Are there any scripts that illicit biological changes?

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Are there any scripts that illicit biological changes?

Postby somprs » March 13th, 2011, 7:27 pm

If so, do they work? If not, is it even possible?
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Postby Jeshi » March 15th, 2011, 10:15 pm

It's impossible for hypnosis to create a biological change, the most it can do is make you want to undertake a change and spur you on to make it happen yourself.

It can also make you think that you've had a biological change, but it's just a change in perception. There are people with "hypnotic breast growth progress gallery"s and every day they listen to the file, take a picture of theit flat chest, and usually comment with "WOW! EVEN BIGGER!" but anyone can see that it's exactly the same in every single picture.

Hypnosis isn't magic, it can only affect you mentally, not physically.

It makes sense really, while your thoughts can process language into commands or truth that affects your brain, your biological functions never work based on language. You don't think in English "ARM UP!" to move your arm, and someone shouting "ESTROGEN LEVELS RISE!" is going to be just effective as a hypnosis file to do the same thing, and neither will work.
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Postby somprs » March 15th, 2011, 10:42 pm

As obvious as that is, I object to the idea that such principle prevents the notion of using hypnosis to coax biological changes. If you suggest to someone that they're happy, and they feel it, it's because their brain releases serotonin - A stimulus turns into nerve impulses, which stimulate a gland, which produces serotonin, which generates a feeling of happiness. With that in mind, couldn't one use hypnosis to cause biological changes via hormone secretion as a result of hypnotic stimuli stimulating the appropriate gland(s)? Such an idea can be dangerous, but so can Hypnosis itself.
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Postby JadynMC » March 16th, 2011, 1:08 am

Its whatever you believe is possible... and if you stick to it. Yes somethings are a little outrageous. But you try listening to pubichairloss for two weeks and then you can know yourself whether or not hypnosis can create a biological change.

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Postby somprs » March 16th, 2011, 1:17 am

dldrip wrote:Its whatever you believe is possible... and if you stick to it. Yes somethings are a little outrageous. But you try listening to pubichairloss for two weeks and then you can know yourself whether or not hypnosis can create a biological change.


That's the problem: if there's insufficient matter to undergo a change (i.e. as a result of malnutrition), then no matter what you believe (or how effective a session is), a change can't occur. But either way, is there even a specific hormone that triggers pubic hair-loss? If not, and the subject throughly believes (and obeys, as per the script), does the subject generate its own pubic hair-loss hormone somehow?
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Postby Jeshi » March 16th, 2011, 10:49 pm

somprs wrote:
dldrip wrote:Its whatever you believe is possible... and if you stick to it. Yes somethings are a little outrageous. But you try listening to pubichairloss for two weeks and then you can know yourself whether or not hypnosis can create a biological change.


That's the problem: if there's insufficient matter to undergo a change (i.e. as a result of malnutrition), then no matter what you believe (or how effective a session is), a change can't occur. But either way, is there even a specific hormone that triggers pubic hair-loss? If not, and the subject throughly believes (and obeys, as per the script), does the subject generate its own pubic hair-loss hormone somehow?


I guess I should have been more specific. Hypnosis can't physically affect you. If you listen to pubic hair loss for two weeks and don't do anything else to spur the change and have someone else be the judge of whether your hair is falling off, you will find that you will have the same amount of hair as when you started.

Being suggested to feel happy though is exactly what hypnosis does affect. While emotions are controlled through hormones and chemicals they still don't make physical changes to your body. Hypnosis only affects you mentally.

If a release of hormones can't be triggered through the senses like horniness or happiness is then hypnosis can't trigger it either. You can see a funny image that triggers happiness or hear a funny joke or be turned on by dirty talk, and hypnosis can make you perceive their suggestions in the same way.

But you can't change your perceptions in a way that, without affecting your behavior as well, affects your body. It doesn't matter whether you think you're eating broccoli when you eat a twinkie, it's still a twinkie and will be processed as such.

Most importantly, hypnosis can't make you develop a new kind of hormone, nothing can make the human body develop a new kind of hormone on it's own. That sort of thing requires hundreds upon thousands of years of evolution. We simply don't have the capabilities to release hormones that don't exist not the capabilities to have complete control over the release of hormones in the first place.

Mind over matter, the placebo effect, ect are all ways of changing your perception. Placebos don't cure illnesses they make you perceive your illness as lessened. In the same way, hypnosis can't stop you from being hurt, it can only make you perceive the pain as being more bearable.

I don't care if you believe that beliefs can distort reality, beliefs simply can't distort the fabric of reality, only your perceptions of reality.
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Postby somprs » March 16th, 2011, 11:25 pm

Two questions. One, if you use hypnosis to create extreme stress, couldn't that make your brain produce cortisol, and thus bring harm to the body (in the form of, shall we say, hypertension: a legitimate biological response)?

