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Slut mode activated!

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 12:38 am
by Foxfuz
Ok I was reading a comic about someone putting on a latex Renamon (a female fox digemon) costume that was designed in japan but was taken the wrong way. The girl put on the costume and found it to be a sexual domination machine that took over her body and a little device was her only way to get free. She finds a slut mode on it that states "slut mode activate? y/n" and thinking she pressed n (for now) she pressed y (for yes). Her breasts became larger, she became extremely horny and she sounded dumb and saying how horny she was. This gave me the idea for a hypnosis file. The trigger would be "slut mode activated now" or something similar and the person (male or female (or anything else)) would then experience becoming totally aroused, horney, dumb, want to have sex with anyone who is present, and if alone arouse him or herself and have sex completely dominate their mind. When the saying "slut mode is now off" they get a little dizzy and get turned off (as in not aroused anymore).

Anyone want to suggest anything to add then just say so ^.^

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 3:48 pm
by ProfessorPig
for practical reasons i think you should probably add the safety that slut mode would automatically turn off after 24 hours. other than that i think it sounds like a solid file. i always have good luck with story based files because visualizing the story always takes me really deep into trance and helps me experience any sensations i am suppost to feel better.

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 10:18 pm
by stephiebaby
Like a triggered version of "slut who can't say no"?

PostPosted: August 5th, 2012, 11:29 pm
by Foxfuz
Oh yes the safety feature should go along with it. And I have heard of the slut that can't say no file (suggested it to a friend and she became a huge slut, anyways...) but it would be a trigger file that would have a safety net. Should the revert to normal trigger be able to be self used?

PostPosted: August 7th, 2012, 4:02 am
by stephiebaby
Would a self trigger work? Once in slut mode what slut would want to stop?