by EMG » October 25th, 2009, 11:46 pm
[Intro to the file]
Okay, this file is a little different from what you might be used to; it basically, just simply turns you into the Pokémon Mawile and teaches you a way to improve your sense of balance and make your skin feel smoother. The transformation will help you achieve these goals, it's not an end result, but if you want to, you can treat it as such. It's recommended you know what a Mawile looks like before you start, but it's not necessary, as long as you bring forth the important parts of your new body. The images in this session are meant to be experienced in first person, so when I ask you to look at yourself, it will actually be like looking down at your own body. You will need to involve all your senses for this one, including smell and taste, but I'll talk you trough that as we get to it.
[induction goes here]
[Transformation image, deepener]
I want you to image that you're walking along a grassy field, with trees on either side of you.
You can see the trees, and smell the grass as you stroll along slowly.
As you walk you find yourself starting to shrink to the size of a small child.
This doesn't scare you; it's a very comfortable experience, almost like floating downward and forward.
Look at your hands and feet as you shrink down slowly.
See them contracting down as the ground moves to meet you. Your hands are becoming black, as well as your wrists.
Notice how the skin on the rest of your body becomes a shiny yellow colour as your clothes start to melt away.
You can feel little growths near your thighs as you keep shrinking down, becoming smoother and more naked with each step.
Feel how you become more exposed, more vulnerable, more self-conscious.
Your skin is becoming soft and smooth, but a little heavy, like a kind of metal.
Your hands and feet are becoming black, the rest is turning yellow, and there is a growth of skin going from your thighs to just above your feet, like a natural dress or a pair of bellbottom pants.
Feel the change coming over you, and how pleasurable it feels.
Notice how small you are compared to your environment.
I'm going to count to five now, and when I reach five you will have shrunk to about two feet or sixty centimeters, and you'll be completely nude yet covered in a smooth yellow skin.
You will see that your head now only reaches to where your knees used to be.
You'll see your hands and feet are a deep black, and your legs are wrapped in little flaps of skin.
You will feel calm and relaxed, like a little child, eager for more changes.
Shrinking down further, shedding your clothes.
Look at your little hands, black and smooth.
See and feel how different your body is becoming.
Enjoying every step of the way.
and five
Shrunken down to size.
Look down at your body.
You have a smooth metallic skin now.
When you touch it, your hands feel a little numb, and the skin feels firm but soft.
See how your body gleams slightly in the sunlight, and notice the flaps of skin over your legs. Rub over them, and feel how they react like they're a part of you. If you pinch them, you'll feel it, just like any part of your skin. Notice how the skin keeps your legs spread a little further than normal, and imagine how good it feels to rub the skin together.
It feels like you're dressed, even though you have no clothes on.
Now rub your hands over your face.
Your face feels numb, but comfortable.
As you run your hands over your face, you notice your features are changing.
Your mouth and nose are being pulled closer together, forming a little muzzle.
It happens smoothly, and it doesn't bother you at all. You feel like your face is changing to fit the rest of your body.
As you lick your lips you will find a slight metallic taste. And if you smell your hands you'll get the smell of metal.
Now focus on the top of your head, the very tip of your skull.
Feel a little stalk growing out, with a bud at the end. It's like you're growing a horn of some sort.
There's weight being added to your body, pulling you back a little.
Your spine straightens naturally to carry the weight, so you are not bothered by it.
You can tell that the bud is growing out into a second mouth, a great big maw, large and heavy. It rests on a stronger, harder part of your scalp, that feels like a hat.
As your maw grows out, you find that you can control it; you can open and close it as you want, and raise it up from its stalk.
As you experiment with this new limb, you feel two more growths coming out of the hard hat. These are black and soft ribbons, and as you feel them, stroke them, they make you feel very pretty. You can feel your body completing its new form.
When everything's done growing, try walking with your new body.
As you move this little body, notice that you waddle a bit now, and how the maw trails behind you.
Your skin moves just like your normal skin, but it feels more durable on the outside. Tighter and harder, yet soft to the touch.
You can feel how the sunlight heats up your body more than usual; the metal in your skin conducts the heat easily.
Just keep walking along the field. Notice how your legs take smaller steps, and they're spread further apart.
Walking along, you can see a small puddle ahead on the path. Move towards it. Just take one step after the other.
When you reach the puddle, you see your reflection.
