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self hypnosis surprise file

PostPosted: May 29th, 2013, 11:59 am
by ProfessorPig
what do you guys think about a file that conditions you to forget the contents of hypnotic files you record allowing you to listen to them as someone else would. not knowing what will come next is one of my favorite parts of listening to a hypnotic file for the first time. the unknown gives it a sence of danger and excitement that recordings i make for myself or that i have heard too many times lack.

i would imagine the suggestions would be something along the lines of these suggestions but i think the file would need a much better hypnotist than i to pull this file off.

when a trigger word is spoken you will go into a trance. in the trance you will record a file based on your subconscious desires. your conscious mind will be unaware of the file you are recording because your subconscious knows how much it will enjoy the surprise of hearing the file later. if someone else asks you about the content of the files you will be able to write about the contents without your conscious mind being aware of what you are typing and quickly forgetting anything that was said about the file. you will not desire to listen to the file until all the suggestions contained within have been completely forgotten and then your subconscious will guide you back to find the file. since your subconscious knows exactly what is in the file and how it will change you when you are listening to the file for the first time your subconscious will take a back seat and your conscious mind will fully focus on the words of the hypnotist.

PostPosted: May 30th, 2013, 6:34 am
by dark_wolf49
Sounds tempting and I probably would give it a try

PostPosted: May 30th, 2013, 3:12 pm
by Endo
I believe a file like this already exists. (Well, I know it does, because I remember using it.) It's one of EMG's, you play it before the file you want to forget, and it causes you to forget listening to the file, if you wanted to say, not remember listening to said file so that you could be surprised by the changes it would make, or have that "new car smell" when you listen to a file you're tired of.