Need help making a running trance

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Need help making a running trance

Postby slyspeaker » April 7th, 2011, 3:32 pm

So my fiancée and I are training to run a marathon before our wedding and I thought this would be a great way to make her more obedient and conditioned. I've already been getting in it for the last several months but haven't done it as much as either one of us would like. She's very responsive and goes under quite easily but isn't so good at following commands outside of trance. We're working towards a long term goal of total obedience and control in our hypnoplay so I'm always looking for new ways to take her under.

Lately I've been thinking about making a trance file for her to use while we are out running and I've gotten a few ideas but was wondering if anyone else might have any suggestions.

My basic plan so far is to add a trigger to put her into a waking trance that relaxes her mind and shunts her conscious to the side while leaving her body on autopilot. Then I'll start the trance file and we'll go off running. The trance itself will cover several things.

It'll start off with an emptying mantra that she forgets her worries, cares, etc with each step. Feeling lighter and better as her mind becomes emptier.

Each step you forget
forgetting that you've forgotten
step and forget
forget your thoughts
forget your worries etc.

Just building that up so it's instinctive for her to blank out as soon as she starts running.

Then while she is nice and empty the next part will kick in stressing how good and easy it is to follow me. Following my words and following me as she runs deeper into trance. Forgetting everything but me as she follows me deeper and further still. Nothing else matters but following me and my words. Set that loop on repeat and then go from there.

Another idea I'm tinkering with is "keep your pace, let it erase." Erasing her worries, thoughts, etc. But I'm still working on that one. Other than that I'm drawing a blank. I'm trying to figure something that rhymes with foot but nothing comes to mind. I'm also tinkering with it so that her body stays focused and aware of her surroundings while she follows me while leaving her mind completely blank.

I'd appreciate any suggestions or ideas any of y'all might have because I know I'm only scratching the surface with this idea.

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: December 12th, 2008, 1:00 am


Postby HypnoZorro » April 8th, 2011, 6:38 am

I would not do the running approach . As for developing a recipe of transformation , answer the questions of how , why , benefits ( positive , negative , or neutral ) and resources .

You might want to try having her believe she is someone else . Set it as a temporary effect , and as either one of her favorite celebs or a regular person . Then based on that you could test out her being other people . And your next step would be to design someone obedient , like she is an actress playing the role of someone who is mind controled / hypnotized .

I would also have her dream over the next 30 days she has a vivid pleasant dream about being obedient . Those two things are how answers .

A why could be your hypnotic effects are too powerful for her or the sensations and rewards are so great .
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Joined: February 22nd, 2011, 1:00 am

A little late but...

Postby Mutazoa » June 11th, 2011, 11:21 pm

ok just a few ideas for future attempts.

Running cadences are great...they help control breathing. Sounds like the OP has some good ideas for a one up that sticks with the pace of your run. Pick up a few hours worth of binaural mp3's then pop over to and pick up some music with good running tempo to lay down on top of the binaurals. Start with some high beats (25mhz) for...say...the first 5 minutes of the run, then stack your playlist to drop frequency with each song until your down around the 4mhz area. Have her repeating the mantra, jogging for breath control, and the binaural's should all help to drive that mantra in deep. Make her focus on the cadence (mantra) and the road..nothing conversation...just left foot right foot jog my will away, left foot right foot yes I will obey..
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