Nappy (Diaper) Fear file

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Nappy (Diaper) Fear file

Postby ukrogue » November 9th, 2014, 5:23 pm

Hi all, I'm wanting a particular type of file and I guess here would be the right place to describe it;

Basically it would make me occasionally want to put on a nappy (diaper), but when I go to do it, I will feel intense fear that when I have put it on I will become totally and permanently incontinent bladder and bowel and have to wear them for the rest of my life.

I don't actually want to be permanently incontinent, but the fear of it is a tremenous rush.

The file would instill that fear, so I'm incredibly afraid to put the nappy / diaper on, but still feel powerfully compelled to do so, and then while it's on I am completely incontinent but normal at all other times.

Then it would be great if when it comes to taking it off, I feel strongly compelled to put another one straight on, in fear of wetting / messing by accident whilst not having one on, so that I get the feeling of really being stuck in them helpless with no choice but to keep wearing them.

This would continue for a random but fairly small number of changes until the effect wears off and I take off the last one and then instantly return to a normal state until the next time I get the urge when it all starts again.

All the time I'm going through these episodes I'd want to be convinced that it's never going to wear off, that this time I really have tripped a switch that means it's never going to wear off and I am doomed to a life of complete dependency on wearing nappies / diapers.

Obviously I do want it to actually wear off because I don't want to change my lifestyle to be a permanent wearer, and besides I think that would be boring, it's the possibility of getting stuck like that which excites me and I think the actuality of it would be very boring and tedious, so it's the fear and excitement of the possibility and the uncertainty which I'm looking to enhance and bring to the foreground.

Can such a file be made?

I'm guessing it would have to have a section which I'm ordered to forget which contains the instructions about the effect wearing off after a few changes, so that I feel like I'm submitting to it forever and I have no recollection that the effect is temporary and will only go on for a short period of time.
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Postby ProfessorPig » November 20th, 2014, 4:29 pm

this is a really interesting file idea that i might be willing to try making. that said fear and fear based beliefs have a way of manifesting into reality. it is likely that if you were listening to a file like this that your fears would eventually be realized.
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Postby ukrogue » November 20th, 2014, 7:04 pm

that possibility, that the very fear of it becoming permanent might actually make it happen is going to make the fear of it actually happing all the sharper, especially if the listener has been programmed to believe it is a real possiblity and the very next time they submit could well be the last time they ever have the ability to return to normal.

If there was no such uncertainty there wouldn't be any fear and for me then there wouldn't be any fun in it.

I've listened repeatedly to complete incontinence files and been through such states of fear and enjoyed them immensely only for the whole thing to wear off when my mind overcomes the programming because deep down I don't want to be dependent on wearing nappies (diapers), I just really enjoy the feelings of adrenaline when submitting to putting one on, and the feelings of fear about needing them in between times, like if I've been listening a lot to an inco file and am not wearing.

I remember a few occasions that really stick in my mind that were awesome, one was when I was in a friends car and I felt like I desperately needed to go to the toilet, another I was in a bar having a drink and I ended up going to the restroom and wrapping a load of toilet paper around my ass and inside my pants... just in case... another is a time home alone when I'm trying to go to sleep and I couldn't and the programming forced me to get up and put on a nappy (diaper) and the feeling of helplessness as I put it on was intense.

I want feelings like this, fears, compulsions to submit to wearing and being incontinent for a short time, whilst not becoming actually fully and irrevocably incontinent but all the time being convinced that playing with this 'fire' has a strong likelyhood of me getting permanently burnt by it.

I don't want to accept or overcome the fear, I want to heighten it to a state where I am practically breathless because of what I'm being forced to do and what the end result could be.

I guess it's a bit like being addicted to dangerous sports but without the chance of fracturing any bones lol... in this case the danger is fracturing a certain useful muscle, and having to wear nappies (diapers) for the rest of my days as punishment for my obsession with this state of mind.
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Postby ProfessorPig » November 21st, 2014, 12:38 am

ok i wrote a script and i am going to try and record it tonight. i used the term diaper instead of nappy because that is the term i feel more comfortable saying. i also refer to the listener as pig once or twice, i hope that does not throw you off too much, all of my files are pig themed. i define a pig in my files as someone guided by their desires so it sounds like an appropreate description for someone who would listen to this file. i tried to throw some safeties in there but like i said before, there is a good chance that if you play with fire long enough you are going to get burned. anyway, i should have it all finished up sometime tommarow. i hope you enjoy it
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