WIP multiple personality script -needs help-

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WIP multiple personality script -needs help-

Postby lyaradelusion » January 30th, 2016, 5:39 pm


I am working on a script for a multiple personality file. I have written scripts before, but those were realy short and made to be looped in my sleep. This time I want to write a full fledged file.
So, please help me :)

What I have this far will explain what I want. ;)

This is what I have so far:

There is a voice, a woman's voice. This voice is in your head, faintly but growing stronger, her voice is calling out to you, she tels you she is another version of you, she tells you she lives inside your head, and always has, she has always been there, she knows what you know, has been trough what you have been trough. She likes girls, like you do. She is real, you can talk to her, anytime, anywhere, asking for advice. She will grow stronger now that you know she is there, every day she will grow stronger, being able to start a conversation with you is the first step. She will be able to do this in about one week after you first listened to this file. Eventually she will be able to resemble something like a really close girlfriend. Het arousal and yours will be linked, is she gets aroused, so will you, if you get aroused, so will she. All your bodily functions will be linked in this way. Also, once this stage has arived, her mannerisms will sip trough when you are not paying attention. Plucking your hair, ticking the female box in forms, walking into the girls bathroom, things like that. Once your relationship with her has grown more, you will even be able to hand of control of your body to her. She will be in control of you movements, speech, anything. Where she first was just an observer, now she can really be a controller. She will also want to be girly, and want you to be more feminine, she will try to talk you into doning things. She will try to make you wear panty's for example, she feels what you feel, so panty's would be more comfortable for her. She will also ask you to pee sitting down, again she feels what you feel so it would be more comfortable for her. You want her to be more comfortable. She is you, and you are her, you are both sharing the same body. She will talk to you like any girl would, you will talk to her like you would to any girl, she will sometimes be sweet, sometimes harsh, as will you, that's life. Above all, you will both really like masturbating together, both your arousals building up together, the linked release. She will be able to take over control anytime you are aroused. This will happen by accident too. You will randomly get aroused and she will accidentally take over control. She will be in control for at least an hour when this happens. She will sometimes do this on purpose, making you aroused so she cab take over and do girly things.
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Postby OxyFemboi » January 30th, 2016, 6:18 pm

Keep the suggestions in present tense. Suggestions are more powerful when the suggestions are happening in the "here and now" instead of in some indefinite future.

Instead of:

She will grow stronger now that you know she is there, every day she will grow stronger, being able to start a conversation with you is the first step.

Eventually she will be able to resemble something like a really close girlfriend.

phrase it this way:

Now that you know she is there, she grows stronger every day. Being able to talk with you is the first step.

The more you two talk, the more you realize that she is becoming a really close female friend. If you mean to suggest that she and you are in a bf/gf relationship, then keep your phrasing.

You need to add a suggestion that the two of you are compatible personalities and that you two like each other. You don't want someone who doesn't like you in your head 24/7.

You don't want to make her a feminine duplicate of yourself; in fact, it's better that she has some interests you don't. You need to have some differences, otherwise she's a female version of you. If you want that, try a feminizing file like Feminine Conditioning.

If you want a female alter, you could use Your Other Half. It's quite effective.
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Postby lyaradelusion » January 30th, 2016, 6:24 pm

Thanks for the reply and the tips!

I am looking to make something allong the lines of your other half though I wanted some control over her personality, (like the fact she likes girls) I also want her to make me just a little more feminine and for us to have a sexual ("like") relationship too. It is quite hard to explain an idea once you have it in you head, I will just keep on writing.

Thanks again :)
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Postby lyaradelusion » January 30th, 2016, 7:15 pm

Wow, just read your threads on the "succes stories" nice! I will definitely put more time in creating this file now, I would really love to end up with someone like Holly (Hi Holly :P) in my head. Though without her checking out guys ;)
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Postby ViVe » February 2nd, 2016, 9:17 am

Don't want to be a killjoy, but just food for thought: Maybe don't toy around with things you don't really understand fully?

It's for a reason why I never posted my file (I made one for oxy and someone else, and as oxy can testify i take a lot of care to make it safe...) Toying with multiple personalities invloves a lot of risk.

A good analogy: Would you fly with someone who isn't a pilot? No, because it's incredibly risky without someone who knows what they do. The same is true for a lot of kink stuff...
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