Squirrelous wrote:I've been making myself hypnosis files using text-to-speech programs. For some reason my penis spazzes sometimes, basically forcing me aroused.
Has anyone had anything similar happen, or would you like something similar to happen in a file?
actually I have feed back that indicate that some people were aroused by my files .. I am not really sure why.. my files were meant to motivate and help. next thing I know I have caused the unintentionally side effect...
and resulted in some strange emails...
I use WMM , because it has some great hit rates.. compared to other free sites.. IMHO...However that does leave some files that rather interesting projects shall we say. I am not judging .. just some surprise me .. And some I just shake my head and say why would you want that ?
Any how if something arouses you, and it not intentional..it could just be you are really relaxed..