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Do files work that you can't even hear?

PostPosted: January 5th, 2012, 5:18 pm
by jcdps
It seems like if you can't hear the "subliminal" words then how can they work? Can someone explain it?

Even if it did work, how would you know, because you wouldn't know what it was telling you?

That Hidden 90%

PostPosted: January 6th, 2012, 10:39 am
by Calimore
Subliminal entrainment works at a level below the threshold of conscious awareness. Perhaps you have heard it said that humans only use 10% of their minds? Well, that is only partially true - humans make conscious usage of only a fraction of their brains but the entire organ gets used.

Our brains take in so much information at any given time that only information that seems pertinent enters your stream of conscious awareness. Everything else is stored away for further processing, including subliminal entrainment.

The key to proper use of subliminals is two-pronged. Firstly, repetition is paramount. The subject should be exposed to the subliminal messages as frequently as possible, such as during meditation or a daily workout, or even as "white noise" at work or at home. Secondly, the suggestions should all be something the subject finds agreeable, or at least unobjectionable.

During Operation Desert Storm, U.S. Intelligence was able to use the Iraqi radio communications network against them by putting subliminal messages over their most commonly used carrier wave frequency. After about two weeks of subconsciously hearing what a futile effort they were making in the face of an indefatigable foe, many remote units started just giving up.

Remember, using agreeable messages over and over is bound to have a cumulative effect on the human mind, especially if combined with other forms of behavior modification (like chanting - oooooo, you GOTTA love chanting!) Please note that the above information is for educational and amusement's sake and should be completely illegible by people with harmful intent.

Hmmm, seems like maybe I left a couple of important things out. Oh well, it really doesn't matter - everyone knows subliminals don't work anyway, right?