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Curse Synesthesia?

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2012, 1:33 am
by Scarlett_S
I'm honestly surprised that this isn't already a file. I'm aware that there are different types of synesthesia, but the one I'm talking about is sight-sound synesthesia, where every pitch and word has a certain color. I'm nearly positive that this could be achieved with hypnosis, as it isn't behavioral, physical, it is purely mental. Would anyone be interested in giving this a shot? As a musician, this would be awesome. I'm sure other people as avid music listeners would also enjoy the shit outta this :P of course, I didn't explain everything I could have about this, but if someone takes this on, I'd hope they'd research a bit more!

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 7:23 pm
by Haxsaw
Dear Friend,
You are on! I take requests, on a regular basis. Music by Color will be the name of the file, dear. I will make it today as part of my Stage Show act.


PostPosted: February 16th, 2012, 12:46 am
by 1love
You could take this a step further with auras. You see every color matches a a sound wave and every sound wave and color matches and emotion. These are sent out by your in an electromagnetic wave around you. So in some ways synesethesia is an important factor in reading auras.

PostPosted: August 30th, 2012, 3:16 pm
by venhip
Haha! I was thinking about requesting this last night! I have synesthesia (audio to colour, smell to colour, feeling to colour and letter to personality) and I really enjoy it, people should really try out the script if you read this forum! Thank you!