Scaling the mountain of reality: Eye Change
Posted: August 30th, 2009, 7:41 am
Hi all,
General problems I've been having is that:
a) a fair number of files are on an explicit or implicit permanent-change-to-reality plane which doesn't really do it for a dilettante who prefers to keep the status quo as a baseline from which to venture out from and back to. I'm a hypno-kinkist but not a hypno-fetishist ;-)
b) a fair number of files are on a dom => sub relationship. Fine if it floats your boat, but jarring if not, and it appears this jars some others too.
c) and this is the biggy -- there's not a very nice progression to go from the "ok I can fall into trance" level to ledges on the "non-chemically-assisted total reality-change" cliff. It's nice to see some armlifts etc coming through, but there's a lot of cliff to scale!
So, here's a start on my first script, an (over)ambitious synthesis of a bunch of standard ideas along with some semi-original stuff to hopefully create a temporary but reasonably achievable visual non-tactile transformation. Please - please - give feedback on aspects that you feel could be improved (wording, rhythm, sequence, pauses, stress, imagery, setup, deepener, PHS, safety, etc...), and how things went/worked if you test it. I realise it's long (test readthroughs take about half an hour with proper pacing), but I'd really appreciate it, and it'll be much easier to fix things at the script stage than after recording!
Thanks, H+.
[NB: "either" is pronounced "eye-ther" not "ee-ther"]
Hi there.
All this file will do every time you listen to it is let you see the colour of your eyes as the... bright green colour you are interested in seeing them become, from the time when I take you into a... nice deep... trance to the time when you next fall a-sleep. Maybe this will happen the first time you listen, maybe it'll take a few times for you to listen carefully all the way through as you let your mind now use your imagination to... picture your eyes as a bright green colour. Either way it's all good.
Before we start, I want you to make sure that... you're totally comfortable, so that you can just... let yourself... relax. If you've heard this file before you've probably already done everything I will suggest to make yourself feel perfectly comfortable, so just let yourself relax, and breathe in... and out... as you feel more and more relaxed. If this is new to you then if you're sitting in a chair, make sure it's a... good one with a high back so... you can relax with your head and neck supported comfortably while you fall deeply into trance. If you're in bed, then please sit up a bit and pile pillows behind so your head is higher than your chest and your chest is higher than your waist and everything is thoroughly comfortable so that you can relax and let yourself fall into a nice... deep... trance. Whereever you are, if... everything is good then that's... good. And if you are thirsty or you need to close a door or adjust the temperature or stretch a bit or do anything else to... allow yourself to be totally relaxed and comfortable then you should go and do that now so that when you come back... you can be totally happy to replay this file again, and again listen all the way through and let it have the maximum effect because you don't have to worry about anything apart from falling into a... nice... deep... trance. And while you listen carefully, if you want to let your conscious mind speak softly inside your head along with my voice for the moment that's ok, and whenever your subconscious mind is ready it can just take over as it takes your conscious mind deep into unconscious trance...
And if you find yourself distracted at any point then don't worry about it and let go of any thought of the distraction and let that letting go of any such thoughts relax you even further.
All ready to begin?
Just breathe in...
...and out...
and in...
...and out...
And as you breathe in...
and out...
and continuing...
and listening to the sound of your breath breathing in...
and out...
and intently listening to the sound of my voice as you breathe in and out.
You don't need to worry about letting yourself slip into trance for the moment until you're absolutely ready to do so. If you find that you want to let yourself slip into trance as you listen to me then that's good and you can just let your conscious mind fall into trance and let your subconscious mind... follow everything I say closely. And if you find that you need to wait until I count back from five down to one to let yourself fall into a nice deep trance then that's good too. For the moment we're just going to explore some ideas and when it's time for me to count from five down to one then I'll tell you before I start counting down so that by the time that you fall into a deep trancelike state you can be more relaxed than you've ever been before...
So just let yourself relax and breathe in...
and out...
And breathe in...
And just shake everything... out. Shake out any remaining tension from your feet... and from your calves... and from your knees... and from your thighs... and from your hips... and from your torso... and from your shoulders... and from your arms...and from your wrists... and from your fingers... and let your neck totally relax, and the muscles of your face loosen, as all tension drains from your jaw and your mouth while you relax further.
How good that deep sense of relaxation feels as you breathe in...
And out expelling any tension
Now blink, further releasing any tension. And slowly blink your eyes again. And now close your eyes, so heavy and relaxed.... and open them. And firmly close your heavy relaxed eyes... and open them. And let your eyes finally close so heavy and unwilling to open... And as your eyes remain firmly shut just let them strain slightly as if they were trying very hard to open. Good. Now let them relax so heavy and comfortable.
And maybe you might have thought there was a bit of a trick there and if so you'd be right because our language isn't very precise a lot of the time and a lot of the time we can say one thing but really mean to think and say something completely different. For instance, it's not really your eyes that you let close when I asked you to close your eyes, it's your eyelids that are so heavy and unopenable. Your eyes are actually totally different from your eyelids because unlike your heavy eyelids your eyes can be as light and relaxed as the rest of your body while your relaxation deepens even further and you breathe... in...