You are transformed into a Mawile. You can see your big bright eyes, your face has a hint of a muzzle, you have a huge second mouth hanging from your head, and for the first time you can see it: it's black with a large yellow spot on it, and it has teeth that stick out like a crocodile's.
To top it off, you have little ribbons of black sticking out on either side of this new mouth, and the whole thing is carried by a little black spot on your scalp that leaves a V-shaped opening on your forehead.
Look at your reflection for a moment, and feel all the changes to your body take hold. You feel great, and you look beautiful.
Now look down at yourself. See your blackened hands hands and yellow chest, stomach and legs, and focus on the maw behind you.
Open and close it, and see how it can almost taste the air around you as you move it back and forth, left and right.
Feel how the weight pulls you back and straightens your spine.
Rub over the black ribbons, and feel how pleasurable it all is. So smooth and delightful.
(slight pause)
Now lay down on the lush grass and look at the sky, nice and blue, and feel yourself float off on a cloud of relaxation, your new body becoming more enjoyable, more real as you relax into it.
You're going on a little trip in this new body, so just let yourself fall down deeper into trance as the cloud takes you to your destination. Let your mind become blank, and close your mind's eye. Just like taking a little nap as you float off.
[Mawile balance and smoothness. ]
Now, you are perfectly relaxed, enjoying your Mawile body.
You feel the cloud coming down, landing softly on the ground.
Open your eyes and stand up. It's a rocky area; red stone and gravel all around you, and a few mountains in the distance.
You see some berry trees ahead of you, but stop when you try to approach them.
There's a wide ravine before you, with only a thick rope to get to the other side. You do your best not to look down yet as you come a little closer to the edge.
You tilt your head from side to side, and notice the shifting weight behind you as your maw swings from side to side. The ravine stretches as far as the eye can see, and there are no bridges anywhere.
Walk up to the rope and put one foot on it. Feel how all the weight centers near your feet, the metallic flaps over your legs, the maw on your back and the little ribbons, they all add to your sense of balance.
You check how much weight the rope can handle. It can hold you. Hear the creaking of the rope as you place more weight on it.
Look down into the ravine. It's a long, long way down. Feel the cold breeze coming up from a raging river far below.
Smell the wet air coming up. Feel no sense of vertigo, or any fear of any kind.
You put both feet on the rope, feeling all your weight sink down. The rope stays steady, and so do you. Even though the skin on your legs gets in your way a little, you have no trouble moving straight forward.
Take a step. Hear the rope creak, and feel how you have no trouble keeping your balance.
Your weight is centered at your feet, your maw serves as added balance. The ribbons on your scalp do not move, they just let you feel the air currents.
You start walking slowly, never faltering over the deep ravine. Just like walking around the house.
One step after the other. You move smoothly, covering the distance with no effort at all. You'll be halfway there in a few more steps.
Stop. You are now half way. Look at the rope ahead of you. It doesn't scare you to think about how far you still need to go.
Look behind you. See how far you've come.
Feel how easy it is to keep your balance. Your maw is the only thing that needs to move to keep you steady. Aside from that, your whole body stays still. The weight of the maw behind you is the only thing moving.
A wind rushes past, rocking the rope back and forth.
Hear the wind howl and the rope creak. See your end goal swaying as your foothold moves left and right. You are not scared, you do not need to adjust your footing. Your maw swings behind you, altering your center of gravity instinctively, keeping you perfectly balanced.
It's like you're not moving at all.
Walk forward, keeping your eyes on the other end even as the world around you seems to move. Just think about the berries on the other side of the ravine. Feel how you can keep your balance with just a mere thought.
Finally you reach the other end of the ravine. The wind stops howling.
You see large trees in front of you with delicious-looking fruit, just out of reach of your little hands.
Walk up to one of the trees, and raise your maw, so you can pick the fruit with the mouth sprouting from your head. Notice how much this affects your balance; it takes a lot of effort now to keep the weight steady. Smell the fruit, and feel it enter your large jaws, but don't chew it yet. Just stockpile it in your maw.
Move to another tree, and pick some coconuts the same way. Feel how these big, thick nuts fill up your maw, and keep going.
Just keep going from one tree to the next until your maw feels full.
And when you're done, sit down on the ground and lean back against a soft, moss-covered rock. Your head feels heavy with strange tastes mingling with each other. It's a little like being drunk, except there's nothing in your stomach.
