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High Heels

PostPosted: July 11th, 2014, 4:16 pm
by pczelda
Has this been done? If not, could someone consider making this?

This file could either be specifically geared towards men or made for anyone. It creates a trigger so that when spoken, the listener of the file believes (he) is wearing high heels. (He) can feel everything associated with them including the pain, but (his) subconscious mind would have (him) walk like normal for someone barefoot or in flat shoes, (but (he) wouldn't feel the floor that way) so that 1) no one else notices anything is different 2) there's no danger of falling and 3) none of the problems develop that are associated with wearing heels all the time. (He) can also hear them click when walking on hard surfaces. The returning trigger phrase would not be "revert to normal" since that's too common. This file would preferably be free, and there could be an option to virtually see the heels. (If virtual, the listener has the option to make (his) feet and heels look as desired to look like (his) own or anything (he) sees or imagines, including smaller sizes and the option of toenail polish, etc.)