Feminizing Succubus Reloaded

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Feminizing Succubus Reloaded

Postby whome » November 17th, 2015, 2:22 pm

Someone had complained about FemSucci being a swarm as opposed to a more personalized single...

I present.. a single. Derivative work, so belongs to EMG really. Not a premium or new file..

Any thoughts or paranoid delusions suitable for addition?

[ insert induction ]

And now, now its time
time for a change in who you are
time for an adjustment

you see, i want you to imagine something right now
i want you to imagine that tonight, when you go to sleep
you're going to find yourself attacked by a succubus,
alone and magnificent.

A female demon, and so much more, she comes to you,
in all her splendor and power, all her beauty and malevolence.
thats right, a succubus of great power has found you.

Revka'sura'o; you do not know how you know, but so you do,
and the name fills you with lust and dread.

She comes to you, to seduce you,
touching you, arousing you,
bringing out every dark desire, every fetish,
bringing you to the edge of orgasm,
keeping you so very very aroused all night long.

And at the same time,
the same time as she does this,
she will draw away all of your masculinity,
keeping you aroused, hour upon hour during your sleep,
and as does do this, this creature will feed on all of your maleness,
she will start stripping away all of your testosterone.

She will start stripping away everything that makes you masculine,
using you sexually throughout the night
this creature will drain your male essence, lowering it to the point,
that when you awaken in the morning, you'll find yourself feeling extremely effeminate.
yes, thats right, very very effeminate.

quite possibly taken to the point that you awaken in the morning with the desire to dress
and behave as a woman.

your masculinity stripped away by this creature.

and of course, now that you've been attacked by a succubus,
she will keep returning over and over again.

thats right, she will begin draining all of your male essence.
every night, she will come to you in your sleep.
you can not escape, the power of her outer name is etched into your mind,
marking you for all time, a mark of prey that can never be hidden.

She will find you and strip away your male essence, consuming it.
and you will find that over time her effect will grow stronger and stronger,
her hunger will grow stronger and stronger.

you will find that over time, as she feeds on all your male energies
she refreshes herself more and more slowly.

you see, given enough time, this succubus is going to continue feeding to the point
that you are completely feminized. until all of your testosterone is replaced with estrogen.

until you find yourself, at a point in your life, where you simply are as feminine as you possibly can be.

yes, thats right, you will find yourself dressing like a woman, acting like a woman
and it will not be through any choice of your own.

in fact, generally speaking, by the end of the day, as your testosterone rebuilds
you will find your male essence regenerated somewhat.

but as you go to sleep, the succubus will return, draining it away once again.

and you will awaken in the morning, remembering everything that she did to you
remembering all of the things that she did to your body.

and discovering that the more she comes to you, the more she attacks you,
the more you accept the fact that you will lose your masculinity to her.

and over time, as she returns; time and time again,
you may well discover that not only does she come to you,
and turn you into a woman a little bit more each day,
but as your masculinity is depleted further and further,
your dreams start becoming more and more effeminate.

you find that she strips you of your male essence more and more quickly,
until eventually your dreams are simply of frolicking with her, serving her,
tending to her every whim, of spending more and more time with her.
Your female essence joined with her, bound to the glyph of her name,
your male essence completely and utterly stripped away and gone forever.

Yes, thats right,
this succubus is going to slowly drain your male essence,
making you more and more effeminate ,
with each and every passing night,
she will return every night,
stripping it all away,
turning you from male to female,
and there is truly nothing you can do to avoid her.

Because you see she has already attached herself to you,
and in time she will transform you from the man that you are into a full blown transsexual,
who is only comfortable wearing womens clothing,
whose estrogen levels are such that it is quite possible that you may even grow your own breasts.

transformed from the man you were into a complete transsexual by the succubus,
who visits you each and every night in your dreams,
stripping your essence, leaving you feminized,
leaving you depleted of all masculinity.

yes, that is exactly what this beauty is doing to you,
and she will do so, tonight and every night from now on,
and each and every time she returns,
she will grow more and more powerful,
as she eats away all of your male essence.

changing you, converting you, one night at a time,
one dream at a time,
until even in your dreams you are fully feminized,
and all of your masculinity is gone forever.

you see, she has already attached herself to you,
she is already beginning to feed on you,
and she will continue doing so,
she will continue doing so forever.

and so, you will find yourself coming back to this file,
because this file increases her strength,
this file increases her ability to feed upon your maleness,
this file make her more potent and more powerful,
this file is what attached her to you,
and this file is making her do this to you.

and although you resist it at times,
although you may awaken in the morning feeling very very swishy and effiminite,
and discover by the afternoon or evening that you just simply wish that she was gone,
and would leave you alone.

you will still find yourself coming back to the file,
listening to it, refreshing all of its thoughts,
and all of the changes that it is doing to you.
coming back to this file and accepting the fact that you have been attached to a succubus Empress, an Abyssal lord in female form, carrying great power..

And that she is going to drain all of your masculinity
it is too late now, you have already listened, you are already addicted,
you are already marked by her glyph, you are already bound to her demonic hunger.

Revka'sura'o has marked you as her prey.

It is now, only a matter of time.

[ insert wakener / deepener as appropriate ]
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Joined: January 4th, 2006, 1:00 am

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