Different type of Feminization

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Different type of Feminization

Postby PhantomDog » March 23rd, 2011, 5:29 pm

Ok, most of the feminization files I've found so far have to do with either
1)Turning a guy INTO a girl, or
2)turns a girl into a slut...

My request/idea would be a little different.
For what I would like to see, first off, would be for a female (my wife), so it would have to be gender neutral, or for people who already identify as female.

That being said, the file itself:
It would be little or nothing sexual... nothing to do with sexual desires, or the such. I just thought it may be a good idea to make a series of files to train a lady, turning her into a girl/woman character from a show/game, watching, analyzing, and emulating that person subconsciously, maybe not even noticing that they are changing, but actually they are changing very rapidly.

A couple of ideas I thought would be hot, in order of how I like them:
Hinata from Naruto:
She is humble and quiet, very submissive to those around her (not making her weak at all, just timid).

Yuna from Final Fantasy X:
Quiet, kind, and determined, her voice is always gentle, even when determined...

Aeris from Final Fantasy 7:
Bubbly, kind, and innocently sweet-natured, but far from being ignorant or naive.

Any thoughts/would anyone be up for this ask, or anyone here at least also like any of these ideas?
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Postby ocntrl » March 24th, 2011, 9:48 am

That is a neat idea (one more to put on the list).

In your specific case, how well does your wife do with hypnosis and how would you envision this change to be triggered?
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Postby PhantomDog » March 24th, 2011, 2:15 pm

Well, she takes it pretty well, and is even seemingly responsive to physical change files: she listened to a couple breast growth files, and her breasts grew about 2 sizes in the past year, even though most of the rest of her is losing weight (wish her legs would). She is 20, so I think her breasts are probably done "naturally" developing, but I can't be 100% sure...

For behavioral files, she is even more susceptible to doing them for the most part, for changes in mindset. Example being, when she listened to the Gorean Slave file, she was forced into being as the file said, doing everything requested, but deep down was extremely upset that she felt like nothing but property.
On the other hand, files that are supposed to MAKE her DO something, she for some reason has a higher resistance to some of the commands (some things like working out, she won't do, but cleaning house, she will). No clue why some work, but others don't.

But in other words, that's why I figured a file to make someone rapidly change without them even knowing it might work well, especially for her.

She will read the Rubber Doll file, going under to it, and she will feel the effects, and be unable to move, but still say her name until I say another trigger to make her forget it, as she is is good at hypnotic amnesia.

Lastly, she consciously disdains listening to files, but does it because I tell her... This is a fetish for me but not so much for her... so something to make her forget complaints and ENJOY the file, more than "you must come back to listen" which she resists might be in order...

That cover all of it enough?

Does that give a good picture,
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Postby ocntrl » March 25th, 2011, 2:53 am

Pretty extensive reply :-)

A couple of things I am still not clear on:

- How do you envision her being triggered?
- What is her take on this. She does not like to listen, but does she like the effects? What is she looking for?

Trying to get a good picture to help me get to a better file.
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Postby PhantomDog » March 25th, 2011, 3:57 pm

Ok, thought my first post claimed that, but to make it clear, it's not a trigger, I'm speaking of training files. If I were to want one simply triggerable, I'd use BlankDoll (which I am in the mean time, and she kind of likes parts of it, but hates losing time, which most files cause her...).

So, based on the EmptyDoll file, she likes parts of the effects, and finds them interesting. She just doesn't like hypnosis too much per se, because she doesn't like blacking out.

Her words are "I want to remember all the time I have with you, and that makes me hazy and forget parts of our time together".

On the other hand, I made 1 item make her like Orihime, where she was a major ditz, and she kind of liked it, "it was fun and interesting" as she put it.

I also made one to make her like Hinata, and she was half undressed at the time she was triggered. She fully became her, and was REALLY embarrassed to be seen wearing nothing. Afterward, she remembered part of it, and said she kind of like the feeling really innocent part.
But when I asked her if she wanted me to trigger her again today, she said if I wanted to, but she preferred not because she didn't want to lose time...
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Postby ocntrl » March 26th, 2011, 2:44 pm

Based on what I think I understand you may want to check out my Transformation Trigger (http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/3763/transformation-trigger.php).

It's a file I created to provide a generic transformation into anything you visualize, imagine before invoking the trigger.

You could discuss a certain character or behaviour with your wife before she self triggers it.

An important aspect of the experience is that the person transformed observes everything that happens from the inside. So she will be fully aware of the actions of the transformed entity but unable to interact or do anything about the actions.

Since she seems to trance rather well this may be worth looking at.

If you want, I am always interested in a personal session to see if we can install something custom to your needs.
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Postby PhantomDog » March 26th, 2011, 3:22 pm

Not to be rude, but once again, I'm looking for a TRAINING file, *NOT* a TRIGGER!

PhantomDog wrote:I just thought it may be a good idea to make a series of files to train a lady, turning her into a girl/woman character from a show/game, watching, analyzing, and emulating that person subconsciously, maybe not even noticing that they are changing, but actually they are changing very rapidly.

PhantomDog wrote:Ok, thought my first post claimed that, but to make it clear, it's not a trigger, I'm speaking of training files. If I were to want one simply triggerable, I'd use BlankDoll

Now, I appreciate someone wanting to help, I really do, I just get annoyed with repeating myself: especially when it's 3 times and in text which can be re-read...

