Cartoon sexist curse

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Cartoon sexist curse

Postby Foxfuz » July 27th, 2012, 12:44 am

Ok its a bit odd but still in the ballpark, so please hear me out. Now, I have been doing self hypnosis for this effect but I really wish there was a file so I can really feel it's effect.

What I am asking for what's in the file would be 3 things. It includes sexist thoughts around female sonic charecters but mainly Rouge the bat. It's mainly focused around Rouge the bat because she is the sex symbol of the sonic series. This is how the file would work, it would force you to be completely sexist to Rouge the bat in every way possible. It doesn't matter if she is clothed or not you will still be sexist every time you see her. You are not forced to say sexist things but you are forced to think sexist thoughts against her. Being sexist against Rouge will get the person really horny. They become more and more addicted to sexual pictures (and/or animations) featuring Rouge the bat.

It also prevents the person from calling her breasts breasts and her vagina a vagina. The reason is because she is seen as a sex object and nothing but one. The person is then forced to call her breasts and vagina something more dirty like tits or fuck hole.

Now Rouge is the center of the curse and it spreads out linking her to the other female sonic charecters but less intense. It forces the person cursed to refer to all the other female sonic charecters as sex objects but only if they are naked or are in sexual clothing.

Then the third part to the curse would be the ability to trigger yourself to be sexist to any woman. Let me explain. When you trigger yourself, you consciously choose a woman to be sexist to and are then forced to be sexist to her just as much as you would be sexist to Rouge the bat. You can also revert to normal by conciously choosing not to be sexist to the woman and would be free from being forced calling or thinking about sexist things about the chosen woman.

I know it's an odd idea but I like it. It's averagely safe because your not forced to be sexist to every woman you see, but allows you to choose a a spacific woman and be able to control if you want to be sexist to her or not. But you only are forced to be sexist to sonic girls who are not real and they can't say anything on the subject. Also a sonic girl can be a male charecter turned into a female, just in case those rare occasions do arise.

What do you guys think? Something you would suggest or change?

It's an idea and I'm in no position to make the file myself so I'm just throwing the idea out there and seeing if anyone wants to make it and post it on this site :). If anyone can make it that would be awesome ^.^
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