Also, in order to generate new proteins, the human body must generate, for the lack of a better term, trial proteins (but, for the purposes of this discussion, the viability of hormone creation should be discussed later). But working with what's already there, why precisely can't hypnosis (regardless of who makes use if it; the individual or the hypnotist) illicit the production of, shall we say, testosterone, when hypnosis and psychological stimuli can encourage certain glands to secrete certain hormones?

If included in your response, please consider the effects of the hormones mentioned. However, at least try to pinpoint where precisely the barrier is (i.e. there's no guarantee that a nerve connects to a desired cell, nor that a another, opposing gland would remain dormant when the target hormone is produced). I personally doubt that the issue remains in the mind, when a happy stimulus alone is driven by a biological process.
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Postby juniper » March 17th, 2011, 9:43 am

The mind controls the body. Whether you consider it a placebo affect, or whatever you term it, it's worth a try. I remember a friend talking about how they were sun sensitive, and someone hypnotized them involving a beach scene. Within a couple of hours of the trance, they had a very real, physical sunburn. Whatever you are interested in trying as far as trance that could affect you biologically, look at what it says it can do, and decide from there whether it's worth a try. If it's something you would like, give it a try, and see what happens. Remember to have an open mind, and you never know what you'll get.

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Postby somprs » March 17th, 2011, 1:46 pm

juniper wrote:The mind controls the body. Whether you consider it a placebo affect, or whatever you term it, it's worth a try. I remember a friend talking about how they were sun sensitive, and someone hypnotized them involving a beach scene. Within a couple of hours of the trance, they had a very real, physical sunburn. Whatever you are interested in trying as far as trance that could affect you biologically, look at what it says it can do, and decide from there whether it's worth a try. If it's something you would like, give it a try, and see what happens. Remember to have an open mind, and you never know what you'll get.


Full pain, peeling, and whatnot, accompanied by greater heat emanating from the skin?
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Postby Enargo » March 17th, 2011, 2:03 pm

juniper wrote:The mind controls the body. Whether you consider it a placebo affect, or whatever you term it, it's worth a try. I remember a friend talking about how they were sun sensitive, and someone hypnotized them involving a beach scene. Within a couple of hours of the trance, they had a very real, physical sunburn. Whatever you are interested in trying as far as trance that could affect you biologically, look at what it says it can do, and decide from there whether it's worth a try. If it's something you would like, give it a try, and see what happens. Remember to have an open mind, and you never know what you'll get.


Fascinating, I would have never thought this would happen... Thanks for the interesting info
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Postby FloridaPuppy » March 17th, 2011, 8:18 pm

"Biological changes" is a biit too vague. If a hypnotist makes you wet your pants, the bilogical change of emptying your bladder has occurred. As a general rule of thumb, if you could not do it naturally, hypnosis cant do it either. Hypnosis wont grow breasts or muscles, just make you believe they are growing or want to do things to accomplish that.
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Postby somprs » March 17th, 2011, 10:49 pm

FloridaPuppy wrote:"Biological changes" is a biit too vague. If a hypnotist makes you wet your pants, the bilogical change of emptying your bladder has occurred. As a general rule of thumb, if you could not do it naturally, hypnosis cant do it either. Hypnosis wont grow breasts or muscles, just make you believe they are growing or want to do things to accomplish that.

That's where I have issue: at one point in one's life, muscles, among other things, did grow. So with your definition, why precisely can't hypnosis encourage muscle growth? Breast growth is a different thing, as it's simply a specific assignment of fat. It may require an ultimately indirect change in metabolism (as a result of following new behaviors), but after that, can we ensure that the resulting fat that's generated would be redirected to the breasts?
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Postby radar » March 18th, 2011, 1:49 am

Just to throw my 2 cents in.
There have been stories that I have read - and I understand they are true - That there have been cases where women (and on rare occasions men) who have had breast growth and lactation when exposed to young children of breast feeding age (0-5). The cases found mostly within childcare workers. Also if the stories of women in office environments who synchronize their periods are true - I would suggest that the mind can cause biological changes through the subconscious cues. If hypnosis can tap into the subconscious mind and cause alterations within that mind, it should be able to cause similar changes.
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Postby oraprog » March 18th, 2011, 6:12 am

And that hits the key point - it must be something your body can do and then you have to trigger your mind to do it. Simply telling your mind to accomplish the result doesn't do anything. Saying "your body hair will fall out" is about as likely to be accomplished as saying "get a sunburn". Neither will happen by focusing on the result.