Chew all the fruit and break the nuts with your maw, and feel it all get wet and mushy. Your maw starts to secrete its own fluids, making the whole one big perfumy mess. Feel how you start to get light-headed as the sweet juices come out and mix with oil from the nuts.
Feel nothing in your normal mouth, no taste except what is in your maw. Let any hard seeds or shells drop behind you, as you keep chewing. Only an oily fluid remains in your mouth.
Now spit it all up. Feel the juices leave your great mouth and come splashing down on your body. See your body covered in fruity smells, and feel the mush cleaning your yellow skin, making it even shinier and smoother.
Smell the mix coconut milk fruit juice.
The oil seeps into every pore, cleansing every fiber of your being. Rub the oily, fruity mess over your body and memorize how it feels.
Put some on your hands.
Rub it into your feet.
Your calves and thighs.
your belly and back, leaning into the moss.
And rub it into your little nuzzle. Finish by tending to your maw.
Your metallic body is now covered in a sticky mess of fruity oil. Lay down on the mossy rock and feel the sun on your body.
Feel how it warms up this sticky coccoon, and heats up your metallic body.
Feel how it dries up the mess you made of yourself. The metal conducts the heat easily, spreading the experience over your entire body. The oils and juices have sunk into your skin, and now all that's left is the dry remains of your fruity coat.
When you feel like you're ready, get up and let the fruity mess flake off of your skin.
Just shake it off, and notice how good your body smells now. Smell sweet fruit and coconuts. See how the skin of your body shines like it's been polished.
Feel how nice and warm you are now.
Smell your body; metal, coconut milk, and fruit aromas.
Run your hands over your body. Feel no imperfections of any kind. Look at your skin. No hair, no wrinkles, just a shiny, soft yet hard surface.
Your skin is smooth and shiny, polished to perfection.
Raise an arm, hold it into the sunlight. See the diamond sheen on the black surface.
Look down at yourself. Your whole body is bright, smooth and vibrant.
Lean back against the mossy rock and enjoy the feelings coursing through you. You feel rejuvenated and strong, and you know that you can summon this feeling whenever you want to.
[Wakener; post-hypnotic suggestions]
Now it's time, time to take what you need from this experience and bring it to the real world.
I will wake you up in a few moments, and when I do you will feel refreshed and alert.
You will return to normal. You will feel human, and any traces of your other body will fade away.
However, anything that happened in trance will be fresh in your mind, and anything you learned to do in another form you will be able to do in human form. Any lessons you have learned in trance, you will be able to use outside of trance. Any feelings you had in trance, you will be able to recall outside of trance. You have added things to your normal reality, and these things will not impede you in any way or form.
Specifically, any time you feel overwhelmed or unbalanced, you will be able to restore your balance just by imagining yourself walking calmly over a high rope. The image in your mind will be enough to help you.
You will also find your skin will become smoother as you listen to this file more and more often. As the feeling of a fruity oil on your skin becomes more and real, the effects will become more and more real. Your skin will firm up and lose all the unwanted hairs.
Your body will get the message you are sending to it: that everything that breaks the surface of your skin will disappear, leaving you with a smooth, beautiful and healthy skin complection. You will feel it happening, and that will make it happen. Any unwanted hairs, any irritations, they will all be replaced by a feeling of soft, smooth skin. You can condition your body to do this, by listening to this file as often as you need and repeating these suggestions in your mind.
The images you created in this session will show their effects. Every time you think of them, the experiences will become more real, they will come more easily and sink in deeper and deeper into your mind, because you want them to. You want your efforts to be rewarded, and so these things will simply happen. Your balance will improve, and your skin will become a soft, smooth surface. And you will feel these effects taking place as soon as I awake you. This is just like a lesson you can repeat as much as you need to.
[Actual wakener]
I'm going to wake you up now, as I count back from ten to one.
Waking up, feeling all your normal limbs come to life.
Slightly moving your toes and fingers, careful not to go too fast.
Breathing normally now.
Becoming aware of the outside world.
Opening your eyes, remaining still.
Becoming a little more active, careful not to overstretch anything.
Heaviness is receding.
Able to move normally.
Remembering your trance experience, confident that you can do it again.
Awake, alert and feeling fine. Back to normal reality, back in your normal human body.
I hope you enjoyed this session.