Here's what I don't get about requesting voice recordings...

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

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Here's what I don't get about requesting voice recordings...

Postby FurryMorph92 » September 26th, 2010, 1:49 pm

Okay. So I've seen a few threads where people have asked others to record things for them. Now my main problem is this... Why don't people just do it themselves? Do they not have a microphone? That would be understandable. But laziness and fear.... No. Unacceptable reason.

Postby uw_onsterfelijk » September 26th, 2010, 6:02 pm

It's just "different" having someone else's voice for a recording/session! Sort of like how sex with another person is just "different" then masturbation!

At least for me ;)
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Postby darkenedav » September 27th, 2010, 1:33 pm

uw_onsterfelijk wrote:Sort of like how sex with another person is just "different" then masturbation!

sums it up.
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Postby ocntrl » September 28th, 2010, 8:36 am

On the other hand, there's a nice success about someone trancing very well on his own files recorded himself because he 'trusted' himself 100%.

I have a similar reaction when listening to my own files. I know the file and I know I can trust myself :-) I think.
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one's own files

Postby MyVoice » September 28th, 2010, 10:24 am

Actually, there seem to be a few advantages to making files in your own Voice - I have files I have made that work well for me and my subjects, but I still enjoy being hypnotized in person and through the files of others.

However, if one wants to actively work on a habit or develop a skill through hypnosis, hearing the appropriate suggestions in one's Voice would probably be even better than listening to another person's Voice. That is, if one believes that one's own Voice carries Authority.

If one has little belief in one's self or is bothered by self-doubt or a lack of confidence, then listening to another person's Voice is certainly a much better option. Making any kind of change on one's own requires confidence in one's self and in one's own ability to make these decisons. Whenever those traits are lacking then we should ALL consider turning to someone we trust for assistance.

Every single one of us has to find within themselves, at one point or another, some sense of value and self worth. These are concepts any good hypnotist tries to instill in their subjects from the very first session. After that, its only a matter of helping the subject find those things within themselves - that is the point when true Change inevitably begins.

Of course, in erotic hypnosis this may involve even MORE Ego Destruction, unto the point that the subject eventually sees themselves as having value only in the eyes of their Master or Mistress', but still, the issue gets addressed.

All of that said, I must say that I am thrilled that so many people have shared their hypnosis with us here on this site. Sure, I make good files and love the sound of my own Voice (sic), but having some "strange" to enjoy, too, helps make erotic hypnosis even more Fun.

...and you love the sound of MyVoice.
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Postby Mino » September 28th, 2010, 11:28 am

Not everyone lives on their own or has the privacy to record.
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Postby Liann » November 7th, 2010, 7:03 pm

Mino wrote:Not everyone lives on their own or has the privacy to record.

I make files using text-to-speech. I listen through headphones. Nobody else could possibly know what the files are about, or even that there are hypno-files, unless they stood behind me watching the computer screen during the script generation process.

I really have to torture the spelling to get the voices to pronounce words better. Mixed with a binaural track and a little echo and the voices can be very lifelike.
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Postby Jeshi » November 25th, 2010, 12:28 am

I think the post about it being sort of like masturbation is pretty accurate.

For me really I just hate my voice and plenty of other people also hate their own voices. If I tried to listen to a file recorded in my own voice it would fill me with so much rage I would never be able to go into trance, even if others liked the file.

Plus, if the file in question is being requested by a heterosexual person and is sexual in nature then they probably want it being recorded in a voice of somebody from the opposite sex.
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Postby ShadowSabre » November 25th, 2010, 1:57 am

I just really, really, really don't like the sound of my voice.
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Postby brainslug » November 25th, 2010, 2:03 am

ShadowSabre wrote:I just really, really, really don't like the sound of my voice.

Same here. My own voice annoys me to no end.
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Postby HypnoCactus » December 17th, 2010, 10:37 am

Then there's also the fact that in erotic hypnosis in particular, there is normally a D/s relationship that develops, and this in itself is what the subject listening to the file craves: the desire to submit. It's hard to submit to one's self if they are also trying to be Dominant.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » December 17th, 2010, 10:51 am

I also think laziness accounts for a lot of it. People are constantly requesting this, that and the other but put forward no effort. I get wanting to hear a voice other than your own and the control factor, but if you want something on a particular subject write the damn script. I did and someone recorded it for me because they didn't have to do all the work. I see lot's of messages whining "how come there isn't a file for this or that" but I see little effort in providing the material to create them. For me writing my own scripts forced me to think creatively and intelligently about what I wanted and a slick, creative way to get there. It's improved my own understanding of hypno and how it affects me and made me feel like I participated in the process. All very gratifying.
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Postby slutinmyhead » January 16th, 2011, 11:57 pm

I didn't used to like my voice much, but it's definitely grown on me since I began recording myself. The files I used to post were all done tts, but have since been replaced by my voice.

I do sometimes enjoy listening to others though. This may be as much about their scripting as their voice. Sometimes it's cool it simply being someone different. I also sometimes want to hear a female... It was a huge breakthrough for me when I found a woman willing to record for me.

To those hating their own voices, please give it a try anyway and post it for us to decide.
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Postby Alvin » April 1st, 2015, 4:38 am

It's just kinda like using something you made instead of something people likely to be more professional made.
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Postby ZainTsunshi » April 9th, 2015, 10:55 pm

Personally I don't like the sound of my voice. its too off putting for me to trance to
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Postby ProfessorPig » April 10th, 2015, 12:19 am

i record my own files, but i dont like listening to them. there is something that makes me uncomfortable about it and i cant trance well. i have no trouble trancing when i record the files though.
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Postby AlphaShepherd » June 23rd, 2015, 11:19 pm

Remember what the Joker said?
"If you're good at something, never do it for free."
When somebody puts out a request or goes on and on about 'could someone record this file' I always have to ask - what are you offering?

Let me be clear - recording a quality file takes time and effort. If you are provided with an excellent script (a challenge in and of itself), the recording and mixing can take an hour or longer for even brief files. Writing a script adds more time to it. In short, recording files is no flippant thing.

So when someone requests that a file be recorded for them, I like to ask - "Hey, would you kick some bucks in the direction of the recording artist?" and the answer is usually no. Push them on it, and they get huffy, but you know what?

You pay the doctor when he treats your illness. You pay the barista when she makes your latte. You pay Exxon or Shell or whatever for the gas to fill up your car.

If you want a file recorded, you can damn well fucking pay for it.

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Postby WolfyGuy » July 4th, 2015, 2:32 am

I have attempted on occasion to record my own files, out of three attempts on the same script i did come out with one that had only a few mistakes like cars driving past, half way through the others my flat mate came home unexpectedly early and the last i can hear him stirring a cup of tea in the kitchen and identifiably playing skyrim. XD
Privacy is an issue, i live in a two bedroom flat with two other people... who apparently don't need to sleep o_O;
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