Play cards in the chatroom

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Play cards in the chatroom

Postby demigraff » June 5th, 2013, 8:24 am

I had a weird idea. How about being able to play a card game in the chat room. Normally this wouldn't work, because you can't see your opponents' cards. But if you have a deck each, and trance people not to cheat, it could work :)

Or even more fun, trance one player so the idea of cheating never occurs to them; and they never even consider the possibility that someone else might cheat.

You could also add some forfeits. My idea was to play an altered version of hearts, such that it works when the players don't necessarily have a complete deck between them, and it can also be adjusted for different lengths of game. With this one, I'd have one player (me?), or maybe 2 or 3, tranced so that they don't even think cheating is possible, and also they become excited, feeling a wave of "naughty" or embarassing pleasure every time they win a hand with heart(s) in. more hearts = more intense pleasure; if the total value of hearts in a trick is more than 21 (faces & aces count 10), they might even orgasm from it.

Here's the rules I'd use:

1) Each player draws 10 (or 7) cards to start

2) One player leads a random card (from the deck) for the first trick. After that, the last player to win leads.

3) In order to play a heart, you have to pay by removing an item of clothing.

4) You have to follow suit with the first card if you can.

5) The highest card of the right suit wins the trick.

6) If you win a face card, you can draw another card into your hand.

7) If 2 players play the same card, they can both draw a card. If they win, they both get the point for winning the trick, and someone deals a random card to lead the next trick.

8) As everyone has their own deck, players can join or leave mid game.

9) If you run out of cards and still want to play, you can draw a new hand by doing a forfeit chosen by the player to your left.

10) Agree a forfeit before the game, to be performed by anyone who wins the jokers or black lady (Jokers can be played, but can't win a hand)

11) The "winner" could be whoever wins most tricks when everyone's out of cards; but the real fun of the game is in the forfeits and the special trance effect of the hearts; so I deliberately tweaked it so they're not directly linked to the victory condition.

What do you think?
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Postby ParanoidLord » June 6th, 2013, 12:19 am

I once had an algorithm for Hearts that worked pretty well, but I've long since forgotten it - if I got back into the habit of playing, I could probably redesign it, but whatever.

Anyways, if you want to combine hypnosis and games, I suggest really emphasizing the 'forfeits' - make people get various hypnotic effects from whatever results in the game. In the case of Hearts, make sure the listener gets something out of shooting the moon or shooting the sun.
(Don't) avoid the noid.
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Postby demigraff » June 6th, 2013, 7:04 am

Thanks :)

Having thought about it more, the file I'm going to record (tonight, if I have time) will include 3 suggestions:

1) You won't think of cheating, or believe it is possible. Declaring a card you don't have will be the same as a basketball player cheating by defying gravity - so silly, it doesn't warrant thinking about.

2) You won't believe anyone else can cheat either

3) You obey the rules even in weird cases. If the rules say you have to feel embarassed about playing a particular card, or that a certain score makes you dizzy, then you will do it because that's the rules. This won't strike you as unusual, and will seem to happen perfectly naturally.

Does that make sense?

Can someone please send me these suggestions using the "little girls hypnofile" email trigger? I know its adding a little complexity to have me regressed as well, but that's the file that works really well for me.

If anyone wants these suggestions by Email Slave, please drop me a note with your address. Otheriwse, I'll try to record a file when I have a space without so much background noise.

I'm going to try to have a game of hearts in the chatroom this weekend. I'm thinking Saturday, about 8pm UK time. If anyone wants to join me, let me know. If another time is more convenient, reply here and we'll see if we can find a time suitable for everyone. Both people who have tried the suggestions by file or email, spectators, and non-hypnotised players who are actually able to cheat.

Loooking forward to it?
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Postby demigraff » July 18th, 2013, 10:01 am

Tried this again last night, and had a new card game idea at the same time. Anyone want to join me in #AngelsPlayroom for a game tonight?

This one's a little AB/DL themed:

Regression Cards

You start by drawing 7 cards. The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards. You take it in turns to put down a card. The card has to be either the same number, or the same suit as the player before you.

If you play a heart, you feel safe and protected. This feeling gets stronger the higher the value of the card. Heart J/Q/K makes you feel like someone is hugging you and it feels really nice.

If you play a diamond, you feel naughty and mischeivous. J/Q/K gives you the urge to say something mean to another kid.

If you play a club you feel silly and giggly. J/Q/K makes you feel someone tickling you.

If you play a spade you feel really embarassed.

If you played a card that's the same number as the player before you, you also find yourself becoming the age determined by the number of spots on the card.

When you play an Ace, there's a penalty: Aces make you act like a baby in some ways, and you also can't play any more cards of that suit for the rest of the game. The first Ace you play makes you need to cuddle a soft toy, or security blanket. You might feel embarassed about acting like a baby, but you can't stop it. The second ace makes you recite a nursery rhyme before continuing. After 3 aces you need to suck your thumb or a pacifier; and the 4th ace (as well as being out of the game) makes you use your diaper.

If you don't have any cards you can play, then you draw 3 cards and either play one of those, or put down the lowest card in your hand.

So, what do you think? Anything you'd tweak about that one? Anybody want to play?
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