file Idea- A file to help me explore the true fat sow inside

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file Idea- A file to help me explore the true fat sow inside

Postby ShadowMouse67z » January 13th, 2015, 10:17 pm

here is a big wall of text for a role play i like doing often on role play sites, i think it would be awesome if it can become a file to listen to and help me feel nice and truly like the fat repulsive sow that i am on the inside!


I want to be turned into a fat foul pig that can't stop fucking eating for a god damn second, a big bloated hog that's as vile and repugnant as they come, getting fatter and fatter by the second. With every fucking donut, every tub of pudding, every thick extra greasy lard soaked burger, I'm making myself bigger thicker and fatter, Im swelling up like a Fucking Balloon! and it is without a doubt Fucking Disgusting! the worst most fattening lardy food possible, cakes, pies, cheep cheep beer ,infact its so cheep it tastes like strong bitter horse piss heck it may even be just horse piss with booze in it its even served hot, not warm actually hot, donuts, burgers, extra everything extremely bad fattening and unhealthy . and taught all about ballooning up like a massive blimp and why eating is such a foul dirty disgusting habit , in fact it's the most disgusting habit in the world! Then why it's good to give in to such a vulgar vulgar thing. watching nothing but commercials 24/7, . tech me about becoming pure trailer trash why i should long for this, long to be a completely and absolutely broke destitute bum living in a dumpy trailer or apartment that ive turned into a total hovel and pig pen stuck in such massive debt there's no way to ever resolve it, in fact seeking out opportunities to help my self sink further and further into my nice comfy debt, because debt feels good my credit ruined beyond repair, in love with debt and poverty why would i ever want to be out of debt?, glued to the tv, to commercials for beer junk food and smokes, the major theme of this rp will be that eating is a truly foul and repulsive thing, and it can become sickeningly obscene basally every single product they make has been taken back to the drawing board, and re designed from the ground up, to push or further there new agenda foods n drink are now way more fattening n unhealthy as much as they can cram into the recipe clothes are designed to be worn indefinitely and make you look repulsive homely and fat. the TV is written and crafted so that you'll become extremely lazy and dumb as well as hungry I don't want there to be anything more sickening then me when you're done

Please tell me I am a BIG FAT PIG a horrid repulsive disgusting sow that eats non fucking stop and has the most appalling manners n habits, a cow that doesn't know how to stop fucking eating and will never cease blowing up like a fucking balloon! Yes i long for and crave to hear such obese affirmations, all in a kinda positive light too to encourage me to listen and gladly accept this as the true real truth of who and what i am. say every possible name and fatty comment you can think up at me. let the put downs and mockery flow make me feel like one big porky tubby hog! make me into some foul horrible repulsive pig that is just sickening to be around, farting belching you name it. theres no weight i wont dream of swelling up to 400 500 600 pounds? maby more! i dont care im a nasty horrible cow, every pound i pack on is pride for my fat fuelled ego. eating is a repulsive disgusting habit and what im doing to myself is soo horrid for my health. and that why i need to keep at it, love it. i deserve this massive size and repugnant fate ;)
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Joined: June 25th, 2010, 12:00 am

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