Evolutionary hypnotic suggestions built across daily files?

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Evolutionary hypnotic suggestions built across daily files?

Postby obey_evolution » January 4th, 2014, 8:21 pm

I wrote this in response to a post on FL where someone was asking for ideas for multi-day/everyday hypnotic suggestions that would run over a few weeks. After writing it, I noticed the original post was 18 days old and the site involved seemed very Financial Domme related so I wanted to repost my suggestion here. Does anyone have an interest in doing something with this type of evolutionary complexity? I'd be willing to sponsor some part of this and beta-test it along the way.

--------> original reply on FL
If you are looking at doing a multi-day (not multi-month like growing boobs) progression on a similar theme, how about something that evolves from simple Physical Sensation (on Day 1) and adds progressive audible and visual hallucinations on following days as you add more and more powerful deep trance triggers. From there you can evolve the complexity of the hypnotic effects. I could see the WMM "Phantom Rapist" script as being great for this kind of evolution as the Phantom could become more and more visible (say as he 'takes over your soul' or something silly like that). The current script can be shaken off by just changing the active hypno-file in your subconscious to another one. It would be cool to see a progression that became more and more difficult to shake off by adding recursive triggering (like the Kasha Shakti script "Defenceless" uses perception of arousal to the shattering of your hypnotic defences.) At a given point, you'd be seeing the Phantom waiting for you to no longer be visible to others (so he can get activated) and perhaps even hear some dialog to try and get you to go somewhere you can't be seen (like the EMG script "Imaginary Feminizing Friend"). Eventually, if you didn't chicken out, you'd have to crawl your way to your computer to request the file to turn this one off. That would be fun IMHO. I'd work with you on it if you'd like. PM me and we can connect direct here or on WMM.
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