Anyone got a suggestion they want to hear?

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Anyone got a suggestion they want to hear?

Postby slutinmyhead » May 16th, 2013, 10:18 pm

Considering my next recording and wanted to get some input...

1) Are you interested in real changes or do you just enjoy the fantasy of real changes?

2) How fast do you want the changes to occur? One listening, or slowly over years (with plenty of time to back out should you someday decide you want to)?

3) Do you enjoy listening repeatedly to the same file for a long time or pretty much want to always be listening to something new?

4) Do you prefer lots of different recordings with various different themes or many recordings around one theme, moving you along bit by bit?

5) How much can you afford to spend on new recordings?

6) What subject, if I did a recording about it, would you definitely buy?

7) Do you participate in the overall erotic hypnosis community or prefer to listen anonymously?

8) What do you find most attractive about erotic hypnosis?

Thanks for answering any or all of these questions. If you've ever felt like you wanted more of something, here's the place to ask for it.
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Postby Endo » May 16th, 2013, 11:26 pm

1. It depends. A file cannot, for example, summon a tentacle monster to play with me and instantaneously turn me into a female for real. It can damn sure make me hallucinate it, though. I would like to lose my pubes for the foreseeable future, and I'd like to enjoy anal a lot more. Both of those are "real" changes that could be made to occur through hypnosis.

2. I'd prefer for instantaneous changes, and because of that, I'm often disheartened by new files after a few listens, so I burn out. The reason I'd want a quick change would be because there are so many files whose effects I want. If I were able to get a file solidly in two weeks of daily listening, I'd probably be content with that. If I want to back out of a file, I'll write a kill file.

3. I find that hypnosis is more effective for me when I use the same induction for a long time. I can deal with hearing the same thing, it's the lack of results that bugs me.

4. I'm not sure how to answer this. I know my tastes, so when I write, I throw it all in the pot, there's no need for me to make multiple files for one set of effects at this point in my "career".

5. I don't have a job. I'm in college, so nothing. I usually ignore buy files.

6. If I liked the idea, I'd script it out and record it myself. Pretty much the same as 5.

7. Well, I'm participating, aren't I?

8. Free, it's another hobby, and you can experience stuff that would be sketchy IRL.

9. If there was anything I absolutely wanted, it would be more shemale/futa files. I'm pretty sure I have written the only "Have sex with a female who has a dick" file.

EDIT: I take that back. I have the only TWO "have sex with a female who has a dick" files on this site. There sure are a lot about transforming the user into a chick with a dick on this site, though.
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Postby sfhole2stretch » May 17th, 2013, 8:57 pm

1. Real changes. Fantasy files are ok but I think most people are here trying to be themselves by taking down their own hangups at getting there.

2. Faster is always better. Since permanent really does take quite a long time quicker immediate results motivate for the long term.

3. If I want something to work I will listen repeatedly. That's the only chance for it to work. Has to be interest sustaining though or I get bored. TTS voices are not good for repeated listening as they are very boring and often not easy to understand.

4. Tough call. My mind does get bored with recordings but that's also about the time it seems they start to work. I do find some benefit to listening to different files on the same subject for different points of view or avenues of thought not previously explored. For me it helps keep it interesting.

5. I'm poor like most folks. For a subject I'm really into $5-10 every now and then is ok, but I mostly stick to free/premium files.

6. Unlikely but if you recorded a file encouraging a user to explore extreme fist fucking I'd absolutely be down.

7. Typing away here says yes.

Erotic hypnosis has heightened my sexual senses and broadened my mind. What's not to like?
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Re: Anyone got a suggestion they want to hear?

Postby WatDo » May 20th, 2013, 3:20 am

1) Are you interested in real changes or do you just enjoy the fantasy of real changes?

Both are equally important. You have to enjoy the fantasy to enjoy the real deal; it serves as a motivator. However, there should be more investment towards real changes and the occasional fantasy session just to keep things flowing properly. Too much fantasy makes me lazier towards doing the real thing.

2) How fast do you want the changes to occur? One listening, or slowly over years (with plenty of time to back out should you someday decide you want to)?

For me, I would like a file that DRILLS in the ideas and does it fast. Obviously changes don't happen over night, but a file that doesn't pussyfoot around always works wonders.

3) Do you enjoy listening repeatedly to the same file for a long time or pretty much want to always be listening to something new?

I like listening to something new, but only because I am still searching for the thing that suits me. My own voice or simulated voices don't really appeal to me. I need a real male voice to take me down, almost any would do unless they sound very feminine. I do have regular files I listen to and I try new files occasional, even though there aren't many new files about masculinization or whatever.

