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Keep Your Mind Quiet

PostPosted: September 20th, 2014, 4:18 pm
by matthewj
This morning, I had a bit of a problem while listening to a file: my mind wouldn't keep quiet. I started thinking about unimportant things, and before I knew it, I had missed a part of the file. When I woke up out of hypnosis, I started to wonder if the file would still work, even if my mind went off in a different direction. Does anyone either have this problem or believe that this would be a good file idea?

PostPosted: November 24th, 2014, 10:03 pm
by lew897
I think it depends on who you talk to as some will say this, some that and some just don't believe in the magic of hypnosis. Yes, hypnosis is magic since you are doing things that logically doesnt make sense. Susceptible by EMG is all about making it so that you just black out at the start of the file and have all of the suggestions enter your subconscious. I use it and it does work.

PostPosted: November 24th, 2014, 11:03 pm
by ProfessorPig
everyone is different so i can only speak to my own experiences with hypnosis.

i remember clearly one time when i was listening to a file, and i think i was thinking about taxes at the time, and then all the sudden i felt a sharp jabbing pain in my neck out of nowhere. it turns out there was a suggestion that i would feel a needle entering my neck. so even without being consciously focusing on the suggestion in the file i still felt the immediate effect from the file.

you may want to check out chewtoys files, they really help with trance training and a couple of them deal with clearing the mind.

PostPosted: November 25th, 2014, 12:03 am
by JackDrago
I have had the same problem, mind wandering around especially during the induction part of the tape when I have heard it over and over. I can trance at will, so it really does not matter if I missed a bit of the 300th repeat of EMG basic...

During the suggestions part, I am usually pretty disciplined about my only permitted thought being "sleep" repeated at the top of each breath.