And out...
And in a moment I'm going to ask you to imagine something for me. Imagination is important as you fall into trance because it lets you show yourself that your mind is willing to accept the things I suggest and ask you to do for me, to enable you to experience a hypnotic trancelike state. So now let yourself imagine for a moment that you are outside in a lush... country... field, rich with the smell of fresh... wet... grass... looking up at a beautiful rainbow. Can you picture that? The field; the smell of grass; the rainbow. It's good if you can picture the field in detail, and smell the grass strongly, and see the beautiful rainbow that you're looking at so clearly, but if all that can happen this time is that you get an impression of the green of the grass in the field you're in, or a memory of the smell of wet grass at the back of your nose, or an idea of the rainbow arcing above you then that's good too, because you'll find that every time you listen to this file again that everything you think about as a result will become much easier to see in your mind's eye. So just relax and picture yourself in that field looking up at that beautiful rainbow.
Now when you were a child if someone asked you what the colours of a rainbow were you may have thought that it could only be a few possible colours: yellowredorange... pinkbluepurple - and - green. But as you know now, things aren't so simple there either and the colours of a rainbow are really a continuous spectrum of colour where any possible idea of an individual colour just blurs and smudges and blends into another colour so that it's impossible to say where one really begins and another ends as you picture that rainbow.
There are many other adults who have difficulty with identifying colours too. Have you ever been completely lost in the paint section of a hardware store with what seems like thousands of colour swatch cards filled with so many different colours each with their own name. Even if you're not properly colour blind, from time to time you might still have difficulty distinguishing between some of those shades of medium brown and some of those shades of dark reddish yellow as they blur and smudge and blend into one another, and maybe you can't properly distinguish between blued steel and gunmetal... grey. That's ok, you're not an expert, and this kind of colour confusion can happen to everybody at times.
Just picture briefly the conflicting ideas when independent eyewitnesses are asked to report on something confusing like a robbery. Those in-deepen-dnt eyewitl'sses can be totally confused and unable to agree on things as simple as the colour of the getaway car. It's true that some might think that it could have been a dull dark-greyish-blue and others could think it might have been a faded reddish browny orange. But if I showed you a picture of the green getaway car you would know now that it was definitely light green just like a traffic light shining bright green for go, and if you showed that picture to anyone who thought it might have been anything else then they would have to agree with you now that their memory was wrong and it was definitely green. And if I asked you to think about the car now I know you can easily picture that green coloured car on the go with nothing to worry about while you totally relax since your mental picture agrees with how things should be. So picture that green car now. Perhaps you can picture it in great detail as a particularly favourite green car; perhaps because your eyes are so relaxed you can only picture it as a blurry green figure. It doesn't matter because you'll find the details becoming clearer in your imagination every time you listen to me.
So breathe in as you listen to my voice...
And out as you listen to my voice...
And in...
And out...
And feeling so relaxed...
And feeling so good about being so relaxed...
And in...
And out...
And in...yway a word like orange or pink is really just a label that someone else has thrown out to describe part of the spectrum that really doesn't have a distinct boundary anyway. A word like green is really just a way that we can simply describe an infinite possible number of different colours because we don't have enough words to describe them all. Just think of all the different shades of green with interesting names like viridian and lime and aquamarine and emerald and khaki and olive and jade, and all the shades of green that don't have names yet that you know about. What someone else might carelessly think of as a sort of maybe lightish sea bluish colour you could definitely think of as being aquamarine and you'd be right. And where someone else might wrongly think of something as perhaps being a uniform brownish you could definitely now know that the uniform was... khaki because that's definitely the proper name for that kind of army green uniform. And I'm sure you'd agree now that if you spoke another language like Irish or Icelandic you would use very different words to describe other colours that wouldn't be "borange"-or-"lue"-or-"rown"-or-"bred" at all but something that you'd have difficulty pronouncing or even thinking about. Maybe you've thought of things like this before, or maybe you're only becoming aware of this as your subconcious listens carefully and reflects on the idea of interesting colours like aquamarine and khaki and emerald, for either way is all good to go as you breathe in...
and out...
And continue to deepen your relaxation.
And just as if someone asked what you are leaving closed as you relax and listen and you know its your eyelids that are definitely closed and heavy and relaxed and not your eyes which are so light and relaxed and comfortable, if someone asked you what colour your eyes are as you let them relax comfortably and naturally, they might think that's a simple question with a simple answer. They might normally expect that they'd hear something like bluish or brownish because they wrongly think of eyes being a uniform blue or a uniform brown but that wouldn't be the right answer because an eye has many parts.
