am

Ok, so I'm getting really into the whole Hypnosis thing as it seems really cool. I've tried a couple files myself and was actually shocked at the results. One thing I'm interested in is trying out things in person with friends who are also kind of interested in it... Not really skeptics but not true believers either.

Now I could easily just play some files from here, but, well... this site isn't too "friend friendly" in a sense. So I think it would be a lot better (and cooler by far lol) to just do it in person myself. Especially when you want something more noticeable (like a trigger) so they can really be like "whoa it works!" Which is where it gets a little tricky...

I've tried doing a little reading, but things just don't seem to be clicking. For example, there was a thread about recording a file and a responder (who I think I've seen having a lot of files) was commenting about the amount of work to record a file. Which begs the question, is there something "special" added to files (and I don't mean binaurals) to help it work? Like reverb? Or is it just to help remove background noise and even things out level wise and stuff.

Continuing on that trend, if it is just to level things out, would it be possible to take a script for a basic Induction/Awakener and go from there? Now I know that Inductions are supposed to be simple to do, but it seems like a a good starting point would be to just get a good one and read it. I would just get the file itself and play just that part, but I remember reading that a change in voice could jolt some people out of trance... not good for trying to get someone to try it.

Finally, I read that those who could go under easily tended to make good hypnotists also. Is there a reason for this like they just know how to word things subconsciously due to having been exposed to it and soaking it in?

I realize this is a longer post, so if you read it all thank you. If you read it all and replied... double thank you in advance!
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Postby Mutazoa » January 31st, 2012, 10:30 am

Welcome to the wonderful world of Erotic Hypnosis. Fasten your seat belts and be sure your ready to follow Alice down the rabbit hole...

Hypno-fetish sites are not the best place to learn to be a hypnotist. Sites like these are dedicated more to the (adult specific) application, rather than the theory and practice. (Hence the many "I can't be hypnotized" threads. We honestly should pick one with a good response and sticky it to stem the tide, but I digress.) There are a number of good hypnotists here to answer specific questions, however. That being said...

If you want to learn to be a hypnotist there are two methods; study under a professional hypnotist, or self study.

Obviously studying under a professional would be the preferred method. You will have some one to answer questions as well as the opportunity to see some live sessions. You will have access to subjects to practice on and (usually) years of experience at your disposal. The hard part is finding a hypnotist, let alone one that is willing to take on an apprentice so to speak. You'll usually have to pay for lessons as well.

Self study is the longer, most common road. This usually entails reading every book you can find on the subject, logging on to the many and varied (no fetish) hypnosis web sites, and watching a lot of video's on sites like Youtube (there are a plethora of videos demonstrating induction techniques that have nothing to do with the fetish aspect). However you have to find the answers to your questions your self, as well as having to dig up your own test subjects.

Either way, remember that confidence is key. If you sound unsure of your self, if you hesitate or mumble it will be almost impossible for the subject to take you seriously, and all your best efforts will be for naught.

Scripts, are great learning tools, for sharing a concept in a forum such as this, or for recording a sound file and can be found on many web sites (such as this one) or in books on hypnosis. As you develop your skills and confidence as a hypnotist you will find yourself using them less and less in live sessions, as scripts by their very nature are quite restrictive. It is possible to use an induction script, such as the ones on WMM and then improvise the session from there, but I would suggest to memorize the script rather than reading it to your subjects if at all possible. Eventually you will be wanting to start writing your own scripts so you can double check yourself before the actual session, making sure you have left nothing out. For example, I once knew a budding hypnotist who gave a person a post hypnotic suggestion that, when he awoke, everybody he saw appear to be the most beautiful woman they ever saw. The tist realized after waking the subject that he had forgotten a suggestion to but the subject back into trance and had no way to end the suggestion. He was forced to shock the subject out of trance (with a loud clap), thus ruining the session.

Recording files is a lot of work; Writing the script, proof reading it, recording the file, editing for sound quality, adjusting sound levels...and that doesn't even include adding binaurals and such.... I would suggest you steer clear of making your own MP3's until you develop your skills with live subjects.

I would also suggest you study up on stage hypnosis, and use those methods/routines on your friends. They are vanilla enough that they won't scare anyone off and can be done with just about anybody. Stage hypnotists use testers (or convincers) to prove to their new subjects that hypnosis is real and that they can indeed be hypnotized. As I've stated in other threads, one of the most common one is to have the subjects close their eyes and look up as far as they can, trying to see out of a window in the top of their head. Then the hypnotist tells them that no matter how hard they try they will not be able to open their eyes. When the subjects can't open their eyes they believe that they can and are being hypnotized. Its more muscle resistance than hypnosis at that point but it serves its purpose.

