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looking for spirals & mantras

PostPosted: November 30th, 2013, 2:34 pm
by willow
I looooove spirals @.@
And I've found that I respond well to mantras -- especially ones I don't have to repeat verbally, but can repeat in my mind.
So, maybe you can refer me to something that:
--has a spiral
-- has a mantra
-- is erotic
-- bonus points if it has a sexy, erotic or submissive trigger

I like things that are sensual and erotic, rather than over the top, but I'm open to try anything. Maybe I'll even post my reaction to it on the forum somewhere?

thanks for any ideas


PostPosted: December 5th, 2013, 11:52 pm
by jcdps
There are tons of mantras on this site. you could pair one iwth this website

here is one with a built in mantra

Here is the page with the links to these and a few more