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what would be really good, would be....

PostPosted: June 10th, 2015, 11:34 am
by Owned_and_Obedient
Owned and Obedient, and TrainSlave1/2/3 are very good and powerful stuff, especially on loop for many hours.

What would be really good would be an Obedient Son file: you have the same independence as a fourteen year old, with strict house rules, the expectation of being severely caned for transgressions, and the same craving for your surrogate father's cock.

A good guide would be:
a rough "tariff" from earlier days at the Alberta school: 3 swats for homework not done, chores not done well, or talking after lights out. Just one swat for being late to class. But smoking, cheating, lying, and skipping class all brought ten swats.

Some masters had their own variations, such as one swat for every 5% below the pass mark in a weekly maths test.

Typically, the former master told me, many new boys would pick up perhaps 100 swats in their first few weeks, and maybe another 100 by the end of the year. After about grade 9, they tended to get the hang of things and behave mostly as required, though a few students might receive as many 1,000 swats throughout their time at the school, and a few others almost no swats at all.

And then a complimentary file to bring out the disciplinarian fatherly instincts.

That'd be great.