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User interface

PostPosted: July 15th, 2009, 9:54 am
by livelonger8
This should be possible since the mind already compartmentalizes visual data - I was wondering if there are files, or perhaps this could be an idea for someone to create a file in which the listener's conscious mind receives visual highlights. That is, for instance, anything that is of a threat to be highlighted with a red rectangle - visuals could also provide stats on subconscious processes. So, essentially, if it worked, the listener would have visuals whilst conscious similar to that of a Terminator or such.

PostPosted: July 15th, 2009, 4:16 pm
by davelowe1977
I'm struggling to understand what you mean. Can you explain in more detail?

PostPosted: July 15th, 2009, 4:59 pm
by nytrmpter
I guess he means something like this [url][/url] probably not exactly but a similar thing.

PostPosted: July 15th, 2009, 6:49 pm
by livelonger8
nytrmpter wrote:I guess he means something like this probably not exactly but a similar thing.

Yes! Like that. Rather than for data to be transmitted via a feeling, but rather visually; stats based upon data appeased subconsciously, displaying threats, alerts, and other various notifications.

PostPosted: July 15th, 2009, 9:59 pm
by nytrmpter
ESPN coming through in the clutch.

PostPosted: July 16th, 2009, 7:03 am
by Hypnosisdragon
Actually, I'd like to still have my feelings of danger.

Both would be good. Feelings and data, though it'd have to be triggerable, else it'd get in the way for a lot of things.

PostPosted: July 16th, 2009, 9:38 am
by davelowe1977
Fascinating idea. Kind of like visual hallucinations based on your perception of people and other things?

NLP books are full of ways of interpreting that kind of thing in people at least. Where the eyes point when visualising ideas and other things. Not sure how you would make that into a file though. Sounds feasible - I hope someone makes a file.

PostPosted: July 16th, 2009, 11:30 pm
by Jeshi
It's a neat idea but very far-fetched.
using hypnosis to create a graphical overlay on your RL vision.

I don't think it would work since at least for me I find that when I follow a hypnotic suggestion I'm consciously doing it, I'm just doing it BECAUSE of the hypnosis.

So I'd think you would have to consciously keep track of whats dangerous, your breathing, your heart rate, ect, and then imagine it over your vision.

It seems like it would drive the person crazy! Hypnosis isn't magical stuff that can change the way your brain works, there is a reason they're called suggestions, because they're being suggested to your subconscious.

It's like, "I Recommend you freeze in place when you hear the trigger" and "I highly recommend you become a gay slave" to your subconscious which doesn't the filtering of your conscious and will usually take it the same way you learn and become fluent in language when you're a baby.

So I doubt "I recommend you change the way you see things so that dangerous things are surrounded by a red rectangle and that your heart rate and stats about your breathing be displayed in the bottom left corner of your vision and a map of your neurological signals on the top right corner." would work.

PostPosted: April 29th, 2010, 9:54 pm
by livelonger8
Jeshi wrote:It's a neat idea but very far-fetched.
using hypnosis to create a graphical overlay on your RL vision.

I don't think it would work since at least for me I find that when I follow a hypnotic suggestion I'm consciously doing it, I'm just doing it BECAUSE of the hypnosis.

So I'd think you would have to consciously keep track of whats dangerous, your breathing, your heart rate, ect, and then imagine it over your vision.

It seems like it would drive the person crazy! Hypnosis isn't magical stuff that can change the way your brain works, there is a reason they're called suggestions, because they're being suggested to your subconscious.

It's like, "I Recommend you freeze in place when you hear the trigger" and "I highly recommend you become a gay slave" to your subconscious which doesn't the filtering of your conscious and will usually take it the same way you learn and become fluent in language when you're a baby.

So I doubt "I recommend you change the way you see things so that dangerous things are surrounded by a red rectangle and that your heart rate and stats about your breathing be displayed in the bottom left corner of your vision and a map of your neurological signals on the top right corner." would work.

I don't see how it's far-fetched. The mind already quantifies sensory data into something meaningful, and often compartmentalizes it as significant memory or a prominent process. An example of such could be when you "feel" something bad to happen for a particular reason, which ultimately occurs as intuitive - the conscious mind in this instance isn't receiving data on the cause to compute a better solution and is subject autonomous pressures. The mind also responds to changes in particular values of certain processes (e.g. the beating of one's heart), but the conscious mind receives no data feed on these underlying processes. Given the possibility of conscious hallucinations, a synthesis of the data feeds and visuals may construct a mental UI.