No offense attempted, but it just makes me wonder how much I can trust a person's files, who cannot even read something the first 2 times it was said, with no implications of the opposite... :(
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Postby ocntrl » March 27th, 2011, 1:34 pm

I was trying to give you something to work with because the chance of someone creating a series like you envision is a lot of work and most likely not going to happen (but I may be wrong of course).

If you use a trigger file as a tool to do the training, you can do a lot of the work yourself.

As such, my transformation trigger would be one (not the only one) that you could use, and without the amnesia problem you mentioned. You would write the scripts for the different sessions, use them as a step by step training verifying the effectiveness with the trigger.

Once you have a series that works, and since your wife seems to trance easily from reading a text, you would not need the trigger anymore and just use the script to work on her training.

The ideas you have are rather elaborate, a multiple training session for one or more characters (if I understand correctly), and very difficult for an outsider to implement properly due to your very detailed vision on how it should be done.

So, again, I think you have a better chance of success finding something that you can use to verify scripts and there effectiveness on your wife with, and then get to writing your own scripts based on what you are exactly looking for.

About being annoyed... I asked and suggested to get a better understanding, not because I am unable to read. Since I have no series like you are looking for, nor am aware of their existence, I was trying to find a middle ground you could work with. The 200+ other people that read your post did nothing.

And about no offense attempted. It's rather difficult to take the statement that follows not as an offense. Read the comments on my files and you may learn I am a person that holds trust as the most important value required for a tist. And listen to any of my files and you will learn that I earn that trust with every one of my files.

In this reply I tried to give you one more time something (how imperfect it may be) to start working with (maybe just the idea).

And I had to let you know it's not correct to hint at someones character based on a couple of replies without the smallest attempt to get to know the person.

I am not going to create the series you are looking for because I will not be able to properly connect to the idea to do it right, nor do I have the time for such an elaborate project.

If you want to find ways to work on this yourself, I am open to discuss concepts and possibilities and help in any way I can.

Normally I would have just ignored your reply.

This time, I could not. I guess I just got tired of all people asking here without giving.

There's 462 tists on here, and probably 40 active in any way. Give the ones that are active some respect and get to know them before judging.
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Postby PhantomDog » April 3rd, 2011, 3:17 pm

If that's how you want to take it, I apologize.
But perhaps if you had communicated more clearly, and simply had ACKNOWLEDGED I did NOT want a trigger, rather than simply asking "how did you want it triggered" each post, maybe I wouldn't "judge" that you had not paid attention to acknowledge it.

In my humble opinion, a person would have only taken offense to my post IF they truly had not thoroughly read my posts: after all, I was saying I wouldn't trust files from a person -who can't read a question before answering-.
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Postby ocntrl » April 4th, 2011, 12:55 am

Fair enough. All the best with your search.
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better late than never...

Postby Mutazoa » June 12th, 2011, 12:01 am


Basically you are going to be looking a version of the Doll files found in the transformation section. Since you want her to emulate particular characters you would need to "load" the character that you want her to emulate on top of her existing personality, then anchor it there. I don't know if you are wanting her to be able to switch characters, or just turn into one and stick there, but you are going to be doing some pretty heavy personality modification. Do you intend for this to be a permanent effect, or wear off after X amount of time? If you want this to happen with out her knowledge, you'll have to get her pretty deep, and plant the suggestion with a trigger (I know you don't the effect triggered, but your going to need to start the process with a trigger or she will emulate the first character she sees..god help you if she flips on the TV and sees the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of OZ), that the next time you are watching TV together and you say "Isn't X a cute character" (or something to that effect) she will find that character totally fascinating and start to study and emulate that character, she wants to be exactly like her. So basically what you need isn't a training file so much as a transformation file. And you might want to throw in some reinforcers in there for good measure.
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Re: Different type of Feminization

Postby bandler » June 12th, 2011, 1:39 pm

PhantomDog wrote:Ok, most of the feminization files I've found so far have to do with either
1)Turning a guy INTO a girl, or
2)turns a girl into a slut...

My request/idea would be a little different.
For what I would like to see, first off, would be for a female (my wife), so it would have to be gender neutral, or for people who already identify as female.

That being said, the file itself:
It would be little or nothing sexual... nothing to do with sexual desires, or the such. I just thought it may be a good idea to make a series of files to train a lady, turning her into a girl/woman character from a show/game, watching, analyzing, and emulating that person subconsciously, maybe not even noticing that they are changing, but actually they are changing very rapidly.

A couple of ideas I thought would be hot, in order of how I like them:
Hinata from Naruto:
She is humble and quiet, very submissive to those around her (not making her weak at all, just timid).

Yuna from Final Fantasy X:
Quiet, kind, and determined, her voice is always gentle, even when determined...

Aeris from Final Fantasy 7:
Bubbly, kind, and innocently sweet-natured, but far from being ignorant or naive.

Any thoughts/would anyone be up for this ask, or anyone here at least also like any of these ideas?

Very interesting ideas.

I don't know if I would call it 'feminization' however. Maybe hypnotic finishing school? ;-) Or if you are more specific in the role model, it could be called 'emulation'.

A training file like that would be pretty easy to do, but, you would have to pick your target first. Hinata, Yuna, Aeris, or some other 'Lady' would have to be settled upon, or better yet, if you could describe (as accurately as possible) the behaviors you want your wife to exhibit, they could be worked into the file.

Since I know nothing about the characters and TV shows(?) they come from, you would have to explain to me in greater detail what a successful training file would do to/for your wife.

I must say, the possibilities for such a good hypnotic subject as your wife are tantalizing...
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