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New File Idea: ReinforceSpecificFile(s)

PostPosted: March 20th, 2014, 10:10 am
by OxyFemboi
Reinforcer works well, but it has the nasty problem of reinforcing every file someone ever listened to. In my case, that's a lot of files! When someone listens to Reinforcer, there are only a few files, usually one or two, that a person wants to reinforce.

There should be a ReinforceSpecificFile(s). I see these possibilities for implementation:

1) The file(s) are chosen by the person before listening [by writing the file name(s) on a piece of paper, for example]. This is my favorite idea for implementation.

2) The file(s) are chosen by the person during the file.

3) The reinforced file is the last file that was listened to. This only works if there is one file involved. If there are two or more files that work together needing reinforced, this idea fails. This is my least favorite idea for implementation.