Small Perk Breasts

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

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Postby mikufan4life » November 1st, 2010, 11:20 pm

YES, but make it for MTF's............
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Re: Small Perk Breasts

Postby Liann » November 3rd, 2010, 12:51 am

tanyaslave wrote:Well, I figure, I'm a pretty slim body type, and there is all this talk of big ol' boobies, and that would just not feel right for me. and unachievable.
So, I made a few personal files, but specifically about small perky breasts, no more than an A cup.
And was wondering if I should invest time into making the files more publicly applicable.
Sound interesting to any out there?

Several points for you to consider...

If you are M2F, (you are involved in feminization files) the chances are that you have suffered testosterone damages causing less than femme ideal traits. Large breasts announce "don't believe anything else that you see, here's a real woman". You can't hide them and play boy & girl on alternate days -- you have to be femme 365 days a year.

A-cup bras are ALWAYS PADDED to increase the perception of size. Women pad their bras even when they have c-cups. Push-up bras usually come with padding to help increase bust appearance by up to two cup sizes.

Women who want smaller busts are running from femininity. D-cup and larger buy "minimizer bras" to look a cup size smaller.

Even women who have their breasts cut off because of breast cancer surgery buy breast forms to keep the look.

You just haven't taken on a female mind if large breasts scare you. You haven't thought through your decisions thoroughly. The reason why there are so many implants is because women want them because men want them. You are asking the wrong questions and you are asking them in the wrong place -- you should be asking at a T-girl website forum.

Women who have never been pregnant can breastfeed infants as adoptive mothers. There's a lot of herbal lore accumulated over the centuries, and the internet has put it all at the disposal of anybody.

Some people go crazy with everything that is available today, but it is possible for XY women to have full figures. It is especially good that you have a small frame, as you can buy clothes anywhere. Victoria's Secret rarely has sizes for a larger body type -- 38-C is about where they cut off. Late-blooming XY women often have chest sizes larger than 40 inch and nothing that VS sells is wearable. (The chest size means bra BAND-STRAP SIZE, not counting protrusion outwards of cups).

There is a complete spectrum. There are pantybois cross dressers who get off in private wearing an article of girl's clothing. There are various levels of cross dressers up to professional female impersonators, like Ru Paul with no breasts and no desires to be women, just dress up in women's clothes. And there are gender-benders who span both sexes with lipstick and eye-makeup and androgyn ambiguous clothes. None of these think of themselves as women.

If you think of yourself as a woman, then you are missing most of the experience by not exercising female power. Breasts hypnotize more men than all the spirals and watches ever made. You can't be a woman and flee from it at the same time.
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Postby Gnostic » January 29th, 2011, 2:01 am

I'm sorry, Liann, but I beg to differ.

While much of what you say is true, I can tell you from my experiences: as an athlete (who played at the highest level of a team sport), someone who worked as a bouncer and host at a NYC nightclub, an individual, and as a professional; that there are more than a few men who absolutely abhor fake breasts, especially implants, to the extent that they would much rather be with a woman with natural "A" cup breasts than one with "DD" implants.

Don't go by Hollywood or what the sex industry standards are, ask average men--the kind you find in a bar or nightclub on a Friday or Saturday night or on a D-1AA level team. Sure, guys are going to be attracted to women with bigger breasts for all of the "hard-wired" reasons that you cited. But, if they can't have a woman with naturally big breasts and are given a choice between a woman with implants (forget padding) or smaller, natural breasts a substantial minority--in my experience, somewhere between a third and 40%--will take the woman with smaller, natural breasts. And, in most cases, for valid reasons, not because they are gay or whatever....

Most of the men that I have talked with about this who preferred smaller natural breasted women over those with implants cited two reasons for their preference: 1.) they could feel the difference when a woman had implants and did not like "the feel", and 2.) whether true or not, they felt that the breasts and, in particular, nipples of a woman with implants were less sensitive than those of a woman with natural breasts (which makes sense, since, even if some nerve-endings are not destroyed by the implant surgery, the number of nerve-endings remains the same, but they are spread out over a larger surface area after surgery). I have even heard men, citing this second reason, state that they preferred women with smaller breasts (not completely flat-chested, but full "A-" and "B-cup") because they felt that these women had more sensitive breasts and were easier to arouse and, ultimately, pleasure.