You can get a "sunburn" through hypnosis not because your mind was tricked into believing that you got a burn, but because your mind was tricked into believing that you were in the conditions to get a real sunburn and it reacted by changing whatever in reaction to the assumption of getting a sunburn. Now I'm not a doctor nor an expert on what happens - but what I think happens is that the blood vessels expand to increase blood flow, nerves become more sensitive (because of the increased blood flow) and the area turns red (because of the increased blood flow). But it's important to note that there is no actual skin damage, it isn't a real sunburn. All you've done is caused the body to react to belief of the sun.

To extend this to estrogen - a male body produces some estrogen. The amount produced is influenced by age, weight, alcohol and drug use and probably one or two other things. But it isn't a controlled thing, it's a reaction. And even then, it would be difficult to get the body to react strongly enough to produce enough estrogen on an ongoing basis to cause changes. Merely saying "produce more estrogen" is highly unlikely to work unless the subject happens to chemically know how estrogen is produced and can fill in the gaps themselves. You'd have about as much luck convincing your body to be lighter than air and flying around the room...which BTW, you should only attempt at ground level.
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Postby bobjoe11 » March 18th, 2011, 7:56 am

My two cents;

Hypnosis can allow you to do some pretty awesome things. The sunburn story above is one really interesting example about how you can change your body (whether or not that was the intended effect). It can make someone tense their body to the point where they are extremely rigid. It can increase one's focus.

So, the question at stake is whether or not hypnosis can induce a biological change. You can make someone move their arm through hypnosis. Whether or not anyone here is willing to admit it, there is a *huge* number of biological changes taking place when a person tenses a muscle. I know that a bunch of people are going to argue that that's something we can all do while waking, but heck, you can make someone horny through hypnosis (and arousal is not usually a conscious choice).

So if hypnosis can induce biological changes of that nature, why can't it induce other biological changes? I argue that anything that is *reasonably* possible physically is possible through hypnosis. Talking about growing muscle; your body knows how to do that. All you need to do is tell it to start it up again. Your body knows how to build things, degrade things, alter hormone levels, etc. etc.

Now, am I saying you're going to grow wings? No. Your body has *no* clue how to construct a wing. Can you change your hair color? No. Your body knows how to make hair the current color it is and white. If you are a good enough trancer, you could probably slow down or reverse the aging process, but we're talking you looking younger in terms of years, not decades.

Again, it's all about belief. Do you think you can do it? If so, and you want it to happen, don't give up after one trance session if it doesn't work. At the same time, don't destroy yourself trying to make it work.
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Postby oraprog » March 18th, 2011, 7:05 pm

bobjoe11 wrote:Talking about growing muscle; your body knows how to do that. All you need to do is tell it to start it up again. Your body knows how to build things, degrade things, alter hormone levels, etc. etc.

It won't work that way. Building muscle is a reaction. If you try to tell your mind "build muscle", you won't get much. If you tell you mind "you've worked your muscles really hard, boy your muscles are tired", you might have something.

The way to get a physical change is to induce the reaction by tricking the mind into believing that the situation exists.
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cause and effect

Postby HypnoZorro » March 19th, 2011, 5:46 am

I have seen the after effect pictures of a subject told that a pencil eraser is a candle / cigarette lighter , and there is a burn mark later . So there can be cause and effect . For change to occur , there has to be a why , how , benefits and resources .
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Re: cause and effect

Postby oraprog » March 23rd, 2011, 7:48 pm

HypnoZorro wrote:I have seen the after effect pictures of a subject told that a pencil eraser is a candle / cigarette lighter , and there is a burn mark later . So there can be cause and effect . For change to occur , there has to be a why , how , benefits and resources .

Link to the the pictures?

Was there charred skin or was there a red spot/blister where the body reacted to the belief of a burn. Reaction is perfectly in line with what I've said. You can trick the body into reacting to a known situation.

Under what condition would your body make hair fall out or grow breasts? I can't think of any, but if someone has one, perhaps someone can write a script to focus on creating that kind of experience.
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Re: cause and effect

Postby bandler » March 24th, 2011, 2:14 pm

Link to the the pictures?

The pictures can be faked.

The 'story' about a friend who got a sunburn is hearsay.

What we need are eyewitness accounts of people who were actually there and actually saw or experienced physical effect.

I actually did witness a test subject in a hypnotherapy class demonstrate anesthesia without intending to. The instructor put the test subject into a trance and suggested her hand would become numb (glove anesthesia). The subject was then told to touch her numb hand to her cheek and feel the anesthesia flow into her cheek (for dental visit). The instructor then asked her to describe the numb feeling in her cheek, and the test subject had difficulty talking, difficulty forming the words properly because one side of her face was numb. At no point did the instructor say anything about how the numbness would affect speaking or the ability to speak.

Anesthesia is a textbook hypnotic effect.

So is hallucination, both positive and negative.

There are a few comments in the Penis Growth thread where people say they experienced measurable physical changes. Assuming the measurements were not hallucinated, that qualifies for physical change.

Any other eyewitnesses out there?
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