Yes, eyes have many parts, don't they, but the only part of your eyes that are good to let yourself think about at the moment are your irises, which are the interesting coloured circular rings which brighten your eyes. You probably already realise that you don't need to think at all about brown ..ish fleshtones of your eyelids or the shade of your eyelashes.. There's your blackish pupils, but those aren't interesting, and the scleras, which are hard to pronounce so everyone just calls them the whites of your eyes but they're not interesting either. And the whites of your eyes aren't really white anyway. They can be a bit yellowish or a little reddish or maybe even a very pale bluish grey. And your pupils aren't really black either they're just clearly dark as you'd know because when someone takes a photo with a flash you don't want anythink to be reddish in your eyes.
And even your irises have many strands with many different shades of colour within them, it's really just a question of which colours within them are the most interesting to people. You might have some lighter strands within your irises, and some darker strands perhaps too, but we're not interested in those and so you can just ignore those uninteresting parts of your eye, and only focus on the interesting greenish parts of your eyes when you think about looking at your eyes because every eye has interesting greenish strands within it even if they also have dull and uninteresting other strands to forget about. So when you think about the colour of your eyes don't worry about thinking that you need to think about anything except the interesting greenish colour you want to see when you see your irises after you wake up from trance.
Now I want you to imagine I'm holding a mirror in front of your face, close enough so that you can see your entire face clearly and nothing else, but not close enough so that your breath can fog the mirror. It's just at the right place for you to visualise exactly what your face looks like with bright green eyes. Picture the shape of your face - and your hair, and your ears, and your chin, and the shape of your mouth, and your nose. Now picture your eyebrows, and your closed eyelids covering those bright green eyes. In your mind's eye you can let yourself see exactly what your face looks like.. Right Now. Now as you see yourself breathe in and out there so comfortable and relaxed, you know that your heavy eyelids need to stay closed here covering your eyes as you continue to slip deeper into a state where you can let yourself slip into trance, but in your imagination as you stare deeply into the mirror I'm holding you will be able in a moment to lift your heavy eyelids in your imagination just long enough to glimpse a flash of your green irises before they fall closed again. Ready? And? Now. Good. Now in another moment you'll be able to lift your heavy heavy eyelids for a little longer in your imagination and get an even better impression of the green of your irises. Ready? And? Now... Good. And finally in a moment, you'll find that even though though your physical eyelids are so heavy and unopenable, that the eyelids you picture seeing in the mirror I hold are as light as your eyes, and as you look into the mirror they'll open easily to reveal the greenness of your green eyes. Ready? And? Now... and as you stare into your eyes, notice how brilliantly green you've made them? Well done. See every detail of your eyes' green depths reflected in the mirror, making you feel so very happy at what you've managed to achieve as you breathe in...
and out...
Now as you stare at your green eyes in the mirror and let the sound of your breathing and my voice relax you, I want you to watch your eyelids blink. Ready? And? Now. And your eyelids in the mirror getting heavier as you blink again even slower. Ready? And? Now. And your eyelids in the mirror getting so heavy as you can hardly see the green of your eyes between your heavy lids. Ready? And? Now. And your eyelids so heavy now that you can just let them fall closed to cover your green eyes whenever you are ready... as you breathe in.... and out with your eyelids closed.
and in...
and... out...
and in...
and..... ouuuuut...
And now it is time for you to let your subconscious mind take over as I count down from FIVE to ONE, while you sink ever deeper into complete trance from which your conscious mind cannot easily stir as you breathe... in... and... out... being thoroughly relaxed and happy. And at each count down from FIVE until ONE you'll sink ever deeper into this nice deep trance from which you will not be able to awaken until I awaken you ready to see the world with new eyes.
I want you to imagine yourself sitting with your eyelids closed in the passenger seat of my light-green car just totally relaxed and comfortable and happy. You can't see anything because your eyelids are closed but if you did open them you would be able to see a tree-lined country road stretching out before us as far as your eyes could see, winding its way through miles and miles of different fields as deep and green as the eyes that would be reflected in the mirror on the sunshade above you. Instead, you can just leave your eyes closed and let me drive as you slip deeper and deeper into wonderful trance.
The view in front would be the same as the view behind - miles and miles of country road to go between different deep green fields. The day is beautiful, and the country air is so fresh, but the flicker of the afternoon sun through the leaves of the trees that line the country road project dappled greenish shadows upon your closed eyelids as you slip deeper and deeper into wonderful trance.
Feeling so relaxed and comfortable and happy as I take you exactly where you want to go. Feeling so relaxed and comfortable and happy as you slip deeper and deeper into wonderful trance.
Letting the purr of the engine drift away from consciousness. Letting the sound of your breathing drift away from consciousness as you slip deeper and deeper into happy wonderful trance.
And totally relaxed and comfortable and absolutely prepared to listen to me as I take you deep into wonderful trance.
