by Calimore » September 5th, 2014, 1:36 pm
Unless your wife thinks of you as her "boyfriend", you should NOT buy SAF. All of the wording in the subliminals is geared toward a perceived boyfriend. Which means the file should even work for most gay men as well (at least at the beginning of a relationship).
As for the script used in the file, it is available to anyone who purchases it, but in your case I think it best that you not buy that file (unless, of course, you also a girlfriend on the side).
I had actually started working on a file similar to Stealth Adventurous Girlfriend for married men when you posted this topic to the forum. A preliminary "first read" mp3 was posted on the site early this morning which I hope receives some feedback from the Premium users here. My primary thought is that the file may be best if it is read in a woman's voice. So, for the first time ever, I'm using a Text-to-Speech application so that the pleasant voice of a woman delivers the subliminals to the listener.
After trying 4 different programs and auditioning over a dozen voices, I inevitably found a voice I liked for this project. I especially like the way the algorithm says the word "naughty". I may look for me to complete the file this weekend so as to make it available first thing Monday morning.
As for playing the file for your wife, you really should let her know that the what you are playing is for her benefit. Personally, I'd let her know I'd taken an interest in subliminals and wanted to see if they really worked. As you would probably not notice the effects if you used them on yourself, tell her you've decided to try them out on her. If they work, she'll enjoy sex more, and as it is something she "kinda has to do" anyway, enjoying it more would be a definite bonus. If the subliminals have no effect though, she loses nothing. In no way can she lose, so why shoudn't she let you try?
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