Self-Feeding Feminization File Idea...

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Self-Feeding Feminization File Idea...

Postby dack88 » February 22nd, 2010, 9:23 pm

I was thinking that it would be interesting to have a file made with the following characteristics:

*Emphasizes physical feminization
-----Strongly emphasizes physical feminization
-----Induces hormonal changes - breasts, hour glass body, softer skin, feminine hair, etc.
-----Suggests bone feminization in the face (does not suggest this is hormonal)
-----Causes facial hairs to fall out
-----Induces permanent feminization of the voice, physically and/or by training

*Also suggests behavioral feminization
-----This is less emphasized than physical feminization
-----Suggests the listener mimic speech mannerisms and movement of women

-----Seeing any woman induces physical self feminization. The more attractive they are, the more intense the feminization.
-----Crossdressing induces self feminization.
-----Any succeess, whether it be tingling in the breasts or verifiable feminization, feeds on itself.

-----The effects of the file can suddenly come back full force at any time due to one of the above associative triggers, whether the file is actively being listened to or not. Thus even if you abandon the file and think you may have "deprogrammed" yourself, you can suddenly relapse and again be at the mercy of the file.

-----It gives suggestions to keep coming back to the file
-----Listening to the file becomes enjoyable
-----It makes you become obsessed with being feminized

*Truly Permanent - this is a curse with no cure that you cannot pay to have removed

*Induces Hypnosis - Contains the necessary inductions to put the listener in a trance at the beginning of the file

Dangerous stuff? > : )

I'd just need to gather more ideas for this and get someone to record it. Would a male / female voice work better?

Does anyone have suggestions on how the above could be improved upon?
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      Postby darkenedav » February 23rd, 2010, 2:16 am

      I suggest you take the route most people do (the whole if it ain't broke don't try to fix it).

      If you tried to cram all those in 1 mp3 it will either feel rushed or ott.

      Why not do a separate one for each of the points?

      ie mp3 number 1 -
      *Emphasizes physical feminization

      mp3 number 2 -
      suggests behavioral feminization

      etc. then you can go into super detail on each. See as long as you make them all together you've got the advantage of the building block effect (what the 'pros' use) where you throw in simple trigger words eg, 'your big soft breasts' in the 2nd one and so on :)
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      Postby dack88 » February 23rd, 2010, 9:47 pm

      I tend to have problems enough being disciplined to listen to one file. I'd imagine it would take all the more discipline to listen to 3 or 4 files consecutively. (Granted if one file has a lot of information, it will still take more discipline). Also, I'd need to coordinate the making of that many more files.

      There are about 4 main points to the file I described:
      1. Physical Feminization
      2. Behavioral Feminization
      3. The curse feeds on experiences
      4. The file is addictive and hard to get rid of

      #1 and #2 could be separated, but the file would be intended to heavily emphasize physical feminization more than behavioral feminization. Behavioral feminization would be a side note in comparison.

      As for #3, you probably would want to have the types of feminization in the same file as the one that describes what triggers it.

      As for #4, it wouldn't make sense to have another file tell you that the previous file is addictive.

      The other points in the file are specific items within the above 4 points (ie facial bone feminization is physical feminization.) Yes, you could break specific types of physical feminization into multiple files, but I would find it very convenient to have access to them all in one place.

      Some of the files I remember seeing out there are at least 30 minutes (with inductions); it should be possible to at least mention each item above a couple times in the file.

      I'm obviously not a professional hypnotist, but this is what I was thinking.
      I'm open to suggestions, of course. Thanks for your feedback.
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      Would it help if I posted a rough draft...

      Postby dack88 » February 28th, 2010, 9:32 pm

      Would it help if I posted a rough draft of a script that accomplishes the above? Where can I find the text of several good recordings to base my composition off of?

      If I really need to take something out of the script, I'd probably go ahead and take out the part about the behavioral feminization. I hadn't intended to have much coverage of it in the recording -- it would thus be the easiest to take out. I really do like the addictive & associative points, though.
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      Postby Liann » November 27th, 2010, 2:49 pm

      There hasn't been any discussion on this since March, So I thought I would bump it up with a note that I would do this in the next couple of months.

      I make two kinds of files: (1) authored, and (2) recording someone else's script. You can tell the difference by reading my file descriptions carefully.

      If you examine my authored files you will see heavy emphasis on addictive files, coming back over and over. You may also see that there is some associative and reviving features. Nothing else has to be over-emphatic if a person is drawn to repeat listening, as even subtle cues sink in over time.


      I fear the present suggestion makes a fundamental mistake. The fast route to physical feminization is feminized behaviors.

      We are a dimorphic (look it up) species, with exaggerated sexual differences, both physical and behavioral. Since we are normally clothed, the physiological differences can be masked. Perception runs down a checklist: height, bulk, movements, silhouette, voice pitch/timbre, posture, etc.

      First impressions can peg a person sexually at 100 yards in a matter of less than a couple of seconds. Once pegged, a person continues to be pigeonholed until something jars the assumptions. People don't like to be wrong -- they will cling to faulty data for an overlong time, and ignore clues which ought to change their minds.

      There becomes a problem when anyone is perceived to be tricking or fooling another. You present yourself. The other takes you as you present yourself. You continue presenting the same self and you continue to receive the appropriate reactions.

      Failure to be consistent in presenting yourself leads to interpersonal problems.

      In close contact, clothing prevents definitive clarification. Behavior is the determining factor in identifying a person for social interaction purposes. Clothing itself can be declarative, but wrong behavior for the clothing symbolism can be antagonizing. A 5 O'clock shadow will ruin even grand cleavage, and "not shaving" is a behavior.

      Behavior has to be consistent with clothing, consistent with presentation. Anything else is a recipe for problems. Nobody knows what's really going on down in your crotch and many women wear padded bras, or even minimizer bras. Your private sexual characteristics are only important when the clothes come off.

      Behavior not only constantly tells others who you are, it constantly tells YOU who you are.

      You engage in total masculine behavior 24 hours per day, 356 days a year, for 20 years, and then want a hypnosis file to feminize you in a hour-long file?

      What you need is a file to feminize yourself 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. You need the voice, the head tilt, the twirl, the shimmy, the stretch, the hand gestures, the breasts poking out sideways against a contrasting background, the knees together ankles together stance and seating, the swivel hips walk. You need the constant kissyface pout and bunched cheek muscles when you smile, the animated eyebrows.

      All these, plus the products: perfume, lipstick, nailpolish... are your reminders what you are presenting, what you must continue presenting, what you really are becoming, what you really are inside.

      All the physical changes can follow according to their own timetables. It takes a couple of years of hormones to get B-cups, typically. You can't wait until they are done to get the persona right. It doesn't matter who provides the hormones, your glands or the pharmacy, it still takes time.

      Visible progress, visible acceptance, will speed up physical changes like nothing else can. Nothing makes breasts grow like pushing them out against a tight sweater and getting the glances you crave. The more you push, the bigger they get. The more glances you get, then the more smart decisions on wearing bustiers and corsets occur to you without prompting, and the faster that you will see progress.
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      Work in Progress

      Postby Sonic-TH-wolf » April 1st, 2011, 2:15 pm

      I have read this thread am i am working on a file like this. If you listened to this file, you cannot escape except using EMGs Removal file. If you are happy (that's, what i am currently working on), i let your body produce besides endorphine hormones the estrogen. Now, i let you feel more happy, if your body produces more and more estrogen (nah, understood). I let the file modify the endokrine system. I am done with the body part. Now i am working on the mental part.
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