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I think we all need to know about cock training subliminal

PostPosted: August 29th, 2014, 7:46 am
by jcdps
Specifically, I'm talking about these two files:

My wife is very anti anything in the bedroom so she's an extreme test case. It's stressful to the marriage from my point of view.

I started playing these a while ago and it seemed to help. I started getting a few blow jobs (very far between) but it was better than the nothing I got before. I also still have to really ask for them and still strike out a lot.

It could be a coincidence at this point.

PostPosted: August 29th, 2014, 7:48 am
by jcdps
I quit for a long time.

I started again two nights ago. I am just playing each file once per night. I think it's the same subliminal just with a slightly different white noise / rain sound.

I didn't notice anything yesterday. Today she grabbed my cock for a few seconds when she wanted me to get up.

Still not enough to know for sure if this file is doing anything.

I'm going to keep playing it and keep the comments going.

Just out of curiosity, are there many people here in a sexless marriage (sexless <10 times per year)

PostPosted: August 29th, 2014, 10:18 pm
by jcdps
I used a vibrating massager on her and got her off today. Before she didn't allow that.

Maybe she's just overall trying harder still. But if that's the case, maybe it's from when I played this file in the past? Ok, I have to go to bed. I'll play it again.

PostPosted: September 1st, 2014, 8:18 pm
by jcdps
Played the files last night. Got nothing all day today, despite putting out a vibe of sexiness.

PostPosted: September 1st, 2014, 8:38 pm
by Marchasfun
I may have to start trying this out at my place. 1 time in the last 2and a half years.

PostPosted: September 1st, 2014, 10:57 pm
by sfhole2stretch
Fascinating reports. Do note that any file can take a long time to work. Subliminals even longer and the jury is out on whether they work at all. Give it some time and keep playing the files. I'm interested to see how your reports come in going forward.

Have you considered...

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2014, 10:41 am
by Calimore
Stealth Adventurous Girlfriend is a file you may wish to try, but if you do you may end up in a three-way if you aren't careful!

The thing to remember about subliminals is they require a LOT of repetition to be effective. However, subliminal effects also take a long time to wear off. Normally, that can be a very good thing, but sometimes not so much.

When play testing my 'Project: -subspace 15-' subliminal file, I found out just how long it takes for subliminal effects to fade. I'm a D/s switch who leans toward the Dom side but it took nearly 6 weeks before I felt like I was back to "normal" after listening to the file. I had played with it for about as long and ended up very submissive. As this was the first subliminal file I had seriously play-tested, I had no idea the effects would last like they do.

People report that continuous use of the file for 4-6 weeks generally achieves the desired effects and that refreshing the suggestions every weerkend can keep the file's effects working indefinitely.

The OFFICIAL word on subliminal messaging is that it does not work. Hell, I even tell people they don't work MYSELF because most commercial subliminal CDs on the market are garbage. However, consider this: the patented 'Silent Sound' technique was developed for use by the U.S. Government during its last armed conflict with Iraq. Remember when Iraqi combatants in remote locations started spontaneously surrendering after just a couple of weeks? What happened there is that U.S. intel had corrupted their radio transmissions by putting demoralizing Silent Sound suggestions in Iraq's military radio carrier waves. As you may recall, this had them surrendering in droves less than a month into the war.

BTW: Here's a link to Stealth Adventurous Girlfriend, which happens to be on sale right now for $19. Cheers!

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2014, 3:08 pm
by The_Fabled_Aesop
Calimore, that's an excellent file, glad I bought it 8) but I still don't see a subliminal slot on it.

Multiple file type slots

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2014, 8:35 pm
by Calimore
I believe you may have to have a Premium account to download from the other slots. I would check the files attached to that to see which is which but strangely enough, authors cannot do that here. In other words, unless I pay for my own file, I cannot download it from the site.

Finally, I'm settled in enough at my new place to start making files again. Tonight I'll be recording a new induction file, another new pay file plus I'm starting the script for a new subliminal set.

You might want to check with EMG about the additional slots for SAG. When I next upload a file, I'll check my copies of the files then replace the files to make sure that they're in their proper slots. If I'm right about needing to be Premium so access them, you might want to try your hand at writing a script or a short mind control story to share with us all.

PostPosted: September 5th, 2014, 7:07 am
by jcdps
forgot my phone in bed last night. I just play it from my phone. I hope that's as good. Then if she wakes up I hide it really quick. She's tired enough that she just goes back to bed.

I don't know if I will get into that other file or not. Not immediately anyway.

PostPosted: September 5th, 2014, 7:09 am
by jcdps
Does anybody know, can you download a file and merge it with say, every song on a cd? So she can listen to it in the car? I can make CDs that she will listen too.

Will the adventurous girlfriend file work?

What is actually on these subliminals? Just some kind of mantra?

PostPosted: September 5th, 2014, 7:27 am
by jcdps
To make my music CD, I'm going to take some regular files and merge them with a song. I think I can do that part without much trouble.

How exactly do I use the hypno files? I have several. Should I omit the induction? I don't want to induce trance right? Just to have the body part playing inaudibly?

I have files like
more oral addict
drink it up
m2112 train head
and others.

They are usually around 10 min while a song is only 3-4 min so I guess I will just use pieces.

A note about Stealth Adventurous Girlfriend

PostPosted: September 5th, 2014, 1:36 pm
by Calimore
Unless your wife thinks of you as her "boyfriend", you should NOT buy SAF. All of the wording in the subliminals is geared toward a perceived boyfriend. Which means the file should even work for most gay men as well (at least at the beginning of a relationship).

As for the script used in the file, it is available to anyone who purchases it, but in your case I think it best that you not buy that file (unless, of course, you also a girlfriend on the side).

I had actually started working on a file similar to Stealth Adventurous Girlfriend for married men when you posted this topic to the forum. A preliminary "first read" mp3 was posted on the site early this morning which I hope receives some feedback from the Premium users here. My primary thought is that the file may be best if it is read in a woman's voice. So, for the first time ever, I'm using a Text-to-Speech application so that the pleasant voice of a woman delivers the subliminals to the listener.

After trying 4 different programs and auditioning over a dozen voices, I inevitably found a voice I liked for this project. I especially like the way the algorithm says the word "naughty". I may look for me to complete the file this weekend so as to make it available first thing Monday morning.

As for playing the file for your wife, you really should let her know that the what you are playing is for her benefit. Personally, I'd let her know I'd taken an interest in subliminals and wanted to see if they really worked. As you would probably not notice the effects if you used them on yourself, tell her you've decided to try them out on her. If they work, she'll enjoy sex more, and as it is something she "kinda has to do" anyway, enjoying it more would be a definite bonus. If the subliminals have no effect though, she loses nothing. In no way can she lose, so why shoudn't she let you try?