4) Do you prefer lots of different recordings with various different themes or many recordings around one theme, moving you along bit by bit?

The latter. It's easier to do multiple files dedicated to training me towards the same goal. I actually need vivid detail, or rather, I need to be instructed what to be and what to think while under hypnosis. So if I jump around to different subjects the effect a file has would most likely wear down. Which is good if I find out a file has something I don't want hidden in it, bad if I want to drill the file into my head.

5) How much can you afford to spend on new recordings?

Honestly, I am always very hesitant about buying these things. 20 bucks is the max I would ever spend on something, so I usually wait around for sales. Pay files generally have a nice description, but half of them don't tell you everything that's in a file. Which means the file might just be a waste of 20 dollars if I have to do some editing to it... Editing files seems to really take the edge off of the file. I think it's because the pacing gets ruined. It's not bad, it's just that I am very specific with files that it ultimately hurts the chance of a file being effective on me.

6) What subject, if I did a recording about it, would you definitely buy?

Muscle building, masculinization, becoming a bodybuilder... Stuff like that.

7) Do you participate in the overall erotic hypnosis community or prefer to listen anonymously?

A little bit of both? I dunno. Does this count? I don't really spend much time with erotic hypnosis, but arousal based files really do feel great.

8) What do you find most attractive about erotic hypnosis?

I do not have a boyfriend at the moment and in my current state it will probably stay that way. I'm not ugly, but I'm not "out" either so that makes it increasingly difficult. As such, erotic hypnosis is the thing that helps take the edge off to relieve stress. I usually get a file that gets me very aroused that lasts about 20-30 minutes, then I do my business. THe resulting orgasm is very satisfying. I do it every few days since masturbation is healthy for regulating testosterone levels... And my job is pretty lame and stressful, so that plays a role in the amount of times I do it too.
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Postby swmnkdinthervr » June 3rd, 2013, 10:41 am

1. In our scenario real is best, I can always alter how seriously or realistically the suggestions/commands are to be accepted before playing the file.

2. Rapid learning is great but the files can be repeated as necessary and I can specify any any commands are removable by me.

3. We like to rotate files in a specific subject repeating the same one occasionally.

4. The more themes the better but several along similar lines is also great!

5. While your recordings are undoubtedly a ton of work it's hard to justify the cost of really expensive the files. We use your files as additional training material, the better I become at writing my own material the less I need recorded scripts but your material is a nice change for my sub. I'm willing to spend about $10 on a download and maybe $15 on a CD postage included.

6. Most submissive/slut/erotic files are interesting to us.

7. We participate is several "lifestyle" communities as well as hypnosis communities. You know us from one other than here. :D

Erotic hypnosis...actually hypnosis in general allows us to shape our immediate world, both in fantasy and in real time!

Thanks for all your efforts! We will soon be posting some of the feedback we promised, it's been a bit busy here and we haven't had a lot of time to play your files.
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Re: Anyone got a suggestion they want to hear?

Postby DKaiser » June 3rd, 2013, 1:53 pm

1) Are you interested in real changes or do you just enjoy the fantasy of real changes?
Depends on the sort of changes. Something that changes behavior is always going to be "real", while something that's more physical can be either "real" (to a point) or "imagined". In that case, I prefer the imagined, as then it's nobody else's business what suggestions I'm wearing at the time.

2) How fast do you want the changes to occur? One listening, or slowly over years (with plenty of time to back out should you someday decide you want to)?
Years is a bit much. I like files where it will either happen relatively quickly(depending on subject matter) or if it's a more complex file, show consistent improvement. Nothing's more annoying than having a file that's exceptionally slow to work, or works intermittently.

3) Do you enjoy listening repeatedly to the same file for a long time or pretty much want to always be listening to something new?
New can be interesting, but it's also hard to do with files. As long as the file matches properly with my intent of what to get out of the file, I can find ways to keep myself motivated.

4) Do you prefer lots of different recordings with various different themes or many recordings around one theme, moving you along bit by bit?
I prefer that each recording be specific to the area in question. I like files that cover the whole of the subject area as well, rather than a long sequence of smaller files.

5) How much can you afford to spend on new recordings?
Not too much. People don't like to commission files much, in hopes that someone else will release one for free, so what money I have in my paypal is limited. Keep it in line with other prices on the site, and you'll be fine.

