Masculinization...why no file yet?

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Re: Masculinization...why no file yet?

Postby joecomp2000 » March 21st, 2012, 6:22 am

trance_send_dental wrote:. there is always some insidious intent behind any file that turns up under the search for "testosterone" or "manly", whether it be dumbing down or becomoing irresponsibly promiscuous, abusive, or unsavoringly cocky.

as a man I am offended that you think that it is not as a man acts!!!
I act this way all the time

:P :P :P
:D :D :D
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Postby Guuliar » March 22nd, 2012, 1:36 pm

I know! Why do the transwomen get all the love? Transmen are just as cool. If not more so. Btw, I Only mean that in the most vague of manners :)
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masculinization file tie-ins..

Postby Sociological » March 22nd, 2012, 7:29 pm

Yes submission can have strength, even if some one is broken and reassembled, they must have strength of some kind to maintain the new self. Otherwise they would simply collapse and need to be rebuilt all over again. Never break a toy you may want to play with again after all. As to the tie in or visualization thing. It can be difficult to visualize a "future self" to guide a change, so perhaps instead make manerisms and such, more solid and fluid, instead of flighty or flamboyant. Think mud, not lightning. perhaps watch somthing like martial training, and the flow of one stance or action to the next. and also note that each one has a "set" that marks the next part of what they are doing. instead of "waving your wrists" you could be "directing with your gesture". I don't know if those ideas are any use to you, but I tryed. I would suggest leaving it usable for men who need to be more "manly" and trans or others to use it to assist in their desires as well. I would ask people who have transitioned in gender (either direction) what they went through internaly. how did they feel the change differed from what they were and rebuild that in the appropriate direction. like all the little steps from one gender to the other, instead of the difference between boys and girls. I think even we get that one by now. lol
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Postby godhole » April 9th, 2012, 3:13 am

Have you listened to Flanelbear's files? (Yes, one "n.") Unfortunately few in number, but I find they have a good deal of what you referred to. Really really great, a wonderful voice. I wish he did more.

As a gay man of trans experience (FTM), I too wish there was more content for guys that wasn't just the boy's version of bimboification. I think there just isn't as much because there is less fetish appeal for content/fantasies which are not transgressive.

For FTMs specifically (not referring to women who want to experience men's bodies), I think it's also tricky to do solid scripting that doesn't accidentally trigger some of the deep root dysphoria that has us looking for this stuff in the first place. As an example, explicit references to genitals, without some foundation work to establish the perception of those parts, can be jarring to one's trance, at mildest. At worst, deep shame could be tripped at a moment when one's ordinary defense mechanisms for dealing with gender or body dysphoria are offline.

I look forward to hearing what comes out of these efforts.
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Postby gdrileyx » April 29th, 2012, 12:22 pm

I was born intrinsically female, but in a male body. So I had to learn how to be male and masculine. I also had 3 uncles who were Korean War vets, US Army Rangers all of them - who felt it was important for my generation of cousins to be prepared for the coming Race Wars. This training allowed me, for decades, to hide my true femininity from the world under a fake persona which was literally the personification of the Type A Alpha Male.

Trans-people live between the genders in such a way as to have good perspective on both sides of the fence. This is also true of anybody who lives between two worlds, and is the central tenet of the Native American tradition of the berdache shaman. The berdache shaman is half in this world and half in the next world, so understands both worlds, and their intersection, better than anyone. The same thing is true about mixed-race people. They understand both races better than someone who is of either race.

So I could do this file. But I don't think it would be fun for me to do it. Nor do I think there would be much of a market for buying it. I can't afford to spend time on this, rather than on files that I think will make me more money.

I am guessing that people would want this in a very male voice too, which I have in overabundance. That voice is a learned thing. I learned to sound like a macho dude, and I am still learning to sound like a woman. I like making femme-voice files because it's a good way to work on, and improve, my female voice. So I'm thinking I would take 4 hours to write the script of a 50 minute file, and hour to record, and hour to edit. So I'd do it for a $50 advance. Pay me in Paypal, I'll email you the file for your payment, and then I'll post it here.
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Re: Masculinization...why no file yet?

Postby Tangy » April 29th, 2012, 12:35 pm

trance_send_dental wrote:After scouring the hypnofetish websites for years. i've concluded that if i want a masculinization file so bad, i'll have to make one myself.

But first i'd like to address why this file does not yet exist? Sure, i see masculinity intertwined with jock files, but the issue of mannerisms and other outwardly masculine behaviors does not exist yet here. there is always some insidious intent behind any file that turns up under the search for "testosterone" or "manly", whether it be dumbing down or becomoing irresponsibly promiscuous, abusive, or unsavoringly cocky.

And yet, feminization files abound. If the scope of files here is proportionate to the number of people into hypnofetishism, then i feel somewhat a minority and desiring something that isn't dark enough to meet the D/s, radical, and/or sadistic threshold of hypnotic transformations. Maybe being manlier is just too tame, so to speak, when you could know, its not my place to judge what people are into :) on that note. And that is a suitable defense for my goal as well, even if some may deem it assimilationist. I suppose what i am getting at is that my goal in becoming masculine is twofold: my jollies and a real change of persona.

i'm happy to report that i've already achieved some of these goals as both direct and indirect consequence of other files, such as EMG jock files, the muscle pig series, joecomp2000's (which, btw, actually does a great job of addressing yoru hormones), and a few files i've exchanged in private with fellow hypnotists. But I'd like to design a file that fits this mascunlinization niche more snuggly.

So I invite you to share thoughts and ideas for a file that i will begin working on after analyzing the feedback.

so lets talk about confidence, a deeper voice, healthy posture, virility, sexual prowess. Or is obedience a rather manly thing? can submission be reframed as strength rather than an indication of mental weakness?

Obedience is a damn sexy word, but I'm starting to develop the sense that the word caries too much baggage and ambiguiqty. A vaguely defined concept has its place in hypnosis, but should we talk more about addressing what behaviors constitute obedience? Can obedience make you stronger or more of a man the way we rigorously train men in the armed forces?
Similarly, the concept of being masculine should be better defined or at least guided. Can your mind really be rewritten by being told directly, "be manly"? No. "Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass"--Anton Chekov. i believe in this approach to giving post hypnotic suggestions. So send me some desires, ideas, etc. How would you like to be manlier?

let me hear some thoughts onw hat you'd like to see in a file of this theme, and get the discussion going!

Hick Here you Go Enjoy had this ideal for a while now free perineum File .

Name: I am a MAN ""NEW""
Description: Turn into a Man Simple straight to the point Anybody ca use this file but made for Woman Any Permanent? Permanent(when safe) Only while under Dreams
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-04-28 Downloaded: 21 Length: 17:03
Audience: Any Effect: Curse, Permanent(when safe) Voice Gender: Male Voice Type: Human
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 0.0000 Total Votes: 0
Permanent Link: I am a MAN \"\"NEW\"\" Favorite: Mark Favorite
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