CloudyFeelings wrote}
So I've recently been getting into hypno stuff and I really like the files by MsJ in particular. Only problem is I'm not a huge fan of the text to speech that's so prominent on this site and would rather get the script to have someone re-record it. (I have a friend who has a lovely voice and she's eager to read the scripts for me <3)
How would I go about getting a hold of the scripts for files on this site exactly? Do I just PM the creator and hope they get back to me?
Professor Pig wroteif you plan on re recording someone else's script contacting the author would be the best method.
some people post scripts with the intention of letting anyone record them, others post scripts with the sole purpose of letting listeners scan a file before committing to listening to the file.
CloudyFeelings wroteThe only thing is I have no idea how to get into contact with them :s This website doesn't seem to have any kind of PM function and MsJ doesn't list any outside contact info on her profile. Kind of at a loss at how I could possibly even ask them for permission.
The WMM website has a PM function. Use the
Menu on the left-hand side.
[Your Account] which is the eighth choice from the top.
Click on the
[Your Messages] choice, which is the sixth (last) choice in the column.
The default portion of the
[Your Account] section which you are taken to is called
[User Control Panel].
The fourth tab from the left is labeled
[Private Messages].
At the top of the left-hand column is a label reading
[Compose Message]. Click on
[Compose Message].
Now ... duh .. compose your message.
Put the recipient's WMM username in the To: portion of the PM.
Your PM must have the
Re: (this message is about ...) filled out before the PM function will send it.
[Submit] to send your message.
The WMM website allows you to send e-mail to members.Find a post of the WMM User you wish to contact.
On the right-hand side, the last line under the WMM Username contains a little envelope icon.
Put your cursor on that enveolpe. a message appears:
[E-mail Username] Click on
[E-mail Username].
Compose your message as instructed above.
Then click
[Submit] to send your e-mail.
You might be interested in ViVe's
Dumbing Down files. This is a series of thirteen (13) files which causes people to become dumber. There are twenty (20) total files; some have an
original and a
lite version due to the content being
too confusing to some users.
ViVe's instructions:
For optimal results listen for at least 5 times (that is five orgasms, not five loops of the file) before going to the next file, ideally 10 times! (ten orgasms per file)Link: