Some ideas on Gullibility

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Some ideas on Gullibility

Postby StrippedGears » February 21st, 2013, 5:23 pm

I read this great story on the other day (I really wish I could remember the title) about a guy that slowly conditioned the girl next door to be gullible, then used that to his advantage. Now, altogether the way he did it (subtle suggestions planted around himself like choice of songs, the food he eats, etc.) seemed far-fetched, but the core concept still intrigued me.

I figure there's a LOT of mileage to be had out of a core file that does nothing but makes the listener gullible. Not stupid, per se... just unable to resist accepting statements as truth on their face value. It should probably take the form of a trigger phrase or a handful of triggers that just completely switches off your ability to even remember that lying is even a thing. The obvious trigger would have to be "Believe me." Obviously, this should be listed as an accidentally-triggerable curse file, and there should be allowances made to let people self-trigger and maybe blacklist some specific sources or groups of sources (for example, if you don't want to be channel surfing and accidentally hit some news channel with some wackjob saying "believe me, you should just sell everything you own now because the world is going to end by June!"). The core also shouldn't keep people from uncovering that they've been lied to on their own - all it does is make you accept something as true until you're given reason to disbelieve it.

Of course, while that would be fun in and of itself, the real special part would come from people making more files that build on the core. After all, if you accept anything said after a trigger phrase as the absolute truth, then it should be a simple matter to drill in any number of suggestions. Files that use the core could be beneficial, sadistic, sexy, dangerous... whatever suits the file creator's fancy.

Some ideas for addons:

Believe Me, You're a Sissy
This file could easily just be a repeated use of "believe me" followed by things like "it's been obvious to anyone that has ever met you that you're girly" or "your little sissy-clitty has only ever gotten hard when thinking of boys".

Believe Me, Cum Makes You Lose Weight
"Believe me, that's why they put cum in weight loss shakes. Believe me, that's why twinky gay boys are so fit. You can trust me, the more cum you swallow, the faster you'll lose those extra pounds!"

Believe Me, You're Such a Baby
"... why, you're completely incontinent! You know you have to believe me, you wouldn't even know how to use a toilet even if you could make it to one in time, so you may as well piss yourself. You're so gullible you fooled yourself into thinking you could use big boy underpants instead of diapers when you ran out... that won't work so well."

Believe Me, You're a Moron
This file would start with a simple fact - that the listener is extraordinarily gullible, and through repeated triggering attack the intelligence of the listener. "Believe me, nobody as gullible as you could possibly have graduated grade school. I'm telling you the truth when I say you can't count past three and reading is right out. You're so gullible that the only way you'll ever know that you've been fooled is if someone tells you you've been fooled... but this file is completely correct and anyone that tells you otherwise is a liar. Believe me, you're a moron."

You May be Gullible, but You're Not Stupid
This would be the exact opposite - it would start with stating how completely gullible the listener is, but instead go on about how that means it's easier to keep an open mind and it's easier to weight contradictory statements if you start by assuming both are true and work backwards to check their validity.

Believe Me, You Need To Listen to Every "Believe Me" File
For the particularly adventurous :twisted:

PS: First time posting and I find it simply delightful how the "submit" button carries double meaning here.
Posts: 31
Joined: August 9th, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby kslava » April 22nd, 2013, 8:37 pm

This sounds like a really great method! Would love to give something like this a listen if it fit me.
Posts: 143
Joined: May 21st, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby deleteduser1 » April 22nd, 2013, 11:02 pm

I think you mean [url=]Are You Gullible?[/url]

Great idea.
Posts: 23
Joined: July 16th, 2011, 12:00 am

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