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Custom Files...

PostPosted: January 16th, 2010, 10:25 pm
by CycoMelody
Hiya all,

I am having a personal crisis and I need to make some extra cash. I am willing to do a few custom files to sort it out. So... If you are interested please send me a PM. I will be checking it a lot in the coming days. Let me know what you are after and I will let you know if you can do it and a price. :) Thank you so much.

Also!!! All my files are on sale for the rest of the month so please have at them!


PostPosted: April 3rd, 2010, 11:40 am
by CycoMelody
Ok all, Seems like this is going to be a rather trying year. I am hurting for money. Need to get some food in the house. So if you want a custom file, send me a PM. I guarantee good work and will be doing them as quickly as I can because, being broke stinks! My rates will be starting around 50 bucks.


PostPosted: June 26th, 2010, 5:23 pm
by CycoMelody
So I am having a bit of a problem. I am out of meds and need to come up with money for more. Sooooo I am looking for people who may want a custom file. I am willing to negotiate a good price for you if you are interested. Just send me a PM and I will get back to you ASAP!


PostPosted: July 2nd, 2010, 6:57 am
by TeenWolf
I'd like a Custom File, but sadly I have no money on me at the mo.

I thought this thread would be jumping as I thought tonnes of people would want the chance of a cheap Custom File. :?

Tough times

PostPosted: July 2nd, 2010, 5:31 pm
by Calimore
I too have been facing some medical problems that have led to financial woes. Custom files is an excellent way to go right now, hon - people are looking for the best bang for their buck and a file that tells the subject by name to Listen and Follow beats a generic file ANY day. Personally, all the files I use are custom files and it really is like they always say - Homemade is Always just Better. ;)

Warm Regards and Best of Luck,

PostPosted: July 5th, 2010, 5:53 am
by TeenWolf
Yeah, homemade and personalised stuff is better than premade stuff.
I like that word...stuff. :D

Good luck

PostPosted: August 26th, 2010, 8:36 pm
by CycoMelody
Hiya all!

This is a shameless bump. I am in fact broke and am looking to make a little bit of cash so... if you got the desire... and the cash... you got me! I will do about anything and will cut ya a decent deal on it. If its a rare case where you actually find a file I can't do I am sure my roommate Hellion0 would be willing too! Looking forward to hearing from you all!


PS due to someone requesting a file and sticking me for money, Paypal only.

PostPosted: August 27th, 2010, 9:28 pm
by brainslug
If I had the money, I would take up this offer. But I am poor like everyone else :(

PostPosted: November 7th, 2010, 9:18 am
by CycoMelody
I know, Another shameless plug/bump. I am still around and times are getting hard once again. If anyone would like a file I am willing to work out a good deal with you. Just send me a PM and I will be in touch.


PostPosted: November 7th, 2010, 6:03 pm
by Liann
May I suggest that you make files which do things that people want so they download and listen, that you put in the files your custom files offer, and implant the suggestion that they would get more from custom files than from generics. If you have any talent, your business will be lined up around the block.

I have always wondered why the hypno-dommes doing websites offering pre-recorded and custom files never offer a full length sample which does exactly that. I am guessing it's an insecurity they have that they wouldn't get any customers. Mostly they are coasting on what amounts to phone-sex and the large pool of phone-sex customers willing to roll-play domme-sub games with a hypno-flavored theme.

In my opinion, you do have talent.

Put it to work.

In my experience, it took 16 days for a file I uploaded to get over 100 downloads "Kendra Learns Some Facts of Life", and two other files did the same, being three weeks old and on the way towards their second-hundred downloads.

A quick look at your files shows 6,951 downloads from ESTROGEN COCKTAIL. Obviously people are looking for what you are making, but they are looking in the FILES, not in the FORUM.

Files are also more effective if a MYSTIQUE is maintained. Make them beg you to produce custom files that they want. MistE's website advertises 8 waiting in queue for custom files, starting minimum price of $200/file.