6) What subject, if I did a recording about it, would you definitely buy?
Hmm. A file in regards to washing away the ability to resist files is always nice. Something that's not "I am your master, obey me and only me", but rather a generic "if you agree with what a file will do to you, you accept it unconditionally and automatically". Something to help people get more out of files, without the heavy enslavement overtones of some of the ones floating around here.
I also think there's too many feminization files around for making someone into a superslut or flirty cross dresser. I like the idea of a gender file that leaves the subject's personality intact, essentially having them as a male in a female's body, or vice versa. They're still themselves at the end, just with different imagined dangly parts.

7) Do you participate in the overall erotic hypnosis community or prefer to listen anonymously?
I occasionally write little papers and such on how to get more out of files, based on my own research. That said, I don't interact too much outside of occasional peeks in.

8) What do you find most attractive about erotic hypnosis?
What I can get out of the files. Hypnosis serves as a means to experience subject matter that the trancer enjoys. Sometimes that subject matter is hypnosis itself, but it doesn't need to be. When in doubt, consider why someone would enjoy that particular subject when crafting a file, and you'll find it's much more effective than "okay, here's a file on ____".
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Postby slutinmyhead » June 23rd, 2013, 6:32 pm

I appreciate you guys for answering the survey. I found your answers interesting, so thought I'd share my own responses...

1) I am interested in real changes, but also enjoy the fantasy, particularly when it comes to financial domination recordings. I listen to a lot of different recordings, but would listen to a lot less if one listening was all it took for a profound effect. I do like seeing the changes developing, with plenty of time to cease and desist if things seem to be going faster than I'm comfortable with.

2) Ideally, over a few weeks to a few months. I need to feel effects to stay interested, but also want to be able to enjoy a recording for a while. I truly enjoy the seduction of hypnosis, so for effects to occur to quickly, is kind of like losing out on a lot of foreplay.

3) I listen to a new recording several times over the first few days, then intermittently, often playing in the background while listening to another file. I frequently play two at a time, one a bit softer than the other. This is usually something newer and something older. I listen to new recordings almost every day.

4) There are certain themes that really excite me, but these are sometimes unrelated. I do notice my tastes evolving... For the longest time, I enjoyed gay and cuckold files. I also enjoy commitment type fantasies like marriage, impregnation, goddess worship and financial domination. Lately, my tastes are drifting towards creating fixations with specific body parts like feet, breasts, asses...

5) When buying recordings (and I buy a lot of them), I usually balk at hypnotists charging more than $1 per minute... I can pretty much afford to spend as much as I want, but do sometimes reign myself in.

6) I have favorite hypnotists. If you're one of those, I buy almost everything you do. I tend to be reluctant to purchase files from hypnotists I'm not already crazy about, as so much disappoints me. I am definitely more likely to purchase files that are somehow different than the 45 gigs I already own. I never buy humiliation recordings. I think they're dangerous. And I'm not particularly interested in feminization or peeing myself. Recordings I would definitely buy? Making me want to get someone pregnant, marry someone, love housework (without the whole dress up aspect). Lately, I'm becoming interested by chastity, but not if it involves cuckoldry or humiliation.

7) I try...

8) The intimacy
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Re: Anyone got a suggestion they want to hear?

Postby Squirrelous » June 25th, 2013, 7:58 pm

1 - I like my RL changes to be clean. I like more mental/fantasy changes for the grisly stuff.

2 - Working in one or two listens.

3 - Always listening to something new.

4 - A small number of themes, I guess.

5 - I don't like spending much, but I am willing to spend $5-10 on something I really like.

6 - Dominance training, artistic realization, boldness/outgoingness in terms of expressing self, etc.

7 - I border between lurking and interacting.

8 - The change of my inner mind and the world I live in, tasting new flavors, and previous ones more vividly.
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Postby Route42 » December 1st, 2013, 3:34 am

Sorry for the necropost, but I think it's an interesting topic and I want to write out my response.

1. Real changes. I guess I'm an all-or-nothing type guy. Like, why would I want to spend 20, 40, or more minutes on a file for a fantasy scenario. It's why I tend to avoid imagined physical changes files, even when they fall into my wheelhouse of interests.

2. I'll echo what a lot of people have said here: I want to see (or feel) the intended change as rapidly as possible. Of course, I also know that most files require time. So the trick is to see steady changes until the endgame or I no longer wish to listen.

3. I used to want to listen to as much new as possible. Now my hypnosis interests are pegged specifically enough that if I'm seeing (or feeling) consistent results I like, then I have no qualms sticking with a certain regimen. But if I hit a stage where I'm not seeing steady results? It starts feeling like a waste of time and I'll miss a day... and then two... and then a week... at which point I drop the file(s).