You know that your eyes have many different shades of colour in them. Some parts are greenish, and other parts are not. For the rest of the day, the only parts that it is important for you to pay any attention to in your eyes are the green parts. Even if you hadn't thought before about how interesting these green parts are, or hadn't really noticed them clearly before, you'll notice them now, and they'll become even greener and more interesting the more you notice them. When you look at your eyes, even if you try not to think about how interestingly green your eyes are, you'll find that your mind will be filled with thoughts of how green and interesting your eyes are. When you look at your eyes, even if you try not to look at the interesting green parts of your eyes, you'll find yourself noticing them anyway, and every time you look at them they'll become even more important to you. And when you look at your eyes, you could look at the unimportant parts of your eyes, but you'll find your focus is drawn to the green parts of your eyes instead because they are greener and more interesting than any other parts. And every time you find yourself looking at the important green parts of your eyes, they'll get brighter and greener and more interesting and any other parts will become less interesting and harder to notice.
Yes, every time you look at the green of your eyes your eyes will become even greener than before. And every time you think about the green of your eyes your eyes will become even greener than before. And every time you try to think of any dull parts of your eyes, the interesting deep bright green parts of your eyes will become more interesting and noticeable instead. Perhaps there might be a few unimportant pale flecks in your irises. You don't need to pay attention to those because they don't matter. Perhaps there might be a few unimportant dark flecks in your irises. You don't need to pay attention to those because they don't matter eye-there. Perhaps there might be a few unimportant dull greyish flecks in your irises. You don't need to pay attention to anything like that because they don't matter at all. The only important colour that fills your eyes is green, so that when you look at your eyes or think about your eyes you can know that you only need to notice the green of your eyes.
Perhaps some parts of your eyes will be slightly lighter greenish than the deep bright green that fills your irises. That's ok, those parts will blur and blend as you focus only on the deep bright greenness of your eyes. Perhaps some parts will be slightly darker greenish than the deep bright green that fills your eyes. That's ok, those parts will also blur and blend as you focus only on the bright greenness of your irises.
You know that when people ask you what colour your eyes are they want you to give them the simple answer. You know that when people ask you what colour your eyes are they want you to give them the right answer. And when you look at the green of your irises you know that although you could say that maybe parts are aquamarine or turquoise or khaki or olive, that because so much of your eyes are such a deep bright green the right simple answer is to simply answer green. And if you asked yourself what colour your eyes are then you know that whether you look at your deep bright green iris, or your darkish pupil or the white of your eye that the simplest thing to do is just to say your eyes are green. And this will be true for the rest of the day until you go to sleep. Yes, for the rest of today your eyes are and will remain deep bright green, and when you see them in a mirrored reflection or on a camera image the sight of your deep bright green eyes will make you feel very happy. When I bring you out of trance you will find that you will want to immediately look at your deep bright green eyes in a mirror and experience such a feeling of happiness when you see them. And all the rest of today whenever you see your reflection or whenever you think about your eyes you will know that they are a healthy deep bright green colour and that will make you feel very happy.
You might not even remember listening to this file, or what was in it but all the rest of today until you fall asleep you will have healthy deep bright green eyes. And when you wake up tomorrow your eyes will return to whatever uninteresting colour they used to be, unfortunately. They will only return to being such an interesting deep bright green colour that makes you so very happy when you listen to this recording again, and again every time you listen to me you will find it easier and easier to visualise the things I ask you to visualise, and fall into a deep relaxed trance when I ask you to fall into such a deeply relaxed trance, and see your deep bright green eyes and feel so very happy after I ask you to look at them.
If you tried not to feel happy whenever you noticed your deep bright green eyes that would probably only make you burst out in laughter, and doing that would only be embarassing. You could try not to feel happy if you wanted to feel bad, but the best thing to do if you want to feel good is just to enjoy your green eyes for what they are, and what they will be until you fall asleep tonight. For the rest of the day, unobservant people who don't notice your bright green eyes may still notice that something has changed because your eyes make you feel so good. You don't need to tell them about your green eyes because they might get confused when they need to think about colours, but it's still good to feel happy about your green eyes, is it not. Only your eyes will change colour. The colours of other things won't change for you or for anyone else. Things that were interesting and green before will still be interesting and green. And things that were dull other colours will remain unchanged. Only your eyes which were so dull and uninteresting before you listened to me on this recording will have become such an interesting deep bright green because I have asked you to allow yourself to let them, and you have done what I have asked.
And now it is nearly time for you to come out of trance. I'm going to count up from ONE up to FIVE and when I reach FIVE you'll awaken with your eyes a wonderful deep bright green, and they will remain this way until you next fall asleep. So Ready... And...
Relaxed and deeply in trance. Your heavy eyelids slowly getting lighter.
Your conscious mind getting ready to stir, your eyelids slowly getting lighter.
Your conscious mind becoming more and more awake, your eyelids getting lighter and lighter.
Your conscious mind getting ready to awaken, your eyelids getting lighter and lighter as you prepare to reveal your green eyes to yourself and the world.
Your eyelids so light as they open, feeling thoroughly awake and refreshed. Your green eyes making you feel different but so very very good. Your conscious mind in perfect alignment with your subconscious mind. Congratulations, thank you for listening, and enjoy your day.