Keep in mind that at the beginning of your sessions, your subjects will be in a light state of trace and that some routines will not work well, if at all until you can get your subjects deeper. You will be learning a lot about the various stages of hypnosis as you progress.

One of the first attempts to define hypnotic stages was made by the pioneer hypnotist, Hippolite Bernheim. He recognized nine degrees of the hypnotic state:

1 The subject is relaxed and tends to react to suggestions
2. The subject, under hypnotic suggestion, is unable to open his eyes
3. The subject's limbs, under hypnotic suggestion, remain rigid unless he makes a great effort to resist suggestion
4. The subject's limbs are irresistibly rigid under hypnotic suggestion.
5. The subject's physical reactions - movements of hands, legs, mouth, etc - are completely controlled by the hypnotist
6. The subject will obey the hypnotist in such physical activities as walking or laying down.
7. The subject will, after waking, forget his actions and words during the trance.
8. The subject will accept as real hallucinations suggested by the hypnotist during the trance.
9. The subject will accept as real, even after waking, hallucinations suggested by the hypnotist.

Bernheim's effort to identify progressive degrees of trance was valuable in its day, but was limited both by his dominant notion that suggestion alone is responsible for what occurs during hypnotism, and by the lack of the recorded experience accumulated by many later hypnotists. Although no system of grading degrees of trance has been universally accepted, most modern hypnotists simply categorize degrees of trance into 3 states: Light, Medium and Heavy. There are, of course, sub categories. As a general rule, you can divide the above list into thirds; 1-3 defining the stages of light trance, 4-6 medium, and 7-9 for heavy trance state.
Sex is like Tennis: It should leave you sore, sweaty and breathless, and is almost always better enjoyed with more than one person.

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Postby HypnoCactus » January 31st, 2012, 11:07 am

Read, read and read some more. If you are thinking about giving inducing hypnosis a go, you may want to start with a book or 2 from the library, just to get the basics down. Or, if you're more of a hands on learner, transcribing a few files and picking up on the nuances and perhaps altering them to fit with your vocabulary a little. The disruption caused by a sudden change in voice may be amplified given that it would be going from a file to live. So maybe your best bet is to try and find a more 'vanilla' file and reading the script you transcribe, perhaps editing it given the context for most files here.

The differences between live and recorded hypnosis tends to be that with live hypnosis, you can change and alter and adjust as you go along. Maybe they need a little more encouragement on lifting that hand, or some such convincer. But people do feel more at ease with recorded files, because you know what you're getting. There's not as big a trust issue, as long as you trust the file to begin with. They won't slip in something you weren't expecting.

The reason files take so long, is because of the editing, perhaps having to rerecord a segment. Trying to cancel as much background noise out as possible including that truck that goes by at just the wrong time.

And as for the point that those that can go under easily tending to make good hypnotists, it's been suggested in the past that hypnotists enter a light trance as they hypnotize someone, because of the focus factor involved.
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Postby hypnostriggers » February 1st, 2012, 5:16 am

Read, see, attend to classes. Get some good psychology books as well, train some self hypnosis, use some files that you feel comfortable with.

I believe it is really important for someone to be hypnotized in first before it starts trying to put people in trance.


Because I still believe the first thing you should do to start a hypnosis session with someone, be it a erotic hypnosis with your beloved one or be it a stage show or a therapy session (I leave the therapy for those certified as therapeuts, so I am not much familiar with this area), is a introduction about hypnosis, when the questions from the subject should be answered, for example: can you program me to kill myself? (No) How does it feel to be in trance (you fell be relaxed, and open to suggestions, somehow on a dreamlike state, but in control of yourself). To better answer these questions the only way you can do it is being tranced before.

Confidence is something you build with time, but I suggest you are really confident before attempting your first time trancing someone. It will be an amazing experience for you the first time your subject simply closes his/her eyes and you realize: wow, I did it!

Forums like this one are good places to talk with more experienced hypnotists (I believe some of the best hypnosis experts are here, I am not included, obvious)

Good luck
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Postby ocntrl » February 2nd, 2012, 5:40 am

At one point you just have to do it.

You can read all you want, watch every youtube video, download all the training from bittorrent sites... it does not really matter a bit if you don't start doing it at one point in time.

Will it be scary? yes
Will it be exiting? yes
Will it be cool? yes

Just don't should you are new at it. Act as a hypnotist and you will be one.

Good luck in your learning.
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