Religion Fettish

A place to discuss file ideas, work on scripts with others, or just issue a challenge to see who can create the best file/script.

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Postby zapnosis » September 12th, 2011, 2:32 am

Classic brainwashing territory... I'm in! But controversial, some people are really jumpy about mixing mind control and religion. (I'm still in) :D
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby qv » September 12th, 2011, 6:29 am

For example, this idea makes me rage with the fury of a thousand suns. Because those sorts of evangelist asswipes going around trying to 'save' everyone deserve to go to hell, imo.
But I suppose my only real non-personal concern would be how you'd get back out after going in like that. For example, hypnosis? Would you still be allowed to do it if it's devil worship?
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Postby sfhole2stretch » September 12th, 2011, 8:50 am

As a recovering "evangelical" I'm appalled by this idea. Those groups imbue hatred in their followers and justify their bigotry via scriptures which in truth have nothing to do with their sick aims. My advice to you would be to find a new fetish. I've spent decades and thousands trying to undo the atrocities of the "church of my birth".
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Postby ohyouknow » September 12th, 2011, 12:23 pm

I find it an exciting idea - a bit like that poster a while back who wanted to be made more correct and proper and uptight :o .

I can see why people have problems with it too, but that goes for a whole lot of the hypnotic wishes expressed on WMM. If they were all sensible ideas then people would just be doing them, not wanting to be hypnotised into doing them.
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Re: Religion Fettish

Postby sarnoga » September 12th, 2011, 12:56 pm

tanyaslave wrote:Okay, so, this is the first of two fetishes I have that I have yet to see on the site.
I find it really Really REALLY erotic, to think of being in a committed relationship, with a evangelical Christian or Catholic girl, who want to save me and show me the love of Christ. (I'm Jewish.)
I mean, realistically, the erotic elements are there. Submission. Lifestyle adaptation. Behavioural changes.
But the two major sexy elements, are the thought of converting and submitting, but also the part of her trying to change me.

Does this ring an interest with anybody else? Or am I alone on this one?

Hey there, Tanyaslave,

In your fantasy, who seduces who? Which of you ultimately is successful in your goal, if either. Who, if anyone, ends up in control? Surely you are only looking for an hypnosis aided fantasy and not a file to direct you towards living and fulfilling that fantasy.

For the most part the making of a file that is heavy on the religious themes is probably a sure way to head for disaster or at least a VERY heated argument. Some people are very accepting and tolerant so long as you don't tread on thier religion. On the other hand, if they can't stand the heat perhaps they should get out of the kitchen.

Hmmm, and just how might a fantasy like that materialize.....

Not that I would ever make such a file, but for the sake of discussion, and because I feel like it, below is an outline of how such a file might progress if I were to create it. If you are interested read on, though fair warning to all... what lies ahead is a bit graphic and likely to be very disturbing to many. Those that feel they might be disturbed by such things should stop reading here. Under no circumstances should anyone think I am promoting such behavior. It is simply one possible way such a fantasy might unfold.

I too am interested in learning more about the sexual desires of others and what it is that turns them on, what they find disturbing and what turns them on despite it being disturbing. So, for tanyaslave and the rest, read it if you please and then let us all know if that is anything remotely like your fantasies or if it is only the sort of horror you expect when Sarnoga takes your fantasies and warps them into something barely recognizable as it has been rumored I occasionaly do with a mind or two.

Part 1,

Jewish boy meets Catholic girl and a relationship ensues. As relationship evolves and becomes committed both begin making concession to the other. Catholic girl gives Jewish boy ever increasing access to her mind and body and Jewish boy begins accompanying her to church. Catholic girl becomes determined to save Jewish boyfriend and is willing to compromise some of her convictions in the hope of bringing Jewish boy to salvation. Jewish boy continues in the relationship yet, in spite of joining her in Catholic religious activities is resistant to conversion.

Eventually Catholic girl feels overwhelmed with guilt for yielding to Jewish boys seductions. But Catholic girl is desperate to save Jewish boy and eventually have him for her very own, as a trophy of her commitment to Christ. Catholic girl begins to rationalize some of her actions. Jewish boy seduces her, hypnotizes her and begins to masculanize her.

Normally Catholic girl would never give in to Jewish boy's demands and desires but she is so infatuated with Jewish boy and so fanatically intent upon converting him and saving his soul that she begins to rationalize that her behavior, rather than being sinful, is saintly in that she is risking her immortal soul in the hopes of bringing him to Christ, that because of her motives God views her actions as an undying expression of the greatest love one could have, to give oneself for another.

In some ways Jewish boy has a very similar psychological make up, in that he views some of his actions as self sacrificing for the benefit of Catholic girl. He believes he has fallen in love with the girl, not with her body but with the person inside. He finds her dedication to religion distasteful at best and sometimes disturbing. The attitude of many at her church seems to be even more stuck in the middle ages than most Catholics. As Jewish boy learns more about Catholic girl's church he learns that it is some form of spiritualist Catholic cult that departed from mainstream Catholisism somewhere back during the inquisition.