General problems I've been having is that:
a) a fair number of files are on an explicit or implicit permanent-change-to-reality plane which doesn't really do it for a dilettante who prefers to keep the status quo as a baseline from which to venture out from and back to. I'm a hypno-kinkist but not a hypno-fetishist ;-)
b) a fair number of files are on a dom => sub relationship. Fine if it floats your boat, but jarring if not, and it appears this jars some others too.
c) and this is the biggy -- there's not a very nice progression to go from the "ok I can fall into trance" level to ledges on the "non-chemically-assisted total reality-change" cliff. It's nice to see some armlifts etc coming through, but there's a lot of cliff to scale!
So, here's a start on my first script, an (over)ambitious synthesis of a bunch of standard ideas along with some semi-original stuff to hopefully create a temporary but reasonably achievable visual non-tactile transformation. Please - please - give feedback on aspects that you feel could be improved (wording, rhythm, sequence, pauses, stress, imagery, setup, deepener, PHS, safety, etc...), and how things went/worked if you test it. I realise it's long (test readthroughs take about half an hour with proper pacing), but I'd really appreciate it, and it'll be much easier to fix things at the script stage than after recording!
Thanks, H+.
[NB: "either" is pronounced "eye-ther" not "ee-ther"]
Hi there.
All this file will do every time you listen to it is let you see the colour of your eyes as the... bright green colour you are interested in seeing them become, from the time when I take you into a... nice deep... trance to the time when you next fall a-sleep. Maybe this will happen the first time you listen, maybe it'll take a few times for you to listen carefully all the way through as you let your mind now use your imagination to... picture your eyes as a bright green colour. Either way it's all good.
Before we start, I want you to make sure that... you're totally comfortable, so that you can just... let yourself... relax. If you've heard this file before you've probably already done everything I will suggest to make yourself feel perfectly comfortable, so just let yourself relax, and breathe in... and out... as you feel more and more relaxed. If this is new to you then if you're sitting in a chair, make sure it's a... good one with a high back so... you can relax with your head and neck supported comfortably while you fall deeply into trance. If you're in bed, then please sit up a bit and pile pillows behind so your head is higher than your chest and your chest is higher than your waist and everything is thoroughly comfortable so that you can relax and let yourself fall into a nice... deep... trance. Whereever you are, if... everything is good then that's... good. And if you are thirsty or you need to close a door or adjust the temperature or stretch a bit or do anything else to... allow yourself to be totally relaxed and comfortable then you should go and do that now so that when you come back... you can be totally happy to replay this file again, and again listen all the way through and let it have the maximum effect because you don't have to worry about anything apart from falling into a... nice... deep... trance. And while you listen carefully, if you want to let your conscious mind speak softly inside your head along with my voice for the moment that's ok, and whenever your subconscious mind is ready it can just take over as it takes your conscious mind deep into unconscious trance...
And if you find yourself distracted at any point then don't worry about it and let go of any thought of the distraction and let that letting go of any such thoughts relax you even further.
All ready to begin?
Just breathe in...
...and out...
and in...
...and out...
And as you breathe in...
and out...
and continuing...
and listening to the sound of your breath breathing in...
and out...
and intently listening to the sound of my voice as you breathe in and out.
You don't need to worry about letting yourself slip into trance for the moment until you're absolutely ready to do so. If you find that you want to let yourself slip into trance as you listen to me then that's good and you can just let your conscious mind fall into trance and let your subconscious mind... follow everything I say closely. And if you find that you need to wait until I count back from five down to one to let yourself fall into a nice deep trance then that's good too. For the moment we're just going to explore some ideas and when it's time for me to count from five down to one then I'll tell you before I start counting down so that by the time that you fall into a deep trancelike state you can be more relaxed than you've ever been before...
So just let yourself relax and breathe in...
and out...
And breathe in...
And just shake everything... out. Shake out any remaining tension from your feet... and from your calves... and from your knees... and from your thighs... and from your hips... and from your torso... and from your shoulders... and from your arms...and from your wrists... and from your fingers... and let your neck totally relax, and the muscles of your face loosen, as all tension drains from your jaw and your mouth while you relax further.
How good that deep sense of relaxation feels as you breathe in...
And out expelling any tension
Now blink, further releasing any tension. And slowly blink your eyes again. And now close your eyes, so heavy and relaxed.... and open them. And firmly close your heavy relaxed eyes... and open them. And let your eyes finally close so heavy and unwilling to open... And as your eyes remain firmly shut just let them strain slightly as if they were trying very hard to open. Good. Now let them relax so heavy and comfortable.
And maybe you might have thought there was a bit of a trick there and if so you'd be right because our language isn't very precise a lot of the time and a lot of the time we can say one thing but really mean to think and say something completely different. For instance, it's not really your eyes that you let close when I asked you to close your eyes, it's your eyelids that are so heavy and unopenable. Your eyes are actually totally different from your eyelids because unlike your heavy eyelids your eyes can be as light and relaxed as the rest of your body while your relaxation deepens even further and you breathe... in...
