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Looking for script ideas: Unaware of wardrobe malfunctions

PostPosted: April 23rd, 2013, 10:47 pm
by mindscythe
Greetings! I have an idea I would like to use with my wife, but I haven't quite figured out how to script it out yet. With all the creative people on here I was hoping some would chime in with some helpful ideas to use in a script with her. I like do do live sessions with her rather than recordings, hence the desire for a script.

Here is the general idea. My wife likes wearing some pretty skimpy tops when we are together running errands around town, are out at the dance club, or around the house. However, she has a habit of constantly adjusting her top if the cleavage is a bit more than she is used to. I have seen her pulling the top edge of her shirt up 3 times in 60 seconds, and she doesn't even realize she is doing it. It's one of those habitual modesty responses that is hard for her to stop when she doesn't realize she is doing it. I love the clothing choices she makes, but it ruins the fun (and the view) if she is constantly adjusting her clothes.

So, I realize now that I am looking less for a script and more for a strategy to get her to accept and be totally comfortable with whatever she is wearing, no matter how her clothing is sitting on her body once she finishes dressing. If she is wearing a shirt with cleavage that can gape open, I want her to not even realize it or care about it if the cleavage is open so much that her nipples are visible.

Another aspect I would like to have a strategy for in a script is making it so that if I (or possibly anyone) adjust her clothing she doesn't even notice it ... making it like so ordinary and mundane that it isn't important enough to notice if I lift her skirt up so her panties show when she is sitting or walking (or lack of panties).

There are times she wears these low-cut tank tops that if the strap is too much to the side her boob peeks out, and I think it is as sexy as hell. Getting her to ignore when that happens, and even ignore if I intentionally cause her "wardrobe malfunction" is the goal. If someone points it out to her, she should be free to be shocked, embarrassed, coy, flirty, whatever, but until someone says something she should be totally innocent of what is going on.

That is what I am thinking. Any thoughts on how to pose this to her subconscious mind are appreciated. And anyone is welcome to take this idea and make this into a recording. In fact, if you contribute your script/strategy ideas here or to me in a PM I will try them out on her if you'd like before you bother making a recording.

Thanks all!!!