Still, Jewish boy tolerates her religion and attends her Church, but he knows what she wants and has no intention of ever converting. It is his goal to free her from the bondage of her religion and open her mind to reality and pleasure. Jewish boy liked the Catholic girl and pursued the relationship because he thought that in a relationship with a girl like her he might be able to set aside his homosexual desires and find a way to please his mother by having a committed heterosexual relationship with a girl, restoring her hope that he will marry and give her grandchildren.

But Jewish boy discovered fairly early in the relationship that there was no hope of ever becoming sexually attracted to Catholic girl. But while Catholic boy came to that realization early on, it was not early enough. While not sexually attracted to her he had already fallen in love with her. He decides that while he will never desire her physically, he does love her enough that he could eventually marry her and keep her happy, raise a family and preserve his families reputation. He knows he will always be gay, but he doesn't have to be openly gay.

Jewish boy attends church with her. He seduces her and has sex with her to keep her interested and to hide his homosexuality from her. At the same time he finds it irresistible to attempt to make her more appealing sexually and begins to masculanize her, after all, nobody but medical professionals would ever have to know and they are required to keep that knowledge confidential. Jewish boy dreams of how much better off Catholic girl will be when he has opened her mind and freed her from her repressive religion that he sees as nothing more than delusional superstition.

Both Catholic girl and Jewish boy become further entangled in the relationship and their conflicting goals.

When Catholic girl is engaging in sexual activity with Jewish boy she goes into a self induced religious trance. Jewish boy recognizes this trance and uses it to effectively implant further suggestions. When Catholic girl goes into a religious trance during sex, in her mind she is remaining pure because in her mind it is Christ she is making love to. She believes her faith is spiritually transforming the sexual acts into religious acts that are pleasing to God because her motives are pure and self sacrificing. That all she does is blessed because she is doing it to save the Jewish boy's soul.

Jewish boy continues her seduction and masculanization. Through a combination of drugs, hypnosis and other methods he causes her to grow a penis just above her vagina and now she has both a pussy and a dick. Of course, being the good Jewish boy he is, he must then circumcise her prior to making her his ass slave. Catholic girl ends up getting drilled in the ass while reciting the rosary.

Earlier Catholic girl, racked by guilt at giving in to Jewish boys seduction and allowing him to masculanize her, confesses to priest who, without revealing Catholic girls identity informs the Archbishop of Jewish boys dastardly deeds. While Jewish boy is drilling Catholic girl's ass, and playing with her newly grown and circumcised penis, cloaked and hooded figures break in catching them in the act.

The hooded masked figures gasp at seeing the Catholic girl on her back with legs in the air wiggling in pleasure as Jewish boy drills her in the ass. Jewish boy is caught by surprise and more than just with his pants down. He starts to orgasm uncontrollably and is powerless to stop the masked figures who pull him off of the Catholic girl while cum is still squirting from his stiff cock.

As Jewish boy is pulled off the Catholic girl, the intruders are even more shocked to see that she has a penis of her own. In turn the Catholic girl is mortified to be caught with a dick up her ass and someone playing with her newly grown penis. The cloaked hooded figures are overcome with lust at what they see and begin to rape Catholic girl, but they are uncertain how to deal with her having both male and female equipment as well as her unsatiable lust and what started out as a rape ends up as a wild orgy.

Captured Jewish boy is held at the doorway just long enough to see the cloaked figures fall upon his beloved Catholic girl before being carried away screaming. Jewish boy is shackled and drugged and whisked away to a distant, remote foreign monastery as the orgy between the Catholic girl and the hooded figures continues and then reaches its climax.

Part 2

Long before Jewish boy and his captors arrive at the monastery, the remaining hooded figures have spent there lust with the Catholic Girl, and in a fit of post coital guilt and depression discuss the matter among themselves and conclude they have not sinned because the being on the bed is neither man nor woman and thus not human. While the catholic girl is still laying there exhausted from the sex, the figures decide that what was once a Catholic girl is now an abomination that cannot and should not exist. Their own experience tells them she is a danger to all. They draw straws.

The one who draws the short straw begins mumbling "post coitum anima tristes est" over and over as he climbs back onto the catholic girl. He works up an erection, lifts her dick and starts fucking her girl pussy as he strangles her. She struggles and fights but the other figures each grab a limb and pull leaving her stretched out on the bed defenseless. While the hands on her throat prevent her from screaming or even speaking, inside the Catholic girl is screaming out, repenting and begging forgiveness and pleading with Mother Mary to save her.

The figure on top of the girl fucks her and strangles her, occasionally loosening his grip long enough to allow her a breath. Finally when the timing is right he picks up his tempo, tightens his grip and starts to cum just as the Catholic girl's simultaneous orgasm and death throes begin.

In the mean time Jewish boy has been whisked away to a remote foreign monastery. He is tortured in an attempt to extract a confession and conversion. Much of the torture involves sexual acts performed on him against his will. Weighted down with chains, bloody and defiant, the torture has failed to extract a confession and conversion. In one last heroic effort to save his soul, his torturers inform him of the death of his beloved catholic girl. Some that were present and participated in the act begin to describe it in every last detail.