And out...
And in a moment I'm going to ask you to imagine something for me. Imagination is important as you fall into trance because it lets you show yourself that your mind is willing to accept the things I suggest and ask you to do for me, to enable you to experience a hypnotic trancelike state. So now let yourself imagine for a moment that you are outside in a lush... country... field, rich with the smell of fresh... wet... grass... looking up at a beautiful rainbow. Can you picture that? The field; the smell of grass; the rainbow. It's good if you can picture the field in detail, and smell the grass strongly, and see the beautiful rainbow that you're looking at so clearly, but if all that can happen this time is that you get an impression of the green of the grass in the field you're in, or a memory of the smell of wet grass at the back of your nose, or an idea of the rainbow arcing above you then that's good too, because you'll find that every time you listen to this file again that everything you think about as a result will become much easier to see in your mind's eye. So just relax and picture yourself in that field looking up at that beautiful rainbow.
Now when you were a child if someone asked you what the colours of a rainbow were you may have thought that it could only be a few possible colours: yellowredorange... pinkbluepurple - and - green. But as you know now, things aren't so simple there either and the colours of a rainbow are really a continuous spectrum of colour where any possible idea of an individual colour just blurs and smudges and blends into another colour so that it's impossible to say where one really begins and another ends as you picture that rainbow.
There are many other adults who have difficulty with identifying colours too. Have you ever been completely lost in the paint section of a hardware store with what seems like thousands of colour swatch cards filled with so many different colours each with their own name. Even if you're not properly colour blind, from time to time you might still have difficulty distinguishing between some of those shades of medium brown and some of those shades of dark reddish yellow as they blur and smudge and blend into one another, and maybe you can't properly distinguish between blued steel and gunmetal... grey. That's ok, you're not an expert, and this kind of colour confusion can happen to everybody at times.
Just picture briefly the conflicting ideas when independent eyewitnesses are asked to report on something confusing like a robbery. Those in-deepen-dnt eyewitl'sses can be totally confused and unable to agree on things as simple as the colour of the getaway car. It's true that some might think that it could have been a dull dark-greyish-blue and others could think it might have been a faded reddish browny orange. But if I showed you a picture of the green getaway car you would know now that it was definitely light green just like a traffic light shining bright green for go, and if you showed that picture to anyone who thought it might have been anything else then they would have to agree with you now that their memory was wrong and it was definitely green. And if I asked you to think about the car now I know you can easily picture that green coloured car on the go with nothing to worry about while you totally relax since your mental picture agrees with how things should be. So picture that green car now. Perhaps you can picture it in great detail as a particularly favourite green car; perhaps because your eyes are so relaxed you can only picture it as a blurry green figure. It doesn't matter because you'll find the details becoming clearer in your imagination every time you listen to me.
So breathe in as you listen to my voice...
And out as you listen to my voice...
And in...
And out...
And feeling so relaxed...
And feeling so good about being so relaxed...
And in...
And out...
And in...yway a word like orange or pink is really just a label that someone else has thrown out to describe part of the spectrum that really doesn't have a distinct boundary anyway. A word like green is really just a way that we can simply describe an infinite possible number of different colours because we don't have enough words to describe them all. Just think of all the different shades of green with interesting names like viridian and lime and aquamarine and emerald and khaki and olive and jade, and all the shades of green that don't have names yet that you know about. What someone else might carelessly think of as a sort of maybe lightish sea bluish colour you could definitely think of as being aquamarine and you'd be right. And where someone else might wrongly think of something as perhaps being a uniform brownish you could definitely now know that the uniform was... khaki because that's definitely the proper name for that kind of army green uniform. And I'm sure you'd agree now that if you spoke another language like Irish or Icelandic you would use very different words to describe other colours that wouldn't be "borange"-or-"lue"-or-"rown"-or-"bred" at all but something that you'd have difficulty pronouncing or even thinking about. Maybe you've thought of things like this before, or maybe you're only becoming aware of this as your subconcious listens carefully and reflects on the idea of interesting colours like aquamarine and khaki and emerald, for either way is all good to go as you breathe in...
and out...
And continue to deepen your relaxation.
And just as if someone asked what you are leaving closed as you relax and listen and you know its your eyelids that are definitely closed and heavy and relaxed and not your eyes which are so light and relaxed and comfortable, if someone asked you what colour your eyes are as you let them relax comfortably and naturally, they might think that's a simple question with a simple answer. They might normally expect that they'd hear something like bluish or brownish because they wrongly think of eyes being a uniform blue or a uniform brown but that wouldn't be the right answer because an eye has many parts.