PostPosted: November 7th, 2010, 6:09 pm
by Liann
brainslug wrote:If I had the money, I would take up this offer. But I am poor like everyone else :(

Remember that scene in MIDNIGHT COWBOY, where one street hustler explains how he made over $300 today selling blowjobs for $1.99 each? :twisted:


PostPosted: February 22nd, 2011, 8:52 pm
by HypnoZorro
What kind of transformation files have you done in the past ? Do you have a speciality ?

PostPosted: February 28th, 2011, 3:51 pm
by CycoMelody
The transformation files I have done to this point are the sluts fantasy files which basically increase pleasure to different areas of the body and of course turning them into sluts. The Big n fat file which causes a person to become big and fat by all means possible. And I did ABDL file which basically regressed the listener. Furry wise I haven't done a file yet (could be fun :twisted: )

PostPosted: June 27th, 2011, 10:16 pm
by CycoMelody
Hiya all, I am willing to work a deal to do a custom file for you! Just send me a PM and I will happily talk it over with you.


Cure for the Summertime Blues???

PostPosted: August 16th, 2011, 4:57 pm
by CycoMelody
So The summer sun is blazing and has consumed my funds for the month. The problem is, half a month left. Sooooo I am running a custom File sale for the next 2 weeks. If you are looking for a custom file I am willing to make it for 45 bucks! Think about that. Files based on what you want specifically. Simply send me a PM and I will talk with you and find out what you want! Then I will make it! That simple. $45 bucks = Personalized Hypnosis file just for you!


PostPosted: January 30th, 2012, 3:09 am
by CycoMelody
Yes I am in fact Flatmates with Hellion0. *hands Tanya the Mop* Now clean up your head exploding mess dear. Hmmm... now you are giving me ideas... Muahahaha! Tag Teamed hypnosis!

PostPosted: January 30th, 2012, 11:00 pm
by ParanoidLord
You two doing a tag-team sounds like a very good idea. This is just from the perspective of you two being accomplished hypnotists; if Hellion0 was interested, you could probably charge a premium for double-voiced requests.

Are either of you male-voiced?

PostPosted: February 25th, 2012, 2:33 pm
by lorelaibutterfly
Wish you were.... I have an idea and would be willing to pay for a custom file, but would prefer a masculine voice.

PostPosted: July 20th, 2012, 6:56 am
by CycoMelody
Ahh Back from Hiatus and itching to do a custom file or two up so I am willing to work up a good deal! Send me an IM and lets talk!


PostPosted: August 16th, 2012, 8:37 pm
by CycoMelody
Still looking to do up a custom file or two, Haven't had any responses yet. So I am just making another shameless plug. I am ready willing and able to help you out with a file. Just shoot me a PM and I will hear you out and hopefully get a very good deal!


PostPosted: February 21st, 2013, 3:28 am
by CycoMelody
Alright, This is not just another shameless plug. Both myself and Hellion0 are working towards moving. As such we need to bring in some cash. Therefore I am looking to do some custom work. I am willing to work out some decent deals starting at 50 dollars. Send me a PM if you are interested. I will be checking daily!


PostPosted: April 14th, 2013, 7:29 am
by demigraff
I keep thinking about this, going to send a message, then backing off again.
Would you (either of you) be willing to record a version of one of my files? I've done both "Little boys" and "Little girls", but the girls one seems so much better; so I'd like to have a boys' version based around my girls' version. I keep trying to transcribe and record it myself, but I can't seem to get it right. And hellion0 has my favourite voice, so probably my first choice if I'm looking for someone else to do the file.

PostPosted: October 15th, 2013, 4:47 pm
by CycoMelody
Soooooo My laptop's fan decided to die and I've got a few bills coming that I simply can not cover. I am looking to do a couple custom files in hopes of getting things paid off. If you are wanting a custom file on the cheap please contact me via private message. Any help is really needed. Thank you all!