Jewish boy blames himself and is wracked with guilt. Overcome by remorse for what he has done and what he has caused to be done to his Catholic girl, in the hope that he can be reunited with her in the afterlife, Jewish boy confesses and then converts. Shortly thereafter he is hanged as a heretic.

So there you have it. Turn On or Bust, you decide. Hot or Hideous, which is it, or is it both or neither? Would something like that grab your interest or bore you. Does it set you looking forward to my next file or does it make you more determined that ever to avoid ever listening to one of my files for fear it might actually warp your mind. Perhaps it is nothing but a big yawn. Comments?


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Postby sarnoga » September 13th, 2011, 1:22 am

tanyaslave wrote:Hahah, actually, that in its entirety, sounds not only like an interesting basis for a file, but you have the majority of the back bone for an erotic literature element! As I usually find myself saying when looking at your work- Kudos good sir.
The only thing that kind of... averts me, is the 'hanged as a heretic' last little bit. (And ever since Halo 2, I love the word heretic lol) Maybe if nobody had to die... I'd be like 'Super awesomesauce' :o

With religion someone always dies, its expected.
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coming from a missionary

Postby tech53 » November 4th, 2011, 9:44 pm

oh yeah, I am an ex missionary. That is HOT as hell. I might actually masturbate to that later on.
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where to go...

Postby tech53 » November 9th, 2011, 7:32 pm

tanyaslave wrote:tech53- I need to ask the benefit of your experience. Where might i go / what might I do to find an overbearing, in-your-face, must-convert-you-to-my-views Christian girl?

As far as looks and things go- doesn't matter. I'm attractive enough to sift through them myself, I just need a nod in the right direction.
No churches really seem to have that 'umph', that excessive evangelical in thier members that I've visited.

move to oklahoma...oklahoma city - ish area or edmond. The girls are just that. There are more churches than businesses on some blocks. There are very literally tons of these girls with this fantastical mindset of "I can convert him" or "maybe its not wrong if i do it for the right reasons". I knew them.
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Postby Mutazoa » November 10th, 2011, 6:15 am

zapnosis wrote:...some people are really jumpy about mixing mind control and religion. (I'm still in) :D

Wait...are you implying that Religion comes with out mind control? :)
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Postby zapnosis » November 10th, 2011, 2:31 pm

Mutazoa wrote:
Wait...are you implying that Religion comes with out mind control? :)

Ssshhhh! For gods' sake don't open that can of worms!
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby VeryGnawty » January 11th, 2012, 3:39 am

GoddessGracie wrote:if by religion fetish you meant you wanted a file that would compel you to get all dolled up in your prettiest pink frillies with makeup and high heels and head to Church one Sunday morning

That would be awkward in all the right ways.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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Postby robindf1 » January 31st, 2012, 1:21 am

It certainly is an interesting idea. I don't know if I'd try it myself, but I'd definitely be curious to see others try it.
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Postby Haxsaw » March 18th, 2013, 1:49 am

Hello, hello again. I am very, very sorry to have bothered you. I am glad to have caught you this day. Do you hear of or know of any file contributors here who make bad files? I apologize for such an odd question. I was looking for other names yet only found yours. I have this man writing me. He wanted to know if I knew of any file contributor who cursed files yet told no one?
He got a file to relax with. Now he feels funny, odd, out of sorts and his hips are gaining weight. He heard some here curse or place curses on files. I was trying to find Slut in my Head. I was not sure if he knew yet could not spell his name correctly. Sorry for the time this took.
You know, the only hidden messages I made were always to place subjects under, deeper. I never cursed anyone to be something other than what the file told it was to be about. Somehow, he got my name and asked me the most drawn out questions.
I also have many write. A big one is being told they were turned by hypnosis since hearing my files or turned on to being commanded, after hearing my files. Uh... I had a few who listened to my risque files. They were discovering they enjoyed dressing as ladies, when alone. I meet so many on-line. Well, thank you for your time.
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Postby Endo » March 19th, 2013, 3:47 pm

I'm going to throw my hat in the ring here, and say that as a practicing, church-going Christian, I've never encountered the sorts of people or the sorts of things that some of you say are things about Christianity that make them "bad people". I've yet to meet a blatantly homophobic church leader, or an extreme "I want you to convert". Westboro Baptist has given many Christians a bad name. We're not all like that. Personally, I try to be accepting of my homosexual acquaintances, and if they ask my opinion on homosexuality, I'll give it to them as I see it. Some Christians realize that "All is permissible, but not all is beneficial", and I am one of those. "Love the sinner, hate the sin" is a little more conservative, and a large majority of Christians that I know personally act in this manner. Your attacks on Christians in general as a hating, psychotic group are just as hateful and uninformed as you think that we are.

Now, I understand that you think this fantasy of yours is hot, and I'm not judging you. I have some very weird fantasies myself, as you can probably tell from the files I've made.
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