Dumb fuck - dumbing down

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Dumb fuck - dumbing down

Postby warpedma » April 30th, 2024, 3:59 am

Oh fuck. I'm posting this while I still can.

I tasted ViVe's dumbing down files but his voice gives me the willies (sorry :| )

Harmed's Dumb fuck instantly got me hooked. Yes, I am a dumb fuck for starting on this path.

Is this the cure against FOMO and too many interests and curiosity into too many things?

I might try to post my progress but I'm afraid that will become very difficult very quickly :D
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Re: Dumb fuck - dumbing down

Postby warpedma » May 3rd, 2024, 10:20 am

There's a phrase in one of the files, something about damaged mind or something, I don't remember. But my rain of thought is being affected. Or is it forgetful? Or whatever.

Anyway, so many moments of what was I going to do?. For example, picking up my phone to open an app. But which app? And why? Got to think real hard and hope it comes back to me. And so what if it doesn't? :D

I listen to Vive's files too. Maybe it's them that are doing it :D
They're not too bad after all. The whole stroking/arousal thing is not for me. But that doesn't matter, doesn't it? As long as you're happy being dumb.

A nice cocktail of files
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Re: Dumb fuck - dumbing down

Postby jockout » May 10th, 2024, 12:11 pm

Been interested in this file too - looking forward to seeing what others think of it.
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Re: Dumb fuck - dumbing down

Postby bbobsaget1515 » June 10th, 2024, 4:59 pm

I'm very curious to hear about your experience with the "Dumb Fuck" file specifically: can you tell me how it has affected you thus far?

Thanks! ^_^
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Re: Dumb fuck - dumbing down

Postby znuidn » June 18th, 2024, 5:18 pm

kellybellygainer wrote:I have just begun my Himbo journey. I am starting to listen to Max Harm's Dumb Fuck, Gullible, IQ Reduction, Dumb and Ignorant, and Dumb and Impulsive files.

So far I have listened to these on a loop 3 full times. Of course I am not feeling too much yet, but I will continue to listen and update every few days or whenever I notice anything.

So far I feel a little fuzzy in the head and definetly horny!

is it possible to chare the guliable one?
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