Keep sissy cravings

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Keep sissy cravings

Postby Futon » January 17th, 2011, 7:02 am

I know there are a lot of sissies who lose their urges right after they cum and then don't have any until they get horny again. I don't know of any files that influence this specifically (though tbh I haven't been on here in quite a while), so I was wondering, what about a file that makes you keep all your sissy urges, even right after you came?
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Postby mecdual » January 18th, 2011, 6:13 am

in the same idea, a file to help a sub to remain sub after cum may be usefull too
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Postby Gnostic » January 29th, 2011, 12:26 am

I think that a file or, more practically, adding a suggestion to specific files that would allow the individual to continue on in the given mind-set for as long as the individual wanted--until triggered to disengage from that mind-set--would be quite useful in a number of situations: for sissies and subs, just to name two.

It shouldn't take more than a couple of lines to install the suggestion and trigger--perhaps repeated a couple of times to reinforce them.

One thing that I think would be helpful would be to structure the suggestion to allow the subject/individual to gradually disengage from the mind-set instead of snapping out of it immediately upon use of the "return to normal" trigger. This would help to avoid the kind of "rude awakening" that some experience after orgasm and allow for a generally more pleasant experience overall (if first impressions are important, the emotions that one experiences at the end of a sexual "exploration" also leave a lasting and important impression on the psyche as well). In turn, this should also prompt the subject/individual to be more willing to use a file containing such a suggestion and trigger.

When inserting such a suggestion and trigger into files that are to be used by prospective subs, one question that would have to be addressed would be whether to structure the suggestion so that the "return to normal" trigger could be used by the sub or whether to structure it so that it would have to be spoken by the master in order for the sub to disengage from the mind-set. It could be done either way, although there is a significant difference in the degrees of power that the sub and dom would have.

I think that constructing a suggestion and trigger that could be inserted into various files that would allow the subject/individual to avoid the inevitable post-orgasmic letdown and permit the individual to remain in a given mind-set or continue engaging in a particular activity would be more than useful--I think it's a great idea. One that I hope someone will attempt to come up with.
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Re: Keep sissy cravings

Postby hammerklav » April 8th, 2011, 2:32 pm

Futon wrote:I know there are a lot of sissies who lose their urges right after they cum and then don't have any until they get horny again. I don't know of any files that influence this specifically (though tbh I haven't been on here in quite a while), so I was wondering, what about a file that makes you keep all your sissy urges, even right after you came?

I am interested in this as well, or even non hypnosis techniques to train/condition the desire to remain or get stronger after orgasm, or even for them to return sooner.
Perhaps one could maintain the feeling longer and longer, bit by bit after orgasm, and also it could return sooner and sooner until the gap was eliminated.
I would also welcome any ideas that anyone has that helped them maintain or even strengthen their urge/commitment post orgasm.
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Joined: November 29th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby hammerklav » September 22nd, 2011, 4:22 pm

I wanted to bring this up again.
Curse Stroke Sissy is great in associating being sissified with masturbation and orgasm. However, I am sure that the big challenge with sissification for many is post orgasm. If there was a file that built on the idea of associating becoming more and more of a sissy with masturbation, having it get even stronger with orgasm, and then the orgasm itself would be the trigger to listen to another sissification file etc. A file that encouraged the listener to feel like more and more of a sissy immediately after orgasm and continuing somehow I think might be the straw that broke many a sissies resistance.

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Joined: November 29th, 2006, 1:00 am

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