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See UFO/Abducted by Aliens

PostPosted: November 24th, 2015, 1:22 pm
by OxyFemboi
I'd like to suggest a See a UFO/Alien Abduction file.

Basically, the file would make you remember seeing a UFO, then being abducted, and obviously, returned. Take the features of seeing a UFO when you're alone at night, then they take you to their ship, and do testing and ... whatever. Implant those memories, which gradually come back to you after a few weeks to a month.

I've always wanted to see a UFO. Hell, if they offered to take me to their home planet, I'd go! I've been reading SF for decades and I want to see aliens, talk to them, visit other planets ... all that good stuff.

This will probably be the closest I can come to that ... it's not like I can put a classified ad in a UFO newsletter asking to be abducted.

PostPosted: November 24th, 2015, 4:35 pm
by ProfessorPig
chewtoy did two files on this theme. one is free, and can be found here,

the other one is a pay file, and can be found here,

i have not listened to the pay version of the alien memory training, but i can vouch for the effectiveness of the free version. you need to have mastered the rapid induction trigger in his deeper spiral induction before you can listen to it, or just add in your own induction before it.

mr. daniels also slipped in some suggestions about aliens implanting thoughts in your head. but his work is no longer available.

PostPosted: November 24th, 2015, 10:38 pm
by OxyFemboi
ProfessorPig wrote
chewtoy did two files on this theme. one is free, and can be found here,

Thanks for the information. I'll try it, though I have an excellent memory already.


PostPosted: November 25th, 2015, 4:38 am
by HypnoZorro
Hey Oxy, admit it that you just want an excuse to have sex with aliens. :)

PostPosted: November 25th, 2015, 11:45 pm
by OxyFemboi
HypnoZorro wrote
Hey Oxy, admit it that you just want an excuse to have sex with aliens.

I have no problem admitting that I'd love to have sex with a few members of an alien species. (Women don't count.) Sex with aliens sounds kinky; I'm kinky enough to want to do it. If they offer after they abduct me, I'll accept. Yeah, the idea sounds like something out of the National Inquirer. Who cares?

If you have ever seen some of those old -- the 1930s and the 1940s (and possibly the early 1950s) -- pulp magazine covers, it seem that every other alien species, at least the equivalent-to-male aliens, wanted/wants to mate with human females.

Apparently, there is not one single equivalent-to-male alien who wants to have sex with human males. None. Not even an occasional equivalent-to-female alien. Only the equivalent-to-male aliens are kinky enough to have sex with human females? No equivalent-to-male alien wants to get it on with a human male? There's peer pressure? "Look, Zaphod, having sex with a human female is bad enough, but a human male? You really don't want that kind of rep."

I really hope there are some kinky equivalent-to-male aliens who want to have sex with human males. Hey guys *waves hands frantically* ... over here!