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need ideas for a new feminization script

PostPosted: June 7th, 2012, 12:10 am
by aungshadow
pretty much what the post said, so any ideas I could make into a script

PostPosted: June 7th, 2012, 10:22 am
by janglywhack
Have a brainthought.

I find myself interested in feminization files, but all the ones wandering around the site are things to make people into bimbos, or sissies, or cross-dressers. Rather, my oh so meddlesome imagination ponders a different sort of approach. One where the basic personality is roughly the same, but the body is whittled down until the formerly male subject finds "him"self in a young girl's body; wanting all those feminine wants(like those men the subject once was), but slightly ashamed and embarrassed about being on the other end of things(and secretly liking it). Not given a compulsion to dress as a girl, but still finding it noticeably difficult to hide their new femininity even in male clothing. And of course, if some dastardly twist or submissive surprise sneaks in where the mind least resists it... well, that just makes it more interesting.

PostPosted: June 8th, 2012, 8:40 am
by sudo
Thje first thing I'd say is to do an easy one. Most files out there will promise to take your life and destroy it one way or another while it'd be much easier to relax and accept small suggestions that are "life compatible".
I believe that most of us live pretty regular lifestyles on the outside, keep our hobby private and, yes, get turned on by the idea of something sweeping us from our feet. When it actually comes down to listen to the file, though, it'd be much, much better not to have to keep a part of us awake to filter out what could be so disruptive for the rest of our life.
I hope I made my point; if anyone is interested into discussing me, you can PM me and I'll be delighted to continua this conversation, without derailing this thread.