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Thinking You Are Dumb, But not Really

PostPosted: January 6th, 2015, 12:32 pm
by LittleBen
I was told that this is the place to post this idea:

I would like a file that worked to make you think you are dumber than you actually are. This would create less problems for people who are unable or unwilling to actually dumb down, but would love to have the experience and all the good feelings associated with it. So the file would work to plant a false memory or belief of being smarter at one time, and that you have in fact become dumber. You notice your mistakes more and this gives you pleasure and arouses you, the same with forgetting thing, etc. Each time you masturbate you feel like you are getting dumber and dumber and in time become convinced you are...

The only pitfall I can see is if the listener saw that he or she was using this file and then knew it was not true, but maybe this can be overcome with enough hypnosis?

PostPosted: January 12th, 2015, 6:53 pm
by Jon999
Good idea, but I can only see myself getting turned on by this in real life scenarios. Making typos on some internet forum won't do much :roll: I actually whipped out a dumbing down script but it got kinda morbid toward the end (involves public masterbation and sex with crackwhores among other things) :lol: Thuggy antisocial (but sociable) guy is my ideal persona.

PostPosted: January 13th, 2015, 8:10 am
by LittleBen
Jon999 wrote:Good idea, but I can only see myself getting turned on by this in real life scenarios. Making typos on some internet forum won't do much :roll: I actually whipped out a dumbing down script but it got kinda morbid toward the end (involves public masterbation and sex with crackwhores among other things) :lol: Thuggy antisocial (but sociable) guy is my ideal persona.

Good points, I was actually thinking more globally in terms of the effects hitting you in everyday life. I don't know about you, but I'm always making mistakes, forgetting things, etc., the file would use these things as confirmation bias that you are dumber and then you'd derive much pleasure from these realizations. You would be complelled to masturbate as a result.