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a file id like to have but lack the $$ for so request if pos

PostPosted: June 26th, 2013, 12:14 am
by ShadowMouse67z
if possible id like a request file.

im very into asmr and role play, but also hypnosis, so any style is good

so heres what im looking for

i want a file where im helped/made to over eat like a pig , a fat foul pig, gross hu? youck eww over eatings such a filthy habbit!

but thats whats for me hu? yep
fatten me up turn me into a fat repulsive piggy. fatten and plump me up beyond being obese, turn me into a real sow! i want to become the biggest fattest most repugnant hog that ever lived. belching farting, constantly eating and thinking of food all day long, ughh YUCK! how wonderfuly blissfuly horrid mmm:)