4. At this point I'm sticking with two closely linked themes. There are many more themes I've hit in the past, and would engage in a whole hodgepodge of files before realizing I wasn't going to be able to devote the kind of attention to those themes that I needed to in order to actually see changes. Oddly, I do something similar to slutinmyhead insofar as I'll take several files (usually the TTS of several self-penned scripts) and listen to them at the same time. Perhaps looping them while trancing to a file I downloaded (currently doing that with Sarnoga's G File), or just looping them on low volume while not trancing.

5. My fiscal situation right now is dire. So I haven't even ponied up for premium since sometime in the summer. However, I would definitely consider spending up to $10 on a file if the idea really appealed to me and I trusted the creator of the file (ex: slutinmyhead, sarnoga, elana, etc). It'd have to be more of a novelty idea, and instead just a good core file. Like, if I was into furry transformation, it'd be the file I listened to every night, with perhaps a rotating set to accompany it depending on my whims. Bonus points for originality. I almost pulled the trigger on a love potion file over the summer, but the activation of the file was a bit too specific to be useful to me.

6. Mostly I keep my file interest quirks close to chest, so maybe instead I'll use the space to give a brief note about phrasing. I am drawn more to files that are so-called "curse" files, under the belief that they're "stronger" than non-curse files. Now, I'm not an expert on any of this, but it seems to me that there is a certain negative connotation to the term and concept of "curse"--which makes them automatically kind of an "against your will", "bad influence" type file. EMG curse files especially embrace this by wrapping in a lot of shame and humiliation-type suggestions. So my thought is, why not go positive? For a person listening to a hypnosis file looking for real changes, it seems like making the whole package positive and free from humiliation and shame would make it easier to embrace the concepts being presented. I've listened to several "curse" files (insofar as being permanent/addicting) that avoided using the term, using a more positive approach to crafting the suggestions. Had to stop listening to the one because I realized it was going to be TOO effective and I wasn't that devoted to the probable results.

7. Anonymously preferred, though I do comment occasionally on these here forums, so I guess not anonymously enough.

8. The ability to be able to craft myself against natural inclinations. To make certain areas of my life a conscious decision by using files to train the subconsciousness. And so there is an erotic element of forced change there, yeah. Although it is forced change with my own self guiding the wand, so to speak--either by my conscious file choices, or by actually writing my scripts.
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Postby jcdps » December 7th, 2013, 4:06 pm

For me most files talk to slow. Can you experiment with talking fast?
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Postby obey_evolution » December 22nd, 2013, 8:13 pm

I'm replying from my cell in a power outage so i'll be brief.
1. I'm more interested in real permanent physical modifications and extensions to myself as it shows the power of subconscious control. In the case of hallucinations I like very dramatic ones that are permanent but that come paired with a reversion file. I'd pay much more for that level of "Product". For example, more I'd like a more inescapable Phantom Rapist file if I had an antidote close at hand before trying it since I can fully react to files on the first listen now.
2. I'd like more files that use the common deep trance triggers.
3. I'm willing to pay more for more, but I've never even seen a nibble for my requests so far.

i'll reply more specifically when power returns.
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Postby mrk860 » January 26th, 2014, 6:48 pm

as to no. 1 real would be best because pseudo change or erotic files don't work on my highly analytical mind. number 2 time fast is good. i don't want to listen for years, asking for a one time listen to work is just not gonna happen. 3 cash well I'm broke but i wouldn't mind paying for the right type of file. also i like to blend files on the same topic to mix it up a bit. as to topics my preferences are a little unique i like the idea of feminization but i don't want to be a mindless bimbo or loose my functioning parts. and as to public or group hypnosis i don't have a group of friends that share these interests. and no comment on the super analytical mind and the failure of erotic hypnosis ( the ones that act like a hallucination)
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Postby obey_evolution » February 15th, 2014, 2:27 pm

mrk860 wrote:as to no. 1 real would be best because pseudo change or erotic files don't work on my highly analytical mind. .... and no comment on the super analytical mind and the failure of erotic hypnosis ( the ones that act like a hallucination)

Trust me dude. The only thing you are missing is a Metronome set to 35-40 beats per minute to get past your highly analytic ADHD. I have a nice one on my smartphone that I let get mixed in with my files. 20 minutes with the metronome and you'll find your theta if everything else is good. Try it before just jumping back and arguing on this (Yeah, I knew you wanted to ;-)

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