These men are not very well represented in the media, but there are a substantial number--albeit a minority--out there. While most men would prefer a larger breasted woman and there is certainly a large and influential minority of men who don't care what kind of breasts a woman has as long as they are LARGE--and the larger the better--(in some schools of psychological thought it is believed that men in this latter category have unresolved issues related to the lack of or abrupt ending of nursing by the mother when they were infants), there is much to be said for psychological stability of a woman who can accept a body image that is consistent with her physical make-up (one reason that many breast cancer survivors opt to have implants or use prostheses is because doing so allows them to regain and retain the body image that they had prior to their surgery--a psychological process that sex plays a part in but only a part) regardless of her natural breast-size.

As for chemical treatments to enlarge breast size are concerned, it doesn't matter whether these are pharmaceutical, herbal or "natural" (asbestos is a natural fiber, but it will cause cancer and kill you), one must be extremely careful in using these. As one of the top endocrinologists in the world once explained to a group of students, fellow professionals and transgendered individuals: "The body produces more than 150 hormones. We now know that the levels of these hormones are calibrated in relation to one another. At this point we do not know if all of them are related to one another or if certain ones are only related to certain others. But, if you alter the levels of one of these hormones, you alter the levels of the others related to it and we do not know yet what the effect of that will be." He went on, in answer to one question posed to him, to state that he considered altering the estrogen levels to be so dangerous that he would not allow his wife to take a birth-control pill and would only recommend altering the estrogen, progesterone and/or testosterone levels of an individual if absolutely necessary or called for (this was a doctor who did have more than a few transgendered patients, so it's not like he would never prescribe sex hormones when he thought they were appropriate).

Given the role that research has shown that hormones can play in the development of certain cancers, I would not recommend that anyone take supplements or drugs that would alter the levels of the individual's sex hormones unless that person was actually suffering a somatic crisis--let alone without competent medical supervision or advice of some sort. Considering the potential risks, there is little reason for a woman to begin ingesting substances that could cause serious health issues down-the-road in order to conform with an artificial standard of beauty that may not even appeal to the type of partner that she wishes to attract.

I do not believe that encouraging a "GG"--a naturally-born female--to alter her breast size through artificial or chemical means is sound. If an individual knows the risks, etc. beforehand and decides to proceed, of her own accord, with some form of breast augmentation, fine. Male-to-female transgendered individuals who have a need to alter their bodies in order to make them more consistent with their body image/gender identity do not really have a choice--they have no alternative but to take the risks associated with the changes that they make to their bodies or live in psychic distress. That's a totally different story.

It is all well and good to explore one's sexual fantasies; to delve into the inner recesses of one's psyche and sexuality. But, there comes a point when it is important to look beyond the "fun and games" and recognize that there can be other issues at stake and other factors and risks involved when you seriously start to discuss making certain changes, particularly changes to one's physical body.

I don't want to be a "party-pooper" or "stick in the mud", but I took an oath and, even though I took that oath some years ago, I feel that I still have the ethical and moral responsibility of that oath to urge care and caution when I know, from my training, that it is called for. And, in this instance, I think it is.

tanyaslave, I would urge you to go ahead with your project of producing these files. If they can serve to help females and even transgendered individuals to be more comfortable and to feel more sexy with their small, natural breasts, you will be doing at least some women a great service. They may not make you a lot of money, but there are some things that are just as important--or more so--as money and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you will have made life and/or sex better and less stressful for those women. (On a personal note, I know at least a couple who would probably find them quite useful and reassuring.)
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Postby DKaiser » January 29th, 2011, 4:10 am

*voices agreement with Gnostic*
Yeah, there's certainly those that like the great big boobies, but there's also silly men who like them small. A or B-cup breasts are certainly enough to get the point across. Go ahead and make the files if you so choose, tanya.
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Postby shadowcat444 » February 2nd, 2011, 1:18 am

Small perky breasts are so hot! On guys and girls :)
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Postby 1love » February 3rd, 2011, 10:11 pm

Ive been with a girl that could knock me out with hers, and with another who had lil A cups. Both could keep my attention. Maybe im just a guy, but there is something hypnotizing about boobs.

For the record, fake boobs are disgusting!
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Postby Foxgirl » February 12th, 2011, 5:02 pm

sounds good to me.

I had to post here just to say, im transgendered and I believe that a woman should NOT have to whore herself out to do anything in life.

Which is why i aim to only have a nice c-cup, I want to be a practical tomboy not a stupid sex-magnet bimbo.
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Postby boulder » March 1st, 2011, 9:12 pm

Ok so here it is the debate on booby size. One of my best friends has a cups and i might be being generous, but i still get excited if her shirt opens enough for me to get a peek. Now mind you going out in public girls whose cleavage I can see always draw my eye.
Its a matter of personal preferance make them available and someone will like them. After all everybody likes boobies. :wink:
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