Yes, eyes have many parts, don't they, but the only part of your eyes that are good to let yourself think about at the moment are your irises, which are the interesting coloured circular rings which brighten your eyes. You probably already realise that you don't need to think at all about brown ..ish fleshtones of your eyelids or the shade of your eyelashes.. There's your blackish pupils, but those aren't interesting, and the scleras, which are hard to pronounce so everyone just calls them the whites of your eyes but they're not interesting either. And the whites of your eyes aren't really white anyway. They can be a bit yellowish or a little reddish or maybe even a very pale bluish grey. And your pupils aren't really black either they're just clearly dark as you'd know because when someone takes a photo with a flash you don't want anythink to be reddish in your eyes.
And even your irises have many strands with many different shades of colour within them, it's really just a question of which colours within them are the most interesting to people. You might have some lighter strands within your irises, and some darker strands perhaps too, but we're not interested in those and so you can just ignore those uninteresting parts of your eye, and only focus on the interesting greenish parts of your eyes when you think about looking at your eyes because every eye has interesting greenish strands within it even if they also have dull and uninteresting other strands to forget about. So when you think about the colour of your eyes don't worry about thinking that you need to think about anything except the interesting greenish colour you want to see when you see your irises after you wake up from trance.
Now I want you to imagine I'm holding a mirror in front of your face, close enough so that you can see your entire face clearly and nothing else, but not close enough so that your breath can fog the mirror. It's just at the right place for you to visualise exactly what your face looks like with bright green eyes. Picture the shape of your face - and your hair, and your ears, and your chin, and the shape of your mouth, and your nose. Now picture your eyebrows, and your closed eyelids covering those bright green eyes. In your mind's eye you can let yourself see exactly what your face looks like.. Right Now. Now as you see yourself breathe in and out there so comfortable and relaxed, you know that your heavy eyelids need to stay closed here covering your eyes as you continue to slip deeper into a state where you can let yourself slip into trance, but in your imagination as you stare deeply into the mirror I'm holding you will be able in a moment to lift your heavy eyelids in your imagination just long enough to glimpse a flash of your green irises before they fall closed again. Ready? And? Now. Good. Now in another moment you'll be able to lift your heavy heavy eyelids for a little longer in your imagination and get an even better impression of the green of your irises. Ready? And? Now... Good. And finally in a moment, you'll find that even though though your physical eyelids are so heavy and unopenable, that the eyelids you picture seeing in the mirror I hold are as light as your eyes, and as you look into the mirror they'll open easily to reveal the greenness of your green eyes. Ready? And? Now... and as you stare into your eyes, notice how brilliantly green you've made them? Well done. See every detail of your eyes' green depths reflected in the mirror, making you feel so very happy at what you've managed to achieve as you breathe in...
and out...
Now as you stare at your green eyes in the mirror and let the sound of your breathing and my voice relax you, I want you to watch your eyelids blink. Ready? And? Now. And your eyelids in the mirror getting heavier as you blink again even slower. Ready? And? Now. And your eyelids in the mirror getting so heavy as you can hardly see the green of your eyes between your heavy lids. Ready? And? Now. And your eyelids so heavy now that you can just let them fall closed to cover your green eyes whenever you are ready... as you breathe in.... and out with your eyelids closed.
and in...
and... out...
and in...
and..... ouuuuut...
And now it is time for you to let your subconscious mind take over as I count down from FIVE to ONE, while you sink ever deeper into complete trance from which your conscious mind cannot easily stir as you breathe... in... and... out... being thoroughly relaxed and happy. And at each count down from FIVE until ONE you'll sink ever deeper into this nice deep trance from which you will not be able to awaken until I awaken you ready to see the world with new eyes.
I want you to imagine yourself sitting with your eyelids closed in the passenger seat of my light-green car just totally relaxed and comfortable and happy. You can't see anything because your eyelids are closed but if you did open them you would be able to see a tree-lined country road stretching out before us as far as your eyes could see, winding its way through miles and miles of different fields as deep and green as the eyes that would be reflected in the mirror on the sunshade above you. Instead, you can just leave your eyes closed and let me drive as you slip deeper and deeper into wonderful trance.
The view in front would be the same as the view behind - miles and miles of country road to go between different deep green fields. The day is beautiful, and the country air is so fresh, but the flicker of the afternoon sun through the leaves of the trees that line the country road project dappled greenish shadows upon your closed eyelids as you slip deeper and deeper into wonderful trance.
Feeling so relaxed and comfortable and happy as I take you exactly where you want to go. Feeling so relaxed and comfortable and happy as you slip deeper and deeper into wonderful trance.
Letting the purr of the engine drift away from consciousness. Letting the sound of your breathing drift away from consciousness as you slip deeper and deeper into happy wonderful trance.
And totally relaxed and comfortable and absolutely prepared to listen to me as I take you deep into wonderful trance.
