Hypnosis file making

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Hypnosis file making

Postby Firyfly » February 14th, 2016, 5:30 am


I am an german man and my girlfriend and i have a Hypnosis fetish and we want to make a Hypnosis file to make her a complete slave.

First what programms should we use ?

What are subliminals, binaural and isotonic beats exactly and do i need them for Hypnosis files? If so how do i create them or what else do i need?

Last, can annyone explain me how to write a good Hypnosis script?

Thx to all who help!

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Re: Hypnosis file making

Postby zapnosis » February 15th, 2016, 5:27 pm

Hi there!

Programs: Audacity is a free recording / editing program. You should be able to get it from download.com

You do not need beats or subliminals to make a file. Beats can help to slow the brain down to assist the trance process, but some people find them more annoying than helpful. As for subliminals... again, you hear different things from different people.

Monaural beats are beats that you hear when two tones very close together are played at the same time. The two different frequencies of the sound waves form an interference pattern and as a result the sound "pulses."

Binaural beats are exactly the same thing except that one tone is played in the left ear and the other in the right ear. The brain mixes the two together and the same interference pattern appears. Monaural and binaural beats are quite limited because they rely on having two steady tones that are very close together and by definition the sound will tend to be discordant.

Isochronic beats are made by applying an audio effect to the sound file. This gives you more flexibility because you can apply it to one tone or more... or to a piece of music or whatever you like. Also you can work with multiple beat frequencies if you really want to get fancy!

With a bit or learning and experimenting, Audacity can do all of these.

As for writing a good script, others can give you better advice than I. A lot of it comes down to personal style, experience and / or preference. It also depends what kind of effects you want the file to achieve. If you have specific instructions for your sub, then be precise and consistent. If you are just deepening her submission in general then go slowly, use repetition and don't just say it, believe it!

Hope that helps. Good luck!
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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