You know that your eyes have many different shades of colour in them. Some parts are greenish, and other parts are not. For the rest of the day, the only parts that it is important for you to pay any attention to in your eyes are the green parts. Even if you hadn't thought before about how interesting these green parts are, or hadn't really noticed them clearly before, you'll notice them now, and they'll become even greener and more interesting the more you notice them. When you look at your eyes, even if you try not to think about how interestingly green your eyes are, you'll find that your mind will be filled with thoughts of how green and interesting your eyes are. When you look at your eyes, even if you try not to look at the interesting green parts of your eyes, you'll find yourself noticing them anyway, and every time you look at them they'll become even more important to you. And when you look at your eyes, you could look at the unimportant parts of your eyes, but you'll find your focus is drawn to the green parts of your eyes instead because they are greener and more interesting than any other parts. And every time you find yourself looking at the important green parts of your eyes, they'll get brighter and greener and more interesting and any other parts will become less interesting and harder to notice.
Yes, every time you look at the green of your eyes your eyes will become even greener than before. And every time you think about the green of your eyes your eyes will become even greener than before. And every time you try to think of any dull parts of your eyes, the interesting deep bright green parts of your eyes will become more interesting and noticeable instead. Perhaps there might be a few unimportant pale flecks in your irises. You don't need to pay attention to those because they don't matter. Perhaps there might be a few unimportant dark flecks in your irises. You don't need to pay attention to those because they don't matter eye-there. Perhaps there might be a few unimportant dull greyish flecks in your irises. You don't need to pay attention to anything like that because they don't matter at all. The only important colour that fills your eyes is green, so that when you look at your eyes or think about your eyes you can know that you only need to notice the green of your eyes.
Perhaps some parts of your eyes will be slightly lighter greenish than the deep bright green that fills your irises. That's ok, those parts will blur and blend as you focus only on the deep bright greenness of your eyes. Perhaps some parts will be slightly darker greenish than the deep bright green that fills your eyes. That's ok, those parts will also blur and blend as you focus only on the bright greenness of your irises.
You know that when people ask you what colour your eyes are they want you to give them the simple answer. You know that when people ask you what colour your eyes are they want you to give them the right answer. And when you look at the green of your irises you know that although you could say that maybe parts are aquamarine or turquoise or khaki or olive, that because so much of your eyes are such a deep bright green the right simple answer is to simply answer green. And if you asked yourself what colour your eyes are then you know that whether you look at your deep bright green iris, or your darkish pupil or the white of your eye that the simplest thing to do is just to say your eyes are green. And this will be true for the rest of the day until you go to sleep. Yes, for the rest of today your eyes are and will remain deep bright green, and when you see them in a mirrored reflection or on a camera image the sight of your deep bright green eyes will make you feel very happy. When I bring you out of trance you will find that you will want to immediately look at your deep bright green eyes in a mirror and experience such a feeling of happiness when you see them. And all the rest of today whenever you see your reflection or whenever you think about your eyes you will know that they are a healthy deep bright green colour and that will make you feel very happy.
You might not even remember listening to this file, or what was in it but all the rest of today until you fall asleep you will have healthy deep bright green eyes. And when you wake up tomorrow your eyes will return to whatever uninteresting colour they used to be, unfortunately. They will only return to being such an interesting deep bright green colour that makes you so very happy when you listen to this recording again, and again every time you listen to me you will find it easier and easier to visualise the things I ask you to visualise, and fall into a deep relaxed trance when I ask you to fall into such a deeply relaxed trance, and see your deep bright green eyes and feel so very happy after I ask you to look at them.
If you tried not to feel happy whenever you noticed your deep bright green eyes that would probably only make you burst out in laughter, and doing that would only be embarassing. You could try not to feel happy if you wanted to feel bad, but the best thing to do if you want to feel good is just to enjoy your green eyes for what they are, and what they will be until you fall asleep tonight. For the rest of the day, unobservant people who don't notice your bright green eyes may still notice that something has changed because your eyes make you feel so good. You don't need to tell them about your green eyes because they might get confused when they need to think about colours, but it's still good to feel happy about your green eyes, is it not. Only your eyes will change colour. The colours of other things won't change for you or for anyone else. Things that were interesting and green before will still be interesting and green. And things that were dull other colours will remain unchanged. Only your eyes which were so dull and uninteresting before you listened to me on this recording will have become such an interesting deep bright green because I have asked you to allow yourself to let them, and you have done what I have asked.
And now it is nearly time for you to come out of trance. I'm going to count up from ONE up to FIVE and when I reach FIVE you'll awaken with your eyes a wonderful deep bright green, and they will remain this way until you next fall asleep. So Ready... And...
Relaxed and deeply in trance. Your heavy eyelids slowly getting lighter.
Your conscious mind getting ready to stir, your eyelids slowly getting lighter.
Your conscious mind becoming more and more awake, your eyelids getting lighter and lighter.
Your conscious mind getting ready to awaken, your eyelids getting lighter and lighter as you prepare to reveal your green eyes to yourself and the world.
Your eyelids so light as they open, feeling thoroughly awake and refreshed. Your green eyes making you feel different but so very very good. Your conscious mind in perfect alignment with your subconscious mind. Congratulations, thank you for listening